Generated: 2025-03-22


* = my direct ancestor

Lackey, Ruth (c1829 - )
Ladaw, Mary L (1860 - )
Lafevers, Tennessee (1863 - 1946)
Lafon, Ludelia Catherine (1854 - 1925)
Laforce, Rhoda C (c1844 - 1917)
Lagore, Bertha May (1877 - 1966)
Lair, Charles Leslie (1871 - 1952)
Lair, Charles Loran (1902 - 1980)
Lair, Coy Herschel (1904 - 1965)
Lair, Lula Mabel (1893 - 1993)
Lair, Minnie Mae (1900 - 1967)
Lair, Nora E (1895 - 1947)
Laird, Bertha (1884 - 1926)
Laird, Clarence Franklin (1887 - 1930)
Laird, Frederick Edward (1859 - 1930)
Laird, Henry M (1894 - 1918)
Laird, Homer Edward (1889 - 1971)
Laird, James Robert (1879 - 1958)
Laird, Lethe Hettie (1897 - 1922)
Laird, Mary A (1891 - )
Laird, Mary Ann (1819 - 1905)
Laird, Morris Turman (c1901 - )
Lake, Etta Viola (1870 - 1952)
*Lake, Johanna (1714 - 1795)
Lake, Lillie Mae
Lake, Maie Jane (1867 - )
Lakey, Ada Ethel (1896 - )
Lakey, Charles Raymond (1909 - 1990)
Lakey, Esther E (c1902 - )
Lakey, Gertrude Belle (1904 - 1994)
Lakey, John Burchman II (1872 - 1930)
Lakey, Julia Ann (1888 - 1989)
Lamb, Catharine Helen (1849 - 1919)
Lamb, Sallie Grace (1888 - 1934)
Lamb, Sarah Augusta (1886 - 1913)
Lambden, Hattie Venona (1871 - 1920)
Lambdin, Charles A (1877 - 1966)
Lambdin, Daniel R (1854 - 1902)
Lambdin, Lois E (1886 - 1920)
Lambdin, May J (1883 - 1970)
Lambdin, Samuel A (1879 - 1949)
Lambdin, Sarah Elizabeth (1838 - 1899)
Lambdin, Stella (1881 - 1970)
Lambert, Guy (1886 - 1955)
Lambert, Henry (c1878 - )
*Lambert, Joan (c1433 - )
Lambert, Joshua Ewing (1876 - 1954)
Lambert, Lee Ella (1866 - 1939)
Lambert, Samuel David (c1841 - )
Lambert, Samuel David II (c1865 - 1923)
Lambert, William G (1860 - 1940)
Lamkin, Eloise (1879 - )
Lamkin, Girault (1875 - )
Lamkin, Helen (c1878 - )
Lamkin, Thomas P (1839 - 1929)
Lammond, Sarah A (c1844 - )
Lamon, Henry Leo (1885 - 1976)
Lamon, Paul Leon (1916 - 1990)
Lamon, Richard Earl (1904 - 1996)
Lamphier, Anna M (1839 - 1881)
Lampley, Eliza J (1867 - 1938)
Lampley, Moses V (c1842 - 1880)
Lampley, Sarah (1869 - 1897)
Lampton, Hester F (c1857 - )
Lampton, Susan (c1840 - )
Lancaster, Jennie Bell (1889 - 1940)
Lancaster, Margaret Charlotte (c1858 - )
Lancaster, Mary Susan (1851 - 1934)
Lance, Maggie (1883 - 1973)
Landen, Barton (1865 - 1929)
Landen, James W (1910 - 1983)
Landers, Alma (1890 - )
Landers, Amy (1893 - )
Landers, Annie P (1882 - 1895)
Landers, Arley Lee (1898 - 1974)
Landers, Arthur Dewey (1910 - 1993)
Landers, Bryant (1820 - 1908)
Landers, Catherine (c1831 - )
Landers, Cecil W (1890 - )
Landers, Charles Edward (1877 - 1971)
Landers, Daniel (1834 - 1905)
Landers, Doctor (c1825 - 1904)
Landers, Doctor R (1898 - )
Landers, Donna Bell (1863 - 1936)
Landers, Edna (1888 - )
Landers, Elizabeth (1836 - 1926)
Landers, Ennis Garvin (1917 - 2003)
Landers, Eugene (1881 - 1957)
Landers, Eula Pearl (1908 - 1995)
Landers, Felton (1919 - )
Landers, Fred (1903 - 1974)
Landers, Hardy (c1837 - )
Landers, Hazel (1920 - 1953)
Landers, Hezekiah (c1831 - 1870)
Landers, Hezekiah II (1807 - 1887)
Landers, Horace E (1926 - 2000)
Landers, Isaac (c1789 - 1854)
Landers, Isaac H (c1852 - 1918)
Landers, Isaac Rufus (1885 - 1951)
Landers, Jacob (1824 - 1899)
Landers, James E (1860 - )
Landers, John (c1818 - 1885)
Landers, John (1827 - 1878)
Landers, John W (1836 - 1913)
Landers, John Wesley (1872 - )
Landers, John William (1843 - 1900)
Landers, Joseph Sidney (1854 - 1899)
Landers, Lany (1831 - 1904)
Landers, Larkin (c1845 - )
Landers, Leslie L (1888 - 1920)
Landers, Levin (1875 - )
Landers, Lizzie (1890 - 1966)
Landers, Lulu Jane (1879 - 1955)
Landers, Mahala Katherine (1849 - 1911)
Landers, Martha (1833 - 1865)
Landers, Martha A (1841 - 1916)
Landers, Martha Ellen (1858 - 1944)
Landers, Mildred M (1914 - )
Landers, Milton (c1829 - 1860)
Landers, Nomer E (1886 - )
Landers, Pauline O (1913 - 2000)
Landers, Penelope (1884 - 1968)
Landers, Phoebe Catherine (1829 - 1891)
Landers, Phoebe Jane (1837 - 1865)
Landers, Rebecca (c1773 - 1824)
Landers, Rufus (1879 - 1951)
Landers, Samuel (c1829 - )
Landers, Samuel Barkley (1877 - )
Landers, Sarah (c1837 - )
Landers, Simon (1834 - 1887)
Landers, Solomon (c1816 - 1855)
Landers, Stella Mae (1884 - 1972)
Landers, Sterling Felton (1890 - 1973)
Landers, Virgil Edward (1917 - 1991)
Landers, William (c1799 - 1850)
Landers, William (1868 - 1877)
Landers, William Henry (1861 - 1930)
Landis, James Adam (1852 - 1929)
Landis, James Calvin (1877 - 1957)
Landrum, Labonia C (1862 - 1937)
Lands, Cora Elizabeth (1863 - 1946)
Lane, Allen Levi (1854 - 1900)
Lane, Alvin Vernon (1891 - 1903)
Lane, Arminda
Lane, Ashbell (1729 - )
Lane, Beulah (1894 - 1972)
Lane, Clarence William (1903 - )
Lane, Cornelius (1722 - )
Lane, Daisy Matilda (1889 - 1927)
Lane, Daniel (1856 - )
Lane, Edward (1887 - )
Lane, Eleanor (1674 - )
Lane, Elizabeth (1673 - 1708)
Lane, Ella (1880 - 1916)
Lane, Essie L (1885 - )
