updated 2008-10-11
Here are maps showing where the Rigsbys lived for each of the census years.
Note: unfortunately, the individual states are not to the same scale.
I'm still trying to come up with a good way to indicate exactly
which Rigsby branch is living where.
For a complete listing of the census entries, see
my Annotated Rigsby Census.
Undoubtedly there were Rigsbys in other counties in Virginia, but
the 1790 census for VA is lost. From tax records I know there was a
family in Goochland Co.
Note: One of the three early Rigsby immigrants arrived in Henrico Co VA.
Again, the 1800 census is lost for VA, but tax records show a Rigsby
family in Chesterfield Co.
There is supposed to be a Rigsby family in
Georgia, but that state is also missing for 1800.
The 1810 census for VA is extant, but no Rigsbys are listed.
There should be a few Rigsby families in GA, but again that state's
listings are lost.
There might be a Rigsby family in Washington DC, but its
listings also are lost.
There is supposed to be a Rigsby in Washington Co TN, but I can't
find him.
For the 1820 census, Wake Co NC is missing, but I know there were
at least 9 Rigsby families there.
Also missing is East Tennessee (about
20 counties), probably containing some Rigsbys.
About half the Alabama
counties are missing, and all of AR, MO, and NJ, but I think no Rigsbys
were missed in any of those states.
Obviously I left out a big horizontal gap between California and the
rest of the states.
I really had to squeeze to get Nevada and Colorado in there.