Mary Millington Genealogy

Record modified: 2006-10-27
This is my ancestor 8 generations back.

 / John Millington
 / David Millington|
|  \ Martha Reeve
Mary Millington |
|  / Samuel Wright
 \ Mary Wright |
 \ Mary Cass

Born: about 1745-00-00
Died: 1785-08-26 Manchester, Bennington Co, Vermont USA
1. Jacob John Odell

Children of Mary Millington and Jacob Odell:
William Odell b. 1767-05-18
Jeremiah Odell b. 1769-11-29
*Jacob Odell b. 1771-09-05
Marian Odell b. 1773-09-05
Elizabeth Odell b. 1775-04-01
Mary Odell b. 1784-10-12


source: O'Dell
Land records say she died at the age of 40.
Last name from "Twelve Families" by William O'Dell, 1981. No references.
her ancestry from O'Dell and another descendant, except as noted

Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds -- page 1068
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