Lane, Florence Louise (1907 - 1986)
Lane, Goldie Helen (1893 - 1981)
Lane, Grover Cleveland (1884 - 1915)
Lane, Guy Talbert (1877 - 1936)
Lane, Hannah (1671 - 1734)
Lane, Hannah (1727 - 1754)
Lane, Hugh (1887 - 1951)
*Lane, Isaac (1641 - 1711)
Lane, Isaac III (1712 - )
*Lane, Isaac Jr (1683 - 1745)
*Lane, Joane (1562 - )
*Lane, John (c1400 - )
*Lane, John (c1500 - 1576)
*Lane, John (c1565 - )
*Lane, John (c1603 - 1669)
Lane, John (1681 - 1716)
Lane, John (1896 - 1964)
Lane, Leslie John (1896 - 1928)
Lane, Lula M (1889 - 1980)
Lane, Martha Palestine (1866 - 1935)
*Lane, Mary (1709 - 1797)
Lane, Mary (1801 - 1869)
Lane, Mary (1842 - 1915)
Lane, Mary Jane (c1850 - )
Lane, Maud A (1879 - 1894)
Lane, Mindwell (1714 - )
Lane, Nathaniel (1694 - 1702)
Lane, Nathaniel (1717 - )
Lane, Nelson (1872 - )
Lane, Ova (1889 - 1960)
Lane, Priscilla
*Lane, Ralph
*Lane, Richard (c1375 - )
*Lane, Richard (c1459 - )
Lane, Rosa Pearl (1881 - 1953)
Lane, Samuel (1719 - )
Lane, Samuel H (1845 - )
Lane, Sarah (1678 - )
Lane, Talbert (c1828 - 1854)
*Lane, Thomas
*Lane, Thomas Francis (c1529 - )
Lane, Viola Marie (1899 - 1964)
Lane, Zacheus (1725 - )
Lang, Blanche (1887 - 1938)
Lang, Cortez Edward (1876 - 1955)
Lang, Daniel Albert (1878 - 1953)
Lang, George Winters (1874 - 1964)
Lang, Harvey Isaac (1885 - 1984)
Lang, James Riley (1852 - 1942)
Lang, James Riley II (1890 - 1955)
Lang, John Francis (1892 - 1977)
Lang, Robert Marion (1881 - 1950)
Langdon, Charles Edward (1859 - 1932)
Langdon, Charles Raymond (1890 - )
Langdon, John Corda (1882 - 1962)
Langdon, Mary J (1884 - 1968)
Langford, Daniel Parker (c1872 - 1964)
Langford, Gladys (1911 - )
Langford, Hubert (1915 - 1971)
Langford, James Francis (1858 - 1944)
Langford, James William (c1852 - )
Langford, John Ruffin (1829 - 1913)
Langford, Lewis P (1823 - 1852)
Langford, Lewis Ruffin (1888 - 1970)
Langford, Lewis W (1854 - 1860)
Langford, Lucetta A (1860 - 1901)
Langford, Margie (1909 - )
Langford, Mary (c1882 - 1973)
Langford, Sarah Etta (1891 - 1976)
Langford, William (1913 - 2002)
Langley, James B (1868 - )
Langley, John H (1896 - 1964)
Langley, Mary Frances (1857 - 1914)
*Langston, Maria (1536 - )
*Langston, Thomas (1500 - )
Lankford, Abigail (c1864 - )
Lankford, John W (1865 - 1939)
Lankford, Larken III (1838 - 1916)
Lankford, Larken IV (c1862 - )
Lankford, Margaret B (1881 - 1916)
Lankford, Nancy P (c1869 - )
Lankford, William H (1870 - 1936)
Lanning, Harriet J (1835 - 1905)
Lansdell, Hannah Virginia (1850 - 1928)
Lantz, Mary "Polly" (c1797 - 1860)
Larkin, Alfred A (1872 - 1944)
Larkin, Charles B (1864 - 1944)
Larkin, Clarence Chancey (1879 - )
Larkin, Dolly A (c1877 - )
Larkin, Dolly Ann (c1831 - )
Larkin, Dolly Ann (1852 - 1932)
Larkin, Effie M (1874 - 1909)
Larkin, Estella (1885 - )
Larkin, Francis Edward (c1861 - )
Larkin, James J (c1859 - )
Larkin, John (c1835 - )
Larkin, John (c1858 - )
Larkin, Luther L (1855 - 1903)
Larkin, Mary E (c1857 - )
Larkin, Sampson (c1833 - 1885)
Larkin, Silas B (c1804 - 1851)
Larkin, William (c1830 - c1856)
Larkin, Zeno Dean Willard (1882 - 1979)
Larkworthy, Maud ( - 1789)
Larman, Casley (1898 - )
Larman, Charles (1887 - )
Larman, Clement (c1871 - )
Larman, Connelly J (c1837 - )
Larman, Daisy (1896 - )
Larman, Eugene (1892 - )
Larman, Frank M (1893 - 1964)
Larman, Harry (1889 - )
Larman, Hazel (1893 - )
Larman, James Huron (1868 - )
Larman, John H (1866 - 1932)
Larman, Katy (c1878 - )
Larman, Lucien McCoy (1875 - 1955)
Larman, May (1891 - )
Larman, Merry (1885 - )
Larman, Ray (1891 - )
Larman, Ruble (1894 - )
Larman, Ruby (1899 - )
Larman, William Eugene (1861 - 1924)
Larrimore, Ada Geneva (1857 - 1952)
Larrimore, Charles S (c1862 - )
Larrimore, Emma (c1860 - )
Larrimore, Samuel H (c1833 - )
Larson, Caroline (1845 - 1904)
Larson, Martha Elizabeth (1877 - 1958)
*Larsson, Torbjørn (1661 - 1726)
Lasater, Aaron H (1877 - 1962)
Lasater, Jasper Thomas (1867 - 1923)
Lasater, John Henry (1880 - 1961)
Lasater, Kate A (1869 - 1951)
Lasater, Marion Lee (1847 - 1892)
Lasater, Marion Lee II (1882 - 1902)
Lasater, Mary S (c1874 - )
Lasater, Minnie (1878 - 1974)
Lasater, Robert Benton (1888 - 1950)
Lasater, William Lee (1871 - 1900)
Latham, Amanda M (c1901 - )
*Latham, Frances (1609 - 1677)
Latham, James Alexander (1895 - 1976)
Latham, John J (1869 - 1944)
Latham, Josephine E (1884 - 1978)
*Latham, Lewis
Latham, Nadine (1898 - 1989)
Latta, Lida (1854 - )
Lauderdale, Martha Jane (1844 - 1907)
Laughlin, Adam (1822 - 1907)
Laughlin, Caroline M (1876 - 1968)
Laughlin, Celestine (c1865 - )
Laughlin, Estella M (1861 - 1903)
Laughlin, Eva Lena (1894 - 1982)
Laughlin, Fentress Lee (1889 - )
Laughlin, George M (1861 - 1934)
Laughlin, Henry (1886 - 1954)
Laughlin, Jesse Monroe (1902 - 1962)
Laughlin, John (1851 - 1858)
Laughlin, John Ogilvie (1866 - )
Laughlin, Josephine (1850 - 1948)
Laughlin, Margaret (1867 - 1918)
