updated 2025-02-01
Howdy. My name is Ken Hinds.
This is one of my college yearbook pictures. I went to
Rice University, and they let us
submit whatever picture we wanted for the yearbook. There were always lots
of interesting shots.
Here is
a later picture of me, attempting Ghanaian tribal dances at the
demonstration during Diversity Day at work.
I live in beautiful San Diego, California, USA.
I'm a retired computer programmer. Now I do volunteer work tutoring math
at Teddy Roosevelt Middle School
and READ San Diego.
Here is a picture of me at school.
I have been working on my genealogy for a
while now, and have found a bunch of my ancestors and distant cousins.
I'm inordinately fond of a little puzzle called
Doesn't everybody have a page full of links?
Check out my page with what I consider the
10 Best Albums of Various Years.
I drive a Mini Cooper S convertible, and I also still have a 1979
MG Midget
that I bought brand new. I've driven it for more than a
now, and had it restored several years ago. I really like to take it when I go
camping in the
National Parks.
There's nothing like having the top down while going through
Yosemite or
Arches or
Yellowstone or
rural New Mexico.
Quote of the month:
When eating fruit, think of the person who planted the tree.
-- Vietnamese proverb
email me