Elizabeth McCowan Genealogy

Record modified: 2006-05-02

 / Isaac McCowan|
|  \
Elizabeth Ann McCowan |
|  / Joseph Bond
 \ Hannah Bond |
 \ Abigail Hinds

Born: 1845-12-17 Wayne Co, Kentucky USA
Died: (unknown)
1. 1867-11-12 John Thomas Keen

Children of Elizabeth McCowan and John Keen:
James Keen b. about 1868-00-00
Isaac Jackson Keen b. 1868-01-28
Lucinda J Keen b. about 1872-00-00
Martha Keen b. 1874-11-00
Malinda Keen b. 1877-05-00


first name Mary?
She is not listed in the 1880 census with her husband and children. Had she already died?

1870 census Laurel Co KY p134b
John Keen 36 KY
Ann 24 KY

Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds -- page 11787
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