Laughlin, Mary (1900 - )
Laughlin, Mary Jane (1897 - 1980)
Laughlin, Rebecca (1858 - 1944)
Laughlin, Reuben L (1884 - 1971)
Laughlin, Susan (1900 - 1989)
Laughlin, Viola May (1864 - 1909)
Laughlin, William B (1855 - 1878)
Laurance, Anna (1841 - 1899)
Laurence, Eva (1884 - 1958)
Laurence, Susan (1846 - 1917)
Lawler, Alva Debow (1886 - 1962)
Lawler, Drew Walker (1895 - 1962)
Lawler, Effie Hausell (1887 - 1969)
Lawler, John Walter (1857 - 1935)
Lawler, Marvin Roscoe (1898 - 1921)
Lawler, Newton Walter (1896 - )
Lawrence, Aaron Schuyler (1786 - 1870)
Lawrence, Aaron Schuyler II (1828 - 1914)
Lawrence, Abraham (1752 - 1837)
Lawrence, Abraham (1780 - 1865)
Lawrence, Abram or Abraham (1819 - )
Lawrence, Adlai Seigal "Edley" (1863 - )
Lawrence, Amanda (c1824 - )
Lawrence, Andrew D (1885 - 1965)
Lawrence, Anna S (1745 - 1810)
Lawrence, Benjamin
Lawrence, Benjamin (c1751 - )
Lawrence, Betsy (c1753 - )
Lawrence, Bridget A (1893 - 1991)
Lawrence, Calvin Cook (1783 - 1869)
Lawrence, Caroline (1830 - )
Lawrence, Cora Avery (1874 - )
Lawrence, Daniel (1713 - c1796)
Lawrence, Daniel (1773 - )
Lawrence, Daniel Carroll (1810 - )
Lawrence, Daniel II (1746 - 1810)
Lawrence, Daniel N (1813 - )
Lawrence, Edley B (1899 - )
Lawrence, Edna M (1898 - )
Lawrence, Elias Dayton (1797 - 1853)
Lawrence, Elias Dayton (1817 - )
Lawrence, Elisha (1740 - 1837)
Lawrence, Eliza Bell (1812 - )
Lawrence, Eliza Jane (1836 - 1870)
Lawrence, Elizabeth (1767 - 1829)
Lawrence, Elizabeth (1772 - 1855)
Lawrence, Elizabeth (1793 - )
Lawrence, Elizabeth (c1811 - )
Lawrence, Elizabeth (1812 - 1859)
Lawrence, Emma Sarah (1856 - 1946)
Lawrence, Eunice (1799 - )
Lawrence, Fanny Darling
Lawrence, Francis Drake (1750 - 1810)
Lawrence, Francis Drake (1810 - )
Lawrence, Francis Drake II (1791 - )
Lawrence, Grace (1878 - 1947)
Lawrence, Hannah (c1783 - )
Lawrence, Hannah (1795 - )
Lawrence, Hannah (1827 - 1923)
Lawrence, Harriet (1803 - )
Lawrence, Henry (1814 - 1882)
Lawrence, Henry C (1865 - )
Lawrence, Henry S (1788 - )
Lawrence, Isaac (1753 - )
Lawrence, Jacob (1744 - )
Lawrence, Jacob (1774 - )
Lawrence, Jacob Alfred (1832 - 1877)
Lawrence, Jacob Richard (1862 - 1935)
Lawrence, James Blaine (1822 - )
Lawrence, James O (1889 - )
Lawrence, Jane (c1810 - )
Lawrence, Jane (1821 - 1903)
Lawrence, Jesse D (1854 - )
Lawrence, Job Loder (1820 - )
Lawrence, John
Lawrence, John G (1887 - )
Lawrence, John W (1887 - )
Lawrence, Joseph Zachariah (1880 - 1948)
Lawrence, Julia E (1808 - )
Lawrence, Laura (1869 - )
Lawrence, Luther (1783 - 1871)
Lawrence, Lydia Blackford (1823 - )
Lawrence, Margaret (1823 - 1854)
Lawrence, Martha (1864 - )
Lawrence, Mary
Lawrence, Mary A (1820 - )
Lawrence, Mary Sophia (c1801 - 1886)
Lawrence, Nancy Emeline (c1857 - 1890)
Lawrence, Nancy Guerin (1805 - 1874)
Lawrence, Nannie Penelope (1882 - 1915)
Lawrence, Oscar H (1872 - )
Lawrence, Pamela (1816 - )
Lawrence, Pearl M (1891 - )
Lawrence, Phebe Maria (1818 - )
Lawrence, Rita M (1896 - )
Lawrence, Sallie (1812 - )
Lawrence, Samuel Augustus (1851 - 1908)
Lawrence, Sarah (1804 - )
Lawrence, Sarah Ann (1816 - 1909)
Lawrence, Silvanus (1745 - 1831)
Lawrence, Stephen A (1782 - 1833)
Lawrence, Stephen A II (c1809 - )
Lawrence, Susan E (c1844 - )
Lawrence, Sylvester
Lawrence, Thomas Jefferson (1806 - )
Lawrence, Vincent Guerin (1807 - )
Lawrence, Warren Wirt Henry (1827 - 1906)
Lawrence, William (1743 - 1816)
Lawrence, William (1813 - 1896)
Lawrence, William (1814 - )
Lawrence, William (1832 - 1900)
Lawrence, William (1882 - 1934)
Lawrence, William Henry (1835 - 1873)
*Laws, Abigail (c1756 - )
Laws, Forrest Furman (1895 - 1961)
Laws, Gladys (1889 - 1920)
Laws, Mary M (1886 - 1958)
Laws, Ralph W (1887 - 1943)
Laws, Thomas Gray (1851 - 1917)
Laws, Vivian D (1892 - )
*Laws, William ( - 1780)
Lawson, Alfred Victor (1922 - 1966)
Lawson, Alma Beulah (1898 - 1997)
Lawson, Angeline Virginia (1888 - 1965)
Lawson, Annie R (1897 - 1922)
Lawson, Arthur Lee (1918 - 1968)
Lawson, Beverage M (1866 - 1887)
Lawson, Blanche Jane (1894 - 1975)
Lawson, Callie E (1883 - 1929)
Lawson, Clifford Earl (1920 - 1981)
Lawson, Eliza M (1871 - )
Lawson, Ellen (1868 - )
Lawson, Emma E (1871 - 1897)
Lawson, Everett Edwin (1904 - 1942)
Lawson, George Lewis (1872 - 1948)
Lawson, Gerald Dean (1927 - 2011)
Lawson, Henry C (1891 - )
Lawson, Henry Newton (1889 - 1968)
Lawson, Ida May (1893 - 1939)
Lawson, Ira Hill II (1863 - 1935)
Lawson, James (1872 - )
Lawson, James Clements (1887 - 1968)
Lawson, James Monroe (1844 - )
Lawson, Jane (1874 - )
Lawson, Jesse (1908 - 1968)
Lawson, John D (1885 - 1954)
Lawson, John Edward (1879 - 1912)
Lawson, John Henry (1858 - 1925)
Lawson, John M (1842 - c1893)
Lawson, John Vernon (1906 - 1959)
Lawson, Leila Etta (1879 - 1945)
Lawson, Leona (c1915 - )
Lawson, Lewis Samuel (1902 - 1969)
Lawson, Lucile Catherine (1915 - 2006)
Lawson, Lucinda Ellis "Tinnie" (1869 - 1959)
