Elias Maverick Genealogy

Record modified: 2024-12-26
This is my ancestor 11 generations back.

 / Peter Maverick
 / John Maverick|
|  \ Dorothie Tucke
Elias Maverick |
|  / Robert Gye
 \ Mary Gye |
 \ Grace Dowrish

Born: about 1604-00-00 South Huish, Devonshire England
Died: 1684-09-08 Winnasimmett, Suffolk Co, Massachusetts USA
1. 1633-06-11 Anna Harris

Children of Elias Maverick and Anna Harris:
*Rebecca Maverick b. 1660-01-01


Elias arrived in New England in 1630 on the ship "Mary and John", settling in Charleston MA.

married in Charlestown MA

other children:
Abigail + (unknown) Clarke
Sarah + Samuel Walton
Mary + (unknown) Way
Ruth + (unknown) Smith

"Ages from Court Records, 1636-1700 Essex, Middlesex, and Suffolk Counties, Massachusetts"

Elias Maverick age 75 in 1680; Middlesex County Court, folio 89

List of Freemen of Massachusetts, 1630-1691

Elias Mavracke

NEHGR Vol 4 p268

Early Records of Boston

John the sonne of Elias Maverick & Anne his wife was borne 13th 12th 1635.
Abigail the daughter of Elias Maverick & Anne his wife was borne 10th 6th 1635.
Elisabeth the daughtr of Elias Maverick & Anne his wife was borne 2nd 4th 1639.
Sarah the daughtr of Elias Maverick & Anne his wife was borne 20th 12th 1640.
Elias the sonne of Elias Maverick & Anne his wife was borne 17th 1st 1643.

NEHGR Vol 10 p69

Early Records of Boston

Paule sonne of Elias Maverick & Anne borne 10 June 1657.

"Boston Births, Baptisms, Marriages, and Deaths, 1630-1699"

p70 (1659)
Rebecca of Elias & Ann Maverick born 1st January.

Massachusetts, Wills and Probate Records, 1635-1991


I Elias Mavericke Senior of Winnasimmett with-
in the Township of Boston in the county of
Suffolke in New England...do
make this my last will & Testament...

First of all I give unto my bveloved wife Anna
all my temporall Estate both in Land houses
& movables (after due debts & funerall charges
dischargd) during her natural life; if she remain
a widow, otherwise to enjoy one third during
her natural life pvided also that She shall freely
consent to those terms that I shall hereafter

I give to my Son Elias five
acres of Land as an addition to the Land &
house that I formerly gave him, as also that
outhouse that I built not far to the westward
of his house, to him his wife and children for
ever according to the tenor of his Deed of Gift
acknowledged & Recorded pvided that there shal
be at all times halfe an acre of Land left in
common about the spring that is above his house
wth a convenient highway thereunto for watering of

I give to my son Peter five pounds
starling after my wives decease.

I give to my son Paul Mavericke twenty five
acres of Land next unto my son Elias his
Land wch I will give in present possession
by Deed of Gift to him his wife and children
pvided that his father in law Lieut John Smith
(whose daughter Jemimah he married) will give
as a portion to his said Son in law wth his daughter
one halfe of that some of money that the sd Land
shalbe prized at by indiferent men chosen on
either side, wch if he refuse to doe then he shall
injoy it after his mothers decease.

I give to my grand Son Jotham Maverick
the Son of my Son John fiveteen acres of
Land adjoyning on the west side of my Son
Pauls Land, after his grandmothers decease to
him & his heires for ever, with this pviso that
he shall have liberty to sell or alienate the same
if hee see good unto any one or more of his Un-
cles before mentioned, but to no other man or

I give to my Grand Son James Mav-
ericke the Son of my Son Peter fiveteen acres of
Land next unto my Grand Son Jotham, to him
and his heires for ever wth the same pviso that
is given to his cousen Jotham. Be it knowne
that my intent in the division of the aforesd p-
cels of Land is, that each of my Sons & grand
Sons shall have such a pportion of Marish
Land as is answerable to their quantity of upland
that falls to their share.

As for my dwelling
house, outhouses Orchard cornfield & so much
Land adjoyning next the creeke as will make
up Fourty acres, wth the Orchard and cornefield &
meadow proportionable, I give to my five daughters
either to be Sould or let, to each of them an
equall pportion. But if my Sons Elias & Paul
whome I do make joint Executors of this my
will, will pay unto each of their Sisters Viz:
Abigail Clarke, Sarah Walton, Mary Way, Ruth
Smith & Rebecca Thomas fivety pounds apeice
takeing in the movables & a quantity of Marish
wch I have at Hogg Island of twenty acres of
Land & upwards for to help pay these Legacies
then the said houseing & Land shalbe theirs
to enjoy & also they shall pay unto each of my
Grand children and great grand children
five Shillings apeice.

Further my will is that
whereas I am bound by Obligation unto my
father in law William Stitson to keep him Six-
teen Sheep yearly with their increase till towards
winter & then to be left to the same number du-
ring his natural life that my two Sons Elias
& Paul my Executors shall make good this engage-
ment after their mothers decease & not before as
also that the former Legacies shall not be paid
till that time.

As for my Servant Jonas Holmes
I give the remainder of his time unto my dear
wife if She live so long or else to my Executors.

And having forgotten to express Ruth Johnson
my grand daughter that now liveth with me, I
leave it with her grand mother to do as She

And I desire & intreat & appoint my
trustey & welbeloved Friends my Father in law
Deacon William Stitson, Aron Way Senior and
William Ireland Senior to be Over Seers of this
my will & to advise & counsel my Executors.

The land was measured to be 120 acres if it fall
short or exceed, my will is that each dividend
be pportionably abated or enlarged.

Signed & Sealed this thirteenth of Octobr Anno Domi One
thousand Six hundred Eighty one.

William Ireland Senr
John Barnard
William Ireland Junr
John Senter

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