Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds
updated 2025-03-22
I've been working on my genealogy since 1997, and have managed to uncover quite a bit. So far I have 79,843 names in my database, including 1,563 of my ancestors. I've been working on three main projects:

All my immigrant ancestors (see below)
So far I have found 189 American immigrants and 1 American Indian. I'm pretty sure I have 2 more Indians, but I don't have them proved yet.

Six generations of descendants of Joseph Hinds c1705
So far I have 16,501 people. [7 children, 34 grandchildren, 196 g-grands, 1127 gg-grands, 4172 ggg-grands, 10965 gggg-grands]

American Rigsby Families
I'm attempting to track every person named Rigsby (or any spelling variation) who lived in the US up to 1910.
If you are related to a Rigsby, you can probably find them in my database. The list of names is on my R names page (scroll down to get to the Rigsbys, and be sure to check for alternate spellings).
Or go to my main Rigsby page.
This update:

I discovered I missed a bunch of RootsWeb links on my earlier pass, and have now fixed them.
More Rigsby vitals from FamilySearch's AI-indexed collections. I'm now working on some delayed birth certificates.
And a few more ancestral documents from there.
And more descendants of Joseph Hinds, but mostly in generations 7 and 8, which aren't online. Currently I have 18772 people in generation 7.
One of these days I'm going to work on Joseph's descendants in the FamilySearch tree, but I'm putting that off because it's going to be a ton of work.
When I started doing my genealogy, my parents were able to tell me the names of their grandparents.
My great-grandparents, in alphabetical order, were:
Ida Ellen Clinkingbeard
Walter Franklin Hinds
Dorinda Long
Della Cyntha McCaskey
Olla Orene Roberts
Gustav Sinning
Hardy Vinson Willoughby
Elmer Ellsworth Zentz
Here's the surname index; or here's the records modified in the last month.
Notable relatives:

King Henry III of England
He was a 21g-grandfather of Olla Roberts, and a 22g-grandfather of Dorinda Long.
Sigurd the Crusader, King of Norway
He was a 23g-grandfather of Gustav Sinning via Ivar Gautesson.
President James Madison
His grandfather Ambrose Madison was a brother of Roger Madison, who was a ggg-grandfather of Hardy Willoughby.
Also, President Madison's g-grandfather John Catlett was a brother of Sarah Catlett, who was a 5g-grandmother of Hardy Willoughby.
President William Henry Harrison
His 4g-grandfather Richard Harrison was a brother of Anthony Harrison, who was a 7g-grandfather of Walter Hinds. William Henry's grandson, President Benjamin Harrison, was also a relative.
President Millard Fillmore
His 4g-grandfather Eleazar Eddy was a brother of Hannah Eddy, who was a 5g-grandmother of Olla Roberts.
Sir Winston Churchill
His 7g-grandmother Mary Borden was a sister of Benjamin Borden, who was a 5g-grandfather of Walter Hinds.
Their brother John Borden was a 3g-grandfather of Gail Borden III, inventor of condensed milk and founder of the Borden Milk Co. John was also a 5g-grandfather of Lizzie Borden (took an ax...).
Lively B Willoughby
His father Francis Willoughby was a brother of Aaron Willoughby, who was the father of Hardy Willoughby. Who is Lively B Willoughby, you say? Why, he's the man who invented canned biscuits.
I couldn't have done this without lots of other people's work, including hundreds of other web pages. Thousands of these entries have come from entries at RootsWeb, or from postings at Genforum. I've put links to them on many of my pages. Also thanks to the following:

My Mom and Dad helped a lot.
Some of the Hinds information is from research done by David Fish, Gary Link, Nancy Roberts, and Kay Lamb.
The Roberts information is largely from Trica Hazleton and Janene Morgan; referred to here as Hazleton.
A lot of the Clinkingbeard information is from this Clinkingbeard site, created by Dave Robison.
A lot of the Willoughby information is from a family tree typed up in 1978 by Laurita Willoughby Sledge from notes gathered by Ona Willoughby, H W Boyd, Mallory Miller, and Mary Rabold; referred to here as Sledge. (Note: this tree has proven to have some errors.)
Some Odell information is from Pat O'Dell; referred to here as O'Dell.
And many distant cousins have mailed me with additional descendants of people already on my tree. Thanks very much to all of you.
Standard Disclaimer
As with pretty much all genealogy, this information is not all guaranteed to be accurate or complete. Hard references are included when I have them; otherwise you should verify this information.
If you have any corrections, comments, or further information, please email me. There's an email link at the bottom of each individual page here. If you use it, I'll know exactly which person you're writing about. I'll be happy to provide links to websites or to add to these pages.
My immigrant ancestors

My ethnic map:
ethnicity map

Here's another view of the same information:
ethnicity map detailed

What do these pictures mean?