Lawson, Lurinda Alice "Rinnie" (1869 - )
Lawson, Lydia Belle (1885 - 1966)
Lawson, Marvin Ray (1911 - 1994)
Lawson, Mary C (1881 - )
Lawson, Mary May (1888 - 1936)
Lawson, Melissa (1899 - )
Lawson, Nancy A (1827 - )
Lawson, Nancy Ann Elizabeth (1873 - 1953)
Lawson, Nancy Truda (c1907 - )
Lawson, Oliver S (c1906 - )
Lawson, Pernella P (1870 - 1947)
Lawson, Sallie (1881 - )
Lawson, Samuel Benson (1881 - 1940)
Lawson, Samuel J Randolph (1875 - 1948)
Lawson, Sarah (c1838 - )
Lawson, Sarah Virginia (1877 - 1965)
Lawson, Susan Mary Ellen (1868 - 1900)
Lawson, Susie Ann (1891 - 1960)
Lawson, Thomas Green (1866 - 1918)
Lawson, Thomas W (c1846 - )
Lawson, Valentine (1894 - )
Lawson, Vula M (c1910 - )
Lawson, William (1877 - )
Lay, Mary (c1792 - 1847)
Laydig, Mary Elizabeth (1873 - 1926)
Layman, Levi P
Layman, Rayma Ellis (1892 - 1948)
Layne, Mary Elizabeth (1854 - 1930)
Layne, Mary Taylor (1847 - )
Le Foy, Eleanor (1809 - 1883)
Le Foy, Harriet Montayne (1804 - 1878)
Le Foy, John (1765 - 1847)
Le Foy, Mariah (1806 - )
Le Foy, Susan (1807 - 1894)
Lea, Sarah A (c1846 - )
Leach, Carl Montrose (1906 - 1988)
Leach, Caroline (c1900 - )
Leach, Charles A (1891 - 1973)
Leach, Cornell (c1909 - )
Leach, Edna (1899 - 1990)
Leach, Eva Mae (1894 - 1977)
Leach, Faye Ona (c1897 - )
Leach, Frances (1903 - 1983)
Leach, James E (1898 - 1981)
Leach, Jane (1790 - )
Leach, Margaret G (1895 - 1968)
Leach, May Marie (1905 - )
Leach, Nora Lucille (1903 - 1946)
Leach, Pernecia Lula (1820 - 1905)
Leach, Raymond C (1898 - 1983)
Leach, Raymond E (1908 - 1951)
Leach, Stephen Douglas (1860 - 1942)
Leach, Tony Gilbert (1874 - 1911)
Leach, Tony L (c1903 - )
Leach, Verna M (c1907 - )
Leake, Anthony Thomas (1864 - 1956)
Leake, Betty Brocklin (1867 - 1947)
Leake, Josiah Minter (1836 - 1872)
Leake, Lura Bell (1862 - 1912)
Leake, Mary Frances (1871 - 1946)
Leake, William Wesley (1869 - 1949)
Leavitt, Franklin H (1890 - 1950)
Leavitt, Sevilla M (1897 - 1970)
Leavitt, William (c1867 - )
Leblanc, Marie Louise Eugenia (1865 - )
Lebow, Ada Itaska (1879 - 1948)
Lebow, Barney (c1902 - )
Lebow, E Milton (1907 - 1980)
Lebow, Jacob W L (1835 - 1898)
Lebow, Lavina L (1858 - 1938)
Lebow, Matilda (1893 - )
Lebow, Melvin Eugene (1900 - 1952)
Lebow, Wilburn Barnie (1866 - )
Lebow, William Alexander (1834 - 1916)
Lebow, William F Sigle (1861 - )
*Lechnaes, Lars Eliasen (1747 - 1831)
*Lechnaes, Torren Larsdatter (1777 - 1823)
Ledsinger, Mary Caroline (1877 - 1963)
Lee, Abraham (1819 - 1846)
Lee, Ada M (1897 - )
Lee, Alice (1896 - )
Lee, Alice Fern (1907 - 1999)
Lee, Ama (c1871 - 1949)
Lee, Andrew Haries (1881 - 1978)
Lee, Andrew Jackson (1845 - )
Lee, Ann J (c1846 - )
Lee, Arrie Lena (1879 - 1961)
Lee, Artie Harriet (1885 - 1976)
Lee, Avo Sarah (1893 - 1954)
Lee, Bertha Ida (1867 - 1945)
Lee, Bertha Margaret (1888 - 1986)
Lee, Bessie (1903 - 1998)
Lee, Bessie Nell (1892 - 1984)
Lee, Carlos Clayton (1895 - 1978)
Lee, Cecilia Martha (1863 - )
Lee, Charles Edwin (1890 - 1963)
Lee, Charles Paine (1844 - 1924)
Lee, Clinton (1875 - 1964)
Lee, Columbus Addison (1836 - 1896)
Lee, Cora Alice (1872 - 1966)
Lee, Cora Etta (1888 - 1920)
Lee, Daniel (1828 - 1895)
Lee, Della (1884 - 1954)
Lee, Dora A (1897 - )
Lee, Dora Belle (1874 - 1970)
*Lee, Dorothy (1535 - )
Lee, Edward E (c1876 - )
Lee, Effie V (1909 - )
Lee, Elizabeth (1851 - 1918)
Lee, Elizabeth B (1883 - 1962)
Lee, Emaline (1828 - 1912)
Lee, Fannie F V (1874 - 1891)
Lee, Fred V (1906 - 1984)
Lee, George Andrew (1862 - 1952)
Lee, Gerald
Lee, Gladys Carrie (1909 - )
Lee, Golda Mae (1884 - 1940)
Lee, Henderson Napoleon (1841 - 1923)
Lee, Ila Rhea (1905 - 2001)
Lee, Ira N (1904 - 1993)
Lee, Isaac (1847 - )
Lee, Isaac T (1839 - 1916)
Lee, Isom (1908 - 1976)
Lee, Jasper Wyatte (1905 - 1973)
Lee, Jessie Elizabeth (1883 - 1960)
Lee, Jewell A (1901 - 1995)
Lee, John (1855 - 1940)
Lee, John H Verble (1903 - )
Lee, John Irving (1882 - 1922)
Lee, John Thomas (1906 - )
Lee, Jubal (1871 - 1916)
Lee, Laura Belle (1880 - 1950)
Lee, Laura Florence (1876 - 1942)
Lee, Leona (1897 - 1958)
Lee, Lillie M (1879 - 1885)
Lee, Malcolm Greenville (1811 - 1861)
Lee, Malinda Mae (c1840 - )
Lee, Mary Bulah (1894 - 1912)
Lee, Mary E (1868 - 1913)
Lee, Mary Tennessee (1864 - )
Lee, Matilda May (1901 - 1981)
Lee, Matthew Ellis (1910 - 1971)
Lee, Mildred Virginia (1901 - 1966)
Lee, Miranda Jane (1848 - 1918)
Lee, Nancy (c1816 - )
Lee, Nancy Florilla (1867 - 1887)
Lee, Nancy Jane (1841 - 1906)
Lee, Ora (1905 - 1998)
Lee, Ora N (1908 - 1932)
Lee, Ova Etta (1909 - 1983)
Lee, Rachel Brown (1853 - 1945)
Lee, Rebecca (c1869 - )
Lee, Rennie Stephen (1892 - 1955)
*Lee, Richard
Lee, Russell William (1865 - 1937)
Lee, Sally Ann (1877 - 1931)
Lee, Sarah F (c1842 - )
Lee, Serena Arabelle (1861 - 1901)
Lee, Stephen (1833 - )
Lee, Stephen A (c1899 - )
Lee, Stephen D (1873 - 1950)
Lee, Stonewall Jackson (c1904 - )
