Andrew Hite Genealogy
Record modified: 2025-03-10
This is my ancestor 8 generations back.
Born: 1758-02-24 Pennsylvania USA
Died: 1819-02-24 Fairfield Co, Ohio USA
1. Anna Taylor
Children of Andrew Hite and Anna Taylor:
Married Magdalena Taylor in 1815 (after Anna died)
I originally found this Andrew as son of Abraham Hite and Magdalena (unknown). It seems this is incorrect, and his father is really Andreas. My original source also has him born in Fairfield Co OH, but it seems fairly well documented that Andrew and his three brothers were born in PA. I'm still not convinced that his sister is Catherine.
One old RootsWeb tree had Andrew as son of Andreas Hite born before 1737, Germany. It did not list Catherine as his sister. His siblings were shown as Daniel, John, and Abraham Sr.
Another RootsWeb tree said that Andreas immigrated to Philadelphia on the Ship "Saint Andrew Galley" on September 26, 1737, sailing from Rotterdam via Cowes, England. He was born in Germany.
from DAR records:
He served in the Revolutionary War as a Private under CAPT Michael Reader.
In the DAR database he is number A055667.
Ohio Tax Records 1800-1850
Fairfield Co OH 1807
Andrew Hite 200 acres 2nd rate, Range 18 Township 15 section 14; tax $1.30
Andrew Jr Hite 320 acres 2nd rate, Range 18 Township 15 section 24; tax $2.08
John Jr Hite 220 acres 3rd rate, Range 18 Township 15 section 14; tax $1.43
Isaac Hite 93 acres 1st rate, Range 18 Township 15 section 14; tax $0.83 /12
[The Jr normally indicates just a younger man with the same name, not necessarily a father-son relationship. This Andrew didn't have a son Andrew. Maybe he is the Andrew Jr and the other is his father, but more likely the Jr is a nephew. I don't know the children of all his brothers. The John is probably his son, but might be a nephew.]
Fairfield Co OH 1814
Andrew Hite Senr 200 acres 3rd rate, E 1/2 of Range 18 Township 15 Section 14; tax $2.00
Andrew Hite Senr 160 acres 2nd rate, SW 1/4 of Range 17 Township 18 Section 20; tax $2.60
Andrew Hite Senr 160 acres 2nd rate, NW 1/4 of Range 17 Township 18 Section 29; tax $2.40
Andrew Hite Jr 190 acres 3rd rate, W 1/2 of Range 18 Township 15 Section 24; tax $1.90
Andrew Hite Jr 40 acres 2nd rate, Range 18 Township 15 Section 14; tax $0.60
Fairfield Co OH Will Book 2 p84-85
I Andrew Hite of the county of Fairfield and State of Ohio...
do make and publish this my last will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say
that whereas I have given to seven of my Children their full portion of my estate
as follows viz:
To my daughter Magdalena wife of Martin Giger I have given
her her full portion in money to assist in the purchase and payment of the land
on which said Martin Giger now lives;
I have given to my son Isaac Hite
his full portion of my estate in land on which said Isaac now lives;
I have given to my son John Hite his full portion of my estate in land on which
said John now lives;
I have given to my daughter Barbara wife of John Bibler
her full portion of my estate in land, which land they have sold;
I have given
to my son Samuel Hite his full portion of my estate in land, on which said
Samuel now lives;
I have given to my son Martin Hite the improvement land
and premises on which I and said Martin now live together with all that pert-
ains to said lands, by an article of agreement between him and myself, and
I will and order my executor or executors to make said Martin Hite a good and suffici-
ent deed and title to said land and appurtenances on said Martin Hite's fullfilling and
performing said article;
I have given to my son David Hite his full portion of
my estate in land on which he has now built a still house;
which several and respective shares
above mentioned I do will shall be their respective portions in full of my real estate, and where-
as I have given to the above named children of my personal property to a considerable amount
as they are charged respectively with the same in my book, therefore I will and order that
the above named children shall after my decease make the said personal property equal
themselves, by the one that got most giving a deed(?) one that got least, until they are all
equal in said Personal property, and I will and order that the said Personal property shall be
the full shares and portions of the above named children of my real and personal estate.
To my three youngest daughters as follows viz:
To Elizabeth my daughter wife
of Daniel Sites I have given two hundred and thirty dollars, which is and shall be
her full portion or share of my real estate. I have also given her personal proper-
ty which I have charged her with in my book.
And I do give and bequeath
to my daughter Anna two hundred and thirty dollars which shall be in full
of her share and portion of my real estate, which portion I will and order my
son Martin shall pay to her or her children the heir or heirs of her body and
that this portion is part of Martin's _____ of the aforesaid article. I have also
given to her personal property which I have charged her the said Anna with in
my book.
I further give and bequeath to my youngest daughter Catherine two
hundred and thirty dollars which shall be her full share of my real estate, and I
will and order that my sons Samuel Hite and David Hite shall pay the said two hundred
thirty dollars to said Catherine out of the monies which I ___ __ ____ for which I have theirs(?).
And I further give and bequeath to said Catherine one hundred and forty dollars
in personal or household property.
I do will and bequeath to my grand son Samu-
el Giger twenty five dollars to be paid out of my personal estate after my decease
which shall be put to use or interest from year to year always adding the interest to
the principal until said Saml be of age. But in case said boy shall die before
he be of age, then said Legacy with the amount shall be paid amicably(?) among
his oldest sisters.
And I also give and bequeath to my beloved wife Magdalene
Hite all my personal property or estate, monies notes bills or other obligations
whereby money or other property is or shall become due to me either in part or in
whole and not otherwise disposed of by me together with their amounts unto her
my wife Magdalena during her natural life for her comfort & support my law-
ful debts being first paid out of the same. And after her decease I will and
order, give and bequeath all the remaining part of said personal estate, and
whatsoever shall remain of said property after her lawful debts are paid unto my three
youngest daughters or their children the heirs of their body, who shall divide the
same so that Catherine shall have fifty dollars more than Anna or Elizabeth
and Anna shall have as much as Elizabeth.
And I do hereby appoint my
sons John Hite and Isaac Hite executors of this my last will and Testament
hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In witness whereof I have here-
unto set my hand and seal this fourteenth day of November in the year of our lord
one thousand eight hundred and eighteen.
Jesse Smith
Christian Cagy(?)
[illegible name]
I Andrew Hite of the county of Fairfield and state of Ohio do hereby make and pub-
lish this codicil to constitute a part of my last will and Testament in manner fol-
lowing to wit:
I give and bequeath unto my four granddaughters viz: Mary,
Anna, Eliza, and Sally Giger twenty five dollars cash, to be paid out of my personal estate
to be (with the twenty five dollars I gave to my grandson Samuel Giger) put at interest
by my executors from year to year as heretofore stated until they shall be of age these their
share or shares to be equally divided among those surviving. My Daughter Catherine
which I had before allowed fifty dollars more I allow her to be made only equal to
my daughters Anna and Elizabeth; lastly it is will and desire that this codicil
be a part of my last will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and seal this sixteenth day of February in the year of our lord one
thousand eight hundred and nineteen.
[proved 1819-03-08]
Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds -- page 1128
I strive for accuracy, but I cannot guarantee this information
is correct or complete. Hard references are given where I have them,
but otherwise you should verify this information.
Please email me if you have any corrections, comments, or questions.
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