Well, the first one is the same as the second one, with all the bits of like color combined. The second one is the real story.

When I started investigating my genealogy, I decided I wanted to find all the immigrant ancestors or American Indians on my tree. In my naiveté, I figured that would be a relatively easy project.
To my surprise, I've found that most of my branches stay in the US for more than 8 generations, and lots of them go 10 or more generations.
So, with hundreds of immigrants on my tree, I wanted a way to visualize the mixture.

The second picture there is divided into 16 large squares, representing my 16 gg-grandparents. I know who they all were. Their last names are above or below their corresponding square.
Conrad Sinning was a German immigrant, so his square is colored yellow. He was German, so his children (including my g-grandparent) are 1/2 German; his grandchildren (my grandparent) are 1/4 German; his g-grandchildren (my parent) are 1/8 German, and I'm 1/16 German.
Conrad's wife Malinda Grunstad was born in Illinois, the daughter of a Norwegian immigrant couple. She is full Norwegian, so her square is colored dark red, and I'm 1/16 Norwegian.
(Note: The 16 squares are arranged alphabetically, not by marriage. Conrad and Malinda just happened to end up next to each other.)

None of the other gg-grandparents was an immigrant, so their squares are divided into 4 sub-squares:

Each of the sub-squares now represents an ancestor 6 generations back; there are 2-to-the-6th = 64 of them. (OK, really there's only 56, but there would be 64 if all the squares were sub-divided.) I know who 6/7 of them were, and only 1 was an immigrant: Lewis McCaskey's mother's father, Charles Schnitger. He came from Germany, so his square is also colored yellow, and I'm another 1/64 German.

None of the other gggg-grandparents was an immigrant, so their squares are further sub-divided.
I decided to sub-divide each square only if I know who the corresponding ancestor was. For example, in the Hinds square, I know 3 of the grandparents of John Hinds, but not his father's mother, so the lower left square is not sub-divided.
We're now at my ancestors 8 generations back, which generally corresponds to the early 1700s. If all the squares were sub-divided there would be 256 at this point. I know of 7 immigrants at this level. For example, in the Yandell square, the bottom left sub-square is gggg-grandma Mary Kirkpatrick; in her square the top left sub-square is James Kirkpatrick, and the bottom left sub-square is Mary Newton. They came from Scotland, so their squares are colored orange, and I'm 2/256 Scottish.
There is also 1 immigrant at 7 generations back. In the Hinds square, the lower right sub-square is gggg-grandma Nancy Duncan. Her father was Jeremiah Duncan, a Scottish immigrant, so the left half of her square is colored orange, and I'm another 2/256 Scottish. (Her mother was not an immigrant, so the right half of her square is divided in half.)

Sub-dividing the squares again gets us to 1024 squares for my ancestors 10 generations back. This is generally around the mid-1600s. There are quite a few immigrants at this level, and a handful at 9 generations back, so a bunch more of the squares are colored in.

In a surprising number of cases, even at 10 generations back my ancestor was born in the US (the Colonies, at the time). Rather than drawing the lines to sub-divide their squares, I've just colored them in partially as I find the immigrant. (And at that time period almost all the immigrants were English anyway, so the square will probably end up all dark blue.) For example, in the Odell square, the top left sub-square is gggg-grandpa Philander Odell. His top right sub-square is 6g-grandpa Abiel Eddy. His top right sub-square is 8g-grandpa Eliezer Fisher, born in 1673 in Massachusetts. Eliezer's mother's parents were English immigrants, so the right half of his square is colored dark blue.

So if I ever do find all my immigrants, I'll end up with a unique patchwork of colors representing my ethnic mix.
I've got quite a ways to go, though. If you take all the immigrants and Indians I've found so far, calculate their fractions as above, and add all the fractions together, the total is just over 1/3.

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