Lee, Thomas Barclay (1872 - 1940)
Lee, Thomas Hilary (1863 - 1946)
Lee, Thomas Lafayette (1870 - 1954)
Lee, Vallie G (1899 - )
Lee, Viola Elise (1919 - 2004)
Lee, Walter Leon (1890 - )
Lee, Wardie T (1890 - 1956)
Lee, Washie Glen (1899 - 1993)
Lee, William Alfred (1886 - 1953)
Lee, William Campbell (1897 - )
Lee, William Elmer (1892 - 1909)
Lee, William Hamilton (1890 - 1954)
Lee, William J (1895 - )
Lee, William T (1859 - 1929)
Lee, Winley W (1896 - 1994)
Lee, Wyatt Martin "Buddy" (1869 - )
Leffew, Allen Duram (1898 - 1977)
Leffew, Garland (1894 - 1937)
Leffew, Maud (1896 - )
Leffew, Pleasant Henry (1865 - 1925)
Leffew, William (c1904 - )
Lefler, Josephine (1859 - 1920)
Legrand, Charles C (1857 - )
Legrand, Charlie S (1894 - )
Legrand, Columbus G (1889 - )
Legrand, Columbus Porter (1849 - 1931)
Legrand, David Thomas (1893 - 1958)
Legrand, Eliza (c1864 - )
Legrand, George W (1896 - )
Legrand, George Washington (c1825 - 1897)
Legrand, George Washington II (1851 - c1887)
Legrand, James L (1854 - )
Legrand, James T (c1874 - )
Legrand, Mary Coleman (1846 - 1904)
Legrand, Mary F (1859 - 1942)
Legrand, Mary Frances (1877 - 1971)
Legrand, Presley (1887 - 1970)
Legrand, Preston (1887 - 1908)
Legrand, Renda Ann (1884 - )
Legrand, Sally Ann (c1865 - 1912)
Legrand, Sally J (1879 - 1941)
Legrand, Woodson Thomas (1852 - )
Lehman, Mariah (1831 - 1903)
Leigh, Mary Whitworth (1854 - 1908)
Leisure, Bert Henry (1878 - 1955)
Leisure, Charles Nathan (1916 - 1980)
Leisure, Harriet (1903 - 2001)
Leisure, Mary (1906 - 1980)
Leisure, Pauline (1899 - 1973)
Leknes, Allan Burnett (1905 - 1974)
Leknes, Betsy Severine (1863 - 1900)
Leknes, Inez (1909 - 1996)
Leknes, Knut W (c1855 - )
Leknes, Lambrigt (c1859 - 1921)
Leknes, Lars (1853 - 1918)
Leknes, Lars Larsen (1825 - 1900)
Leknes, Lawrence M (1899 - 1966)
Leknes, Leroy (1895 - 1903)
Leknes, Lewis (c1851 - 1875)
Leknes, Lican A Lillian (1897 - 1980)
Leknes, Lucille (1906 - 1987)
Leknes, Melinda (1860 - 1928)
Leknes, Michael (1867 - 1878)
Leknes, Rasmus Olai (1868 - 1910)
Leknes, Ruth (c1904 - )
Leknes, Tilla C (1911 - 1998)
Lemaster, Abigail (c1846 - )
Lemaster, Albert E (1879 - )
Lemaster, Andrew (1851 - )
Lemaster, Berthia (1884 - 1975)
Lemaster, Eliza (1881 - )
Lemaster, Frances (1829 - 1926)
Lemaster, Francis Marion (1847 - 1905)
Lemaster, James Charles (1873 - 1925)
Lemaster, John (c1827 - 1852)
Lemaster, Margaret A (c1874 - )
Lemaster, Nolia C (1891 - )
Lemaster, Thomas (1888 - )
Lemley, Mittie Bell (1887 - 1942)
Lemmon, Brandt Elmer (1883 - 1954)
Lemmon, Brandt Elmer II (1909 - 1946)
Lemmon, Caddie Luella (1878 - 1955)
Lemmon, Cora Alice (1865 - 1904)
Lemmon, Daniel Felme (1844 - 1914)
Lemmon, Emma (1873 - 1928)
Lemmon, John William (1869 - 1920)
Lemmon, Roy Emerson (1895 - 1928)
Lemmon, Ruth Iola (1897 - 1959)
Lemmon, Sarada Elizabeth (1866 - 1940)
Lemons, Flora (1900 - )
Lemons, Herbert Thedus (1909 - 1951)
Lemons, Hulda (1884 - )
Lemons, Noah Solomon (1878 - 1939)
Lemons, Sarah Elizabeth (c1877 - )
Lemons, Solomon Elijah (1848 - 1936)
Lemons, Thomas Forest (1877 - 1968)
Lemons, Virgil L (1915 - 1991)
Lemons, Wilbert Lloyd (1911 - 1976)
*Lenton, Agnes
Leonard, Ada Frances (1871 - 1939)
Leonard, Lillie Lee (c1887 - 1912)
Leonard, Mary Jane (1857 - )
Leslie, Mary Ann (1844 - 1919)
Lester, Benjamin Cecil (1888 - 1961)
Lester, Cassie (1891 - )
Lester, Dora Jane (1886 - 1975)
Lester, George Edward (1889 - 1931)
Lester, Jonathan Hughes (1864 - 1900)
Lester, Myrla M (1893 - )
Lester, Sanford Ezra (1898 - 1993)
Lester, Tennie (1900 - 1988)
Lester, Virginia Ann (1835 - 1900)
Lethgo, Fannie (1883 - 1954)
Lett, Elizabeth (c1804 - )
Lett, Mary Gordon (1887 - 1952)
Leviolette, Josephine (c1862 - 1910)
Lewallen, Bessie May (1880 - 1958)
Lewallen, Eugene Emory (1869 - 1930)
Lewallen, Joseph Thomas (1889 - 1933)
Lewallen, Lizzie Ellis (1883 - 1960)
Lewallen, Louella Gray (1867 - 1890)
Lewallen, Martha Ophelia (1878 - )
Lewallen, Mary Ada (1873 - 1909)
Lewallen, Pernecia Lula (1876 - 1951)
Lewallen, Robert Carson (1886 - 1940)
Lewallen, William Greer (1871 - 1955)
Lewallen, Zimri Alexander (1841 - 1912)
Lewis, Alice B (1872 - 1948)
Lewis, Annie Florence (1871 - 1941)
Lewis, Charles Henry (1862 - 1949)
Lewis, Delilah (c1834 - )
Lewis, Edsel E (1928 - 2011)
Lewis, Eliza Ann (1859 - 1947)
Lewis, Elizabeth (1835 - )
Lewis, Elzie I (1939 - 2014)
Lewis, Florence Pearl (1926 - 2014)
Lewis, George Caddie (1932 - 2007)
Lewis, Hassel Edward (1920 - 1959)
Lewis, Hiram A (1918 - 1990)
Lewis, Ima (1895 - )
Lewis, James Buchanan (c1846 - )
Lewis, James Edgar (1915 - 1998)
Lewis, James H (1846 - )
Lewis, James R II (c1878 - )
*Lewis, Jemima (1700 - )
Lewis, Julia Ann (1823 - 1906)
Lewis, Kizziah (c1807 - )
Lewis, Leander (1896 - 1975)
Lewis, Leweler (c1875 - )
Lewis, Lizzie (c1888 - 1952)
Lewis, Margaret (c1872 - )
Lewis, Martha Jane (1857 - 1905)
Lewis, Mary Eva (1875 - 1937)
Lewis, Mary Jane (1930 - )
Lewis, Mary Polly (c1790 - )
Lewis, May (1897 - )
Lewis, Moses M (1833 - 1881)
Lewis, Myrtie (1890 - 1967)
Lewis, Nay E (1922 - 2005)
Lewis, Pauline Ellen (1870 - 1924)
Lewis, Rosetta (1866 - 1875)
*Lewis, Sarah (1740 - 1819)
Lewis, Simon Wilson (1868 - 1934)
Lewis, Susie E (1935 - )
*Lewis, Thomas (1629 - 1709)
*Lewis, Thomas II (1656 - 1719)
Lewis, William Barney (1866 - 1933)
Lewter, Helen (c1845 - 1888)
Lewter, Veora (1880 - 1944)
Libby, Sarah Elizabeth (1859 - 1935)
Liddle, Allen W (c1857 - )
Liddle, Amos H (1839 - 1925)
Liddle, Caroline Olivia (1875 - )
Liddle, Charles (c1852 - )
Liddle, Cora Amelia (1865 - 1928)
Liddle, Earl T (1886 - 1974)
Liddle, Emory (1882 - 1957)
Liddle, Francis H (1863 - 1929)
Liddle, Henry (c1848 - )
Liddle, John A (1885 - 1962)
Liddle, John B (1804 - 1877)
Liddle, Mabel L (1880 - )
Liddle, Major Daniel (c1868 - )
Liddle, Mary (c1879 - )
Liddle, Mary E (c1855 - )
Liddle, Oliver B (1844 - )
Liddle, Oliver Earl (1884 - 1945)
Liddle, P Catherine (1871 - 1954)
Liddle, Viola Jane (1862 - 1935)
Liddle, Wilbur J (1877 - )
Ligan, Arthur E (c1880 - )
Ligan, Jack Edward (c1912 - 1975)
Ligan, Thelma Virginia (1907 - )
Light, Nancy Emily (1856 - )
Lightfoot, Alvie E (1909 - )
Lightfoot, Cully (1894 - )
Lightfoot, Dora (1877 - )
Lightfoot, Dora E (1874 - )
Lightfoot, Earl (1900 - )
Lightfoot, Lillie (1890 - 1972)
Lightfoot, Manor (c1886 - )
Lightfoot, Robert David (1846 - 1921)
Lightfoot, Samuel M (1867 - )
Lightfoot, Stanley (1897 - 1961)
Lightfoot, Tabitha J (1868 - 1889)
Lightfoot, Walton C (1892 - 1949)
Likens, Cinda Jane (c1875 - )
Likens, Sarah Ellen (1862 - 1933)
Liles, Dora Elizabeth (1858 - 1943)
Liles, Francis H (c1803 - 1847)
Liles, Ibbe (c1847 - )
Liles, James Madison (1895 - 1976)
Liles, John H (c1838 - 1863)
Liles, John Henry (1863 - 1926)
Liles, Mary Susan (1900 - 1940)
Liles, Nancy Elizabeth (1842 - 1882)
Liles, Oscar R (1894 - 1980)
Liles, Virgil Lee (1898 - 1974)
Liles, Zula Christine (1909 - 2002)
Lilienthal, Emma (1870 - 1931)
Lincoln, Charles A (1851 - 1933)
Lincoln, Charles Arthur (1883 - 1971)
*Lincoln, Constant (c1706 - 1777)
Lincoln, James Elsworth (1844 - 1895)
Lincoln, Lorenzo (1880 - )
Lincoln, Mary M (1885 - 1967)
Lincoln, Milo Bailey (1890 - 1966)
Lincoln, Minnie Irene (1892 - 1988)
*Lincoln, Nathaniel (1684 - 1761)
Lincoln, Rowena (1896 - 1990)
*Lincoln, Thomas II "the miller" (1600 - 1684)
*Lincoln, Thomas III (c1628 - c1695)
*Lincoln, Thomas IV (1656 - 1720)
Lincoln, William I (1881 - 1895)
Lindley, J M
Lindley, Joseph (1889 - )
Lindley, Mary (1860 - 1945)
Lindley, Roxie Myrtle (1885 - 1969)
Lindsay, Ada May (1866 - 1918)
Lindsay, Dora Bell (1862 - 1917)
Lindsay, Franklin Allen (1862 - 1936)
Lindsay, Ida Belle (1866 - 1919)
Lindsay, Isaac (1819 - 1892)
Lindsay, Martha Anna (1861 - 1930)
Lindsay, Nonnie (1873 - 1926)
Lindsay, Susannah (1789 - 1857)
Lindsay, William E (1864 - 1925)
Lindsey, Alice (c1907 - )
Lindsey, Anna P (c1906 - )
Lindsey, Audrey Calvin (1897 - 1986)
Lindsey, Beatrice Lizzie (1896 - )
Lindsey, Columbus Monroe "Clide" (1880 - 1961)
Lindsey, Efton Leighton (1894 - 1945)
Lindsey, Ernest Lee (1888 - 1967)
Lindsey, Ethalinda F "Lennie" (1872 - 1943)
Lindsey, Flora Ellen (1885 - 1964)
Lindsey, Floyd Orus (1892 - 1981)
Lindsey, Green Lee Jackson (1874 - 1950)
Lindsey, Hebron Horace (1908 - 1984)
Lindsey, Hoyt (c1907 - )
Lindsey, Irena Arillas (1857 - 1911)
Lindsey, James "Monroe" (1829 - 1902)
Lindsey, James Nathaniel (1861 - 1935)
Lindsey, James Virgil "Red" (1889 - 1944)
Lindsey, Leroy (1887 - 1944)
Lindsey, Lowell (c1906 - )
Lindsey, Maggie C (c1878 - )
Lindsey, Mary Lou "Lulu" (1877 - 1913)
Lindsey, Nancy Margaret Elizabeth (1867 - 1901)
Lindsey, Orel Bowman (1908 - 1980)
Lindsey, Pansy (c1903 - )
Lindsey, Richard John David (1865 - 1933)
Lindsey, Sarah Corintha (1859 - 1918)
Lindsey, Sarah Delilah (1869 - 1957)
Lindsey, Virnus Monroe (1892 - 1948)
Lindsey, William Calvin (1863 - 1905)
Lindsey, William Laloo (1893 - 1975)
Lindsey, Wynema (1910 - 1999)
Lindsey, Yeula Hortense (1894 - )
Line, Mary A (1850 - )
Linebarger, Sarah (c1855 - )
Lineberry, Lucy Belle (1874 - 1939)
Lineberry, Martha Patsy (1827 - 1913)
Linens, Jessie (c1876 - c1899)
Link, Frances (1809 - 1855)
Linn, Addis (c1750 - 1811)
Linn, Andrew (1700 - 1800)
Linn, David the Honorable Judge (1698 - )
Linn, Isaac (1739 - 1785)
Linn, John (1733 - 1757)
Linn, Levi (Lieutenant) (1748 - 1826)
*Linn, Mary (1733 - 1763)
*Linn, Thomas (1671 - )
Linn, Thomas (1730 - 1783)
*Linn, William Thomas (1701 - 1757)
Linton, Eliza Jane (1833 - 1916)
Linville, Alfred R (c1869 - )
Linville, Henry (c1899 - )
Linville, Lewis (c1906 - )
Lipe, Amelia Ellen (1847 - 1914)
Lister, Ira Clayton (1885 - 1934)
Lister, Jasper Newton (1854 - 1931)
Litchford, Elizabeth (1890 - )
Litchford, Frances (1835 - )
Litchford, John (1884 - )
Litchford, John P (1849 - 1922)
Litchford, Mary (1889 - )
Litchford, Noah (1887 - )
Litchford, Thomas Clarence (1892 - 1966)
Litchford, Willie Forest (1894 - 1961)
*Litledalen, Ingeborg Johannesdotter (1792 - 1863)
Little, Dale C (1904 - 1927)
Little, Floyd Guy (c1907 - 1962)
Little, Harriet Lucinda (1835 - 1901)
Little, Harry Carl (1892 - )
Little, Norris Glen (1900 - 1961)
Little, Roy S (1896 - 1941)
Little, Samuel Isaac (1863 - 1933)
Littlefield, Garland (1900 - )
Littlefield, George Thompson (1875 - 1933)
Littlefield, Wallace R (c1904 - )
Littlejohn, Clara (c1858 - )
Littlejohn, Jared W (c1817 - 1892)
Littlejohn, Lydia A (c1838 - )
Littlejohn, Margaret T (c1846 - )
Littlejohn, Mary Eva (1849 - 1908)
Littlejohn, Rhoda J (c1840 - )
*Littleton, Edward II (c1523 - 1574)
*Littleton, Jane (c1566 - )
Lively, Bess (1875 - 1966)
Livingston, Colonus Deliver (1861 - 1946)
Livingston, George W (c1809 - )
Livingston, James Elvin (1903 - 1987)
Livingston, John (1842 - 1931)
Livingston, Margaret Elizabeth (1848 - 1925)
Livingston, Margie E (1883 - 1955)
Livingston, Martha Emily (1887 - 1904)
Livingston, Martin E (1889 - 1982)
Livingston, Marvin Eston (1890 - 1988)
Livingston, Mary Eva (1885 - 1962)
Livingston, Miriam Ethel (1891 - 1962)
Livingston, Ollie Lee (1897 - 1942)
Livingston, Rhoda Esther (1895 - 1961)
Livingston, Willie Mae (1899 - 1985)
Lloyd, Ann Elizabeth (1850 - 1919)
Lloyd, Grace (1892 - 1975)
Lloyd, James Jefferson (1861 - 1920)
Lloyd, Leah Lee (1892 - 1955)
Lloyd, Martha Miller (1867 - 1938)
Lloyd, Nancy Lee (1864 - 1945)
Lloyd, Richard C (c1829 - )
Lloyd, Sarah Emma (1859 - 1941)
Lockard, James (c1865 - )
Lockard, Mary (c1863 - )
Lockard, Moses (c1833 - 1864)
Lockard, Robert (c1865 - )
Lockey, Frances Missouri (1881 - 1963)
Lockwood, Charlotte (1847 - 1928)
Lodge, Florence (1867 - 1928)
Loftis, Abner James (1905 - 1978)
Loftis, Barbara Clara (1871 - )
Loftis, Boadicea Ann (c1850 - 1925)
Loftis, Celina Louise (1879 - 1947)
Loftis, Charles Clarence (1907 - 1985)
Loftis, Charles King (1890 - 1959)
Loftis, Clarenda (1831 - )
Loftis, Clerry Tennessee (1846 - 1889)
Loftis, Clifford E (1905 - 1976)
Loftis, Daisy C (1889 - c1908)
Loftis, Dorothy Louise (1909 - )
Loftis, Elizabeth Daffo (1917 - 2001)
Loftis, Emaline (c1835 - 1879)
Loftis, Frances B (1876 - 1964)
Loftis, Frances Catherine (1831 - 1922)
Loftis, Gerald H (1898 - 1965)
Loftis, Hattie Bell (1891 - 1981)
Loftis, Isaac Daniel (1886 - 1930)
Loftis, James H (1838 - 1898)
Loftis, James M (c1848 - )
Loftis, Jamie (c1909 - )
Loftis, Jemima (1889 - 1954)
Loftis, John Riley (1875 - 1948)
Loftis, Lemuel (c1806 - c1873)
Loftis, Lewis Clay (1903 - 1973)
Loftis, Martin V (1883 - 1952)
Loftis, Mary Elcaney (1862 - 1944)
Loftis, Millard Fillmore (1857 - 1915)
Loftis, Monroe (1884 - )
Loftis, Nancy (1834 - 1910)
Loftis, Nancy (c1846 - )
Loftis, Roland (c1854 - )
Loftis, Sallie J (1892 - 1978)
Loftis, Sarah (c1833 - )
Loftis, Simeon (c1844 - )
Loftis, Solomon (c1837 - )
Loftis, Thomas Jefferson (1881 - 1959)
Loftis, Thomas Marion (1855 - 1878)
Loftis, William (c1852 - )
Loftis, William Riley (1880 - 1942)
Loftis, William Troy (1888 - 1959)
Loftis, Willis Bolivar (1882 - 1960)
Loftis, Zenas Sanford (1881 - 1909)
Logan, Elizabeth Ann (1814 - )
Logan, J D (1925 - 2001)
Logan, John A (c1821 - )
Logan, Mary (1823 - 1883)
Logan, Mollie Amelia (1871 - 1950)
Logan, William Robert (1896 - 1955)
Logan, Willie E (1922 - 2009)
Lohr, Effie Gertrude (1867 - 1954)
London, Mahala (1843 - 1892)
Long, Adeline H (c1841 - )
Long, Adeline Lee (1873 - 1901)
Long, Albert (1878 - 1963)
Long, Albert Sidney (1884 - 1957)
Long, Albin Leonard (1849 - 1933)
Long, Albin Thurman (1891 - )
Long, Alfred (1819 - 1906)
Long, Alfred H (1886 - 1959)
Long, Alice (1861 - 1928)
Long, Allie Icephine (1879 - 1933)
Long, Alpha E (1890 - )
Long, Alsa Lacey (1898 - 1991)
Long, Amanda Susan (1868 - 1945)
Long, Ann (1848 - 1923)
Long, Anna Blanche (1870 - 1932)
Long, Anna Maria (1845 - 1885)
Long, Anna P (1887 - )
Long, Annie (c1901 - )
Long, Annie Bell (1922 - 2008)
Long, Arand Jane (c1837 - 1864)
Long, Archibald DeLafayette (1886 - 1938)
Long, Arthur (1882 - )
Long, Attie D (1881 - )
Long, Augustus (c1853 - )
Long, Austin Milton (1888 - 1973)
*Long, Benjamin (1728 - 1804)
Long, Benjamin (c1750 - )
Long, Benjamin (c1752 - )
*Long, Benjamin (c1770 - 1857)
Long, Benjamin (1890 - 1971)
Long, Benjamin Franklin (1894 - 1965)
Long, Benjamin Harrison (1841 - 1906)
Long, Benjamin S (1862 - 1935)
Long, Bert Isaac (1893 - 1961)
Long, Bertha J (1888 - 1918)
Long, Bessie B (1909 - 1930)
Long, Blanche A (1879 - 1955)
Long, Blanche O (1888 - )
Long, Bradford (1850 - 1941)
*Long, Bromfield (c1692 - c1762)
Long, Brumfield (1721 - 1778)
*Long, Brumfield (c1749 - 1823)
Long, Brumfield (c1754 - )
Long, Brumfield (c1823 - )
Long, Brumfield (c1846 - )
Long, Brumfield II
Long, Bryan (1898 - 1920)
Long, Carole (1892 - )
Long, Cassandra (1860 - )
Long, Catherine (c1805 - )
Long, Catherine (c1847 - )
Long, Catherine C (1891 - 1978)
Long, Catherine M (1915 - )
Long, Cecile (1901 - 1972)
Long, Celecy Ellen (1897 - 1962)
Long, Charles Andrew (1856 - 1942)
Long, Charles Andrew (1893 - )
Long, Charles Burnham (1888 - 1943)
Long, Charles Edmon (1856 - 1943)
Long, Clara (1881 - 1981)
Long, Clara H (c1874 - )
Long, Clarence B (1883 - 1939)
Long, Clarence Claude (1895 - 1968)
Long, Clyde E (1901 - 1955)
Long, Cora Ida (1867 - 1937)
Long, Cora Mayhue (1893 - 1969)
Long, Cornelia A (c1866 - )
Long, Cuthbert A (1861 - )
Long, Cuthbert Burton (1856 - 1930)
Long, Daisy E (c1878 - )
Long, David Perry (1891 - 1973)
Long, Delpha Mae (1893 - 1978)
Long, Dewitt T (1897 - 1990)
Long, Dollie (1905 - 1998)
Long, Dora (1876 - )
*Long, Dorinda (1868 - 1954)
Long, Dorothy May (1899 - 1983)
Long, Earl Dudley (1905 - 1978)
Long, Earl Raymond (1900 - 1970)
Long, Edna May (1905 - 1990)
Long, Edward (c1849 - )
Long, Edward Crutcher (1874 - 1933)
Long, Edward M (c1869 - )
Long, Edward W (1860 - 1935)
Long, Elizabeth (c1764 - )
Long, Elizabeth (c1798 - )
Long, Elizabeth (c1834 - )
Long, Elizabeth (1858 - 1920)
Long, Elizabeth C (c1853 - )
Long, Elmira (1872 - 1921)
Long, Elmont E (1889 - 1977)
Long, Emily J (1878 - )
Long, Emma Catherine (c1869 - )
Long, Essie Estelle (1885 - 1968)
Long, Ethel (1886 - )
Long, Eugene (c1876 - )
Long, Eustace Charles (1887 - 1963)
Long, Eveline (c1817 - )
Long, Fanny Mariah (1877 - 1943)
Long, Fillmore (1878 - 1950)
Long, Frances (1810 - 1880)
Long, Frances T (c1866 - )
Long, Francis (1858 - 1943)
Long, Fred (1881 - 1977)
Long, Garrett (c1805 - )
Long, Garrett Melvin (1845 - 1915)
Long, Geneva (1865 - 1941)
Long, George B (1877 - 1949)
Long, George Elias (1891 - 1968)
Long, George Willard (1905 - 1966)
Long, Gertrude (1888 - )
Long, Gertrude M (1895 - 1982)
Long, Gideon Chadbourne (1890 - 1965)
Long, Gideon P (c1835 - )
Long, Gladys Belle (1908 - 1983)
Long, Grace B (1893 - )
Long, Grovie Thelma (1913 - 2004)
Long, Guy T (1884 - 1954)
Long, Harold (1881 - )
Long, Hattie Sibyl (1882 - 1950)
Long, Hazel M (1898 - )
Long, Helen Mary (1878 - )
Long, Henry
*Long, Henry (1652 - c1733)
Long, Henry Clay (1865 - 1954)
Long, Henry Mack (1880 - 1963)
Long, Henry Waldo (1895 - 1973)
Long, Herbert Newton (1898 - 1957)
Long, Hubert Earl (1907 - 1958)
Long, Ida Lou (1880 - 1967)
Long, Ida May (1902 - 1989)
Long, Ira (1882 - 1969)
Long, Ira Quintin (1881 - )
Long, Isaac D (1833 - 1889)
Long, J Tennessee (1879 - 1908)
Long, James (c1757 - )
Long, James (1830 - 1916)
Long, James (c1847 - )
Long, James (c1854 - )
Long, James A (c1850 - )
Long, James Albert (1878 - 1947)
Long, James Calvin (1874 - )
*Long, James Edward (1837 - 1889)
Long, James Floyd (1888 - 1953)
Long, James H (c1815 - )
Long, James Jefferson (1879 - 1941)
Long, James Logan (1887 - 1940)
Long, James R (1887 - )
Long, Jane (c1814 - )
Long, Jane (c1837 - )
Long, Jasper Taylor (1896 - 1961)
Long, Jennie C (1893 - )
Long, Jeptha (1869 - 1954)
Long, Jerome (c1843 - )
*Long, John (1560 - )
Long, John (c1756 - )
Long, John (c1829 - )
Long, John (c1833 - )
Long, John Albert (1883 - 1943)
Long, John Alfred (c1879 - )
Long, John Arvil (1905 - 1972)
Long, John Bond (c1749 - )
Long, John Bullard (1894 - )
Long, John C (1892 - 1970)
Long, John Edmon (1882 - 1965)
Long, John Franklin (1882 - 1939)
Long, John J (1898 - )
Long, John Owen (1853 - 1928)
Long, John R (1893 - )
Long, John Walter (1906 - 1959)
Long, Joseph (1855 - )
Long, Joseph Allen (1900 - 1960)
Long, Joseph Simon (1870 - 1934)
Long, Josephine (1854 - )
Long, Joshua Cole (1852 - 1933)
Long, Julia Ann (c1813 - 1873)
Long, Katherine Emily (1898 - 1963)
Long, Kenneth (1875 - )
Long, Kitty Ann (1868 - 1938)
Long, Lafayette L (1874 - 1951)
Long, Laura (c1867 - )
Long, Laura Lucille (1901 - 1989)
Long, Lelia (c1877 - )
Long, Lenora (1861 - )
Long, Leroy Milton (1894 - 1973)
Long, Leslie (1897 - 1915)
Long, Letitia (c1851 - )
Long, Levi (1888 - )
Long, Lillian Faye (1917 - 1969)
Long, Lily Alice (1863 - 1917)
Long, Louella (1861 - 1935)
Long, Louisa (1884 - 1911)
Long, Louise (1890 - )
Long, Louise E (c1861 - )
Long, Lucinda (1828 - )
Long, Lucy (c1765 - )
Long, Lucy (c1867 - )
Long, Lucy (1886 - )
Long, Lucy May (1902 - 1961)
Long, Luther Porter (1836 - 1917)
Long, Lydia A (c1875 - )
Long, Lyman Burch (1882 - 1903)
Long, Margaret (c1744 - )
Long, Margaret (c1786 - )
Long, Margaret (1841 - 1918)
Long, Margaret D (c1835 - )
Long, Margaret Elizabeth (1863 - 1945)
Long, Margaret Virginia (1874 - 1943)
Long, Martha (1860 - )
Long, Martha (1860 - 1903)
Long, Martha Ann (1839 - 1910)
Long, Martha Waterhouse (1881 - 1916)
Long, Mary (c1785 - )
Long, Mary (1897 - )
Long, Mary Amanda (1897 - 1975)
Long, Mary Belle (