Johannes Lorentz Genealogy

Record modified: 2025-03-10
This is my ancestor 9 generations back.

 / Johannes Lorentz
 / Johannes Lorentz|
|  \ Regina Mueller
Johannes Lorentz |
|  /
 \ Mary Townley |

Born: 1666-00-00 Bellheim, Bayern Germany
Died: 1745-00-00 Peapack, Somerset Co, New Jersey USA
1. 1690-02-13 Anna Margaretha Heiliger

Children of Johannes Lorentz and Anna Heiliger:
Anna Apollonia Lowrance b. 1692-12-12
Anna Elizabeth Lowrance b. 1695-03-08
Magdalena Lorentz b. 1698-01-28
Anna Barbara Lowrance b. 1700-09-03
Susanna Lorentz b. 1704-04-22 d. 1710-00-00
Anna Margaretha Lorentz b. 1704-04-22 d. 1710-00-00
Hans Jacob Lowrance b. 1707-08-23
Alexander Lowrance b. 1710-04-10
Daniel Lawrence b. 1713-12-13
*John Lowrance b. 1716-02-16


He was a miller / farmer. Came to US aboard ship "Medford", departed 1709-05-23 arrived 1709-08-xx NY.
see "Passenger and Immigration Lists Index", vol 2 p1235
Children Susanna, Anna Margaretha, and Hans Jacob may have died on the trip.

married in Bellheim, Germersheim, Rheinland-Pfalz GER

from tree "Mixon-Little-Jenkins":
I, DeArgonderman, priest in the Church at Belheim, joined in marriage Johannes Lorentz, and Anna Margaretha Heiliger, daughter of Johannes Hiliger, of Oberlusdt.

Father's name from a tree that no longer exists. I don't remember where I got his mother's name, but it doesn't seem right.

Here is a picture of his home in Peapack, which has been restored.

from a tree that no longer exists:


the twelf (sic) Day of July in the year of
our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty-five I Johanous
Lowrance of Pepack in the Province of East Jersey ____- Miler (Miller)
being sick and weak in Body but of perfect mind and memory
Do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is for to say
IMPRIMIS (In the first place) it is my will and I dow (sic) order that in
the first plase (sic) all my just debts and funeral charges be paid and
I GIVE AND bequeath unto Marget my dearly beloved wife my
dwelling house that is for to say the stofe roof and East fire Room to
gether with gardain (sic) and East orchard to gether with my part of
the Barn and my fences and winter cattle gard (sic) and three Cows -
and all moofabel (sic) household goods. All my Rite (sic) and titel (sic)
and att (sic) deceas (sic) the house and orchard shall be Alexanders my
oldest sons and for the Barn it shall be my sons Daniel at her deceas
(sic) ____ (several words are not legible at this point in the Will)
___ if that shall keep the persons in pease (sic) and proprieters (sic)
Dew (sic) not disturb them. It is likewise my will and I do order that
there shall be twenty pounds raised out of my Estait (sic) and put out
to interest for her maintenance. I give my well beloved son Alexander
the sum of tenn (sic) pounds of good lawful curant (sic) money procks
(Of unknown origin, but obviously a term used in such documents as
wills) for to be raised out of my Estait. It is likewise my will that
Alexander shall have the indenture of my boy fredrick Shomaker after
my deceas(sic) and my wifes together with the Stabel (sic) feald (sic)
along the Road as far as the orchard and is along the Post and Rail
I LIKEWISE give and bequeath unto my son Daniel Lowrance the
sum of ten pounds procks of money for to be raised out of my Estait
(sic) it is likewise my will that Daniel shall have the house that he now
Lives in and all the Cleard (sic) Land that he hath in posion
I LIKEWISE give and bequeath unto my well beloved son John
Lowrance the sum of tenn (sic) pounds of good lawful currant money
prock for to be raised out of my Estait (sic) together with the mill and
all my Right and titel (sic) theirunto (sic) belonging and according to
my bargain with Mr. Andrew Johston if the mill be prised
(appraised?) that John shall have the forth (fourth) part clear and then
com (come) in equeal shear (share) with the other Brothers. It is
likewise my-, will that John shall have all the improvements of the
mill - that is from the mill up betwixt the Road and the millbrook as
far as the lain (sic) taking in the medow (sic) feald (sic) it is likewise
my will and I Dew (sic) (orhere) ordor (sic) that my Great Brass cetel
(kettle) stilyear (Steelyard - balance scales used for weighing
purposes) and Brons (bronze) gear cokel seff (cockle sieve) shall be
divided between my three sons Equaly (sic) if any chewses (sic) a
thing valuabeler (may be of less value but context seems to indicate
greater value) then (sic) the others he will pay the ods (difference of
value) to the other. Vs. o.
I LIKEWISE give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Kealer my well
beloved daughter the sun of the sum of tenn (sic) pounds curant
Lawfull (sic) money prock for to be Raised out of my Estait (sic).
I LIKEWISE give and bequeath unto Lenah Moore my well beloved
daughter the sun of tenn (sic) pounds Curant Lawfull (sic) money
prock for to be Raised out of my Estait (sic).
I LIKEWISE give and bequeath unto Barbra Beshearer my well
beloved daughter the sun of tenn (sic) pounds of Curant Lawfull (sic)
money prock for to be Raised out of my Estait (sic).
IT IS LIKEWISE my will and I Dew ordor (sic) it as my Last will and
testament that my Bible and Cobart (cupboard) and stoff (stove) shall
be divided betwean (sic) my three sons Equall (sic) and all my other
housegoods shall be divided Equaly (sic) between sons and
daughters the bits (sic) boitds and money and noat (sic) shall be
Equaly (sic) divided between the three sons after Everyone haith (sic)
their part as nons (perhaps a legal term used in wills in those days)
and I do hereby disallow and revoak (sic) and Disannul and every
other former (testaments?) wills Legacies and Executors (appointed)
by me in any ways before this time -------------------------- -------------
------------------------ --------------- ------------------ ---------------------
(six words are illegible) and confirming this and no other to be my
Last will and testament -------- ------ -----
(two or three words are illegible here) wheirof (sic) I have hearunto
(sic) set my hand and seal the Day and year above written"
Johanef Lorans
s/Michael Burger (Almost unreadable)
We hendric (sic)s/Margaret "Maj" Burger (sic) her mark
Smith and Jocob Eofs/Jonathan Pitney
are Chosen Indeferant
by Johanous Lowrance for to be Executors of My hold Estait (sic)
The following was written across the left side of the document
concerning the will's being proved:
Johanous Lowrance's will of Somerset (County?) Proved 3d Decm'r
This was on the Certification Statement page.
"BE IT REMEMBERED that on the third day of December in the year
of our Lord one thousand sevenhundred and forty-five (that) Jonathan
Pitney one of the within winesfses personally came before me Thomas
Bartow duly authorize to prove wills and qualify Executors and he
being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists Depofes (testifies under
oath) that he was present and saw Johannes Lowrance the Testator
within named sign & (the next two lines are illegible, but similar to
the following: testify that this was his last will and testament his oath
being to that effect) and saw the will and Johanous Lowrance testators
and heard him -- -- and Depofes faine (willingly testify) this to be his
last will and testament, that in so doing those wit'ns saw test'r was of
good sound mind and memory to the best of his knowledge and
erfending (ability?) and that at his faine hine (willingness) Michal
Burger and wife Margaret Burger his other witnefses were present and
each signed as a witnets together with this Deponent in this Testatory
s/Tho;s Bartow
Thomas Bartow
"BE IT ALSO REMEMBERED that at the faine hine (signor of
document) Hendrick Smith and Jacob Eof the Executors within named
personally came before me and were sworn to the ue Execution and
performance of the within will and testament according to law."
s/Tho;s Bartow
Thomas Bartow

This page has:

1710 New York census
Johannes Lorentz 43
Anna Margaretha 39
Anna Elizabeth 15
Magdalena 13
Anna Barbara 11
Alexander 6 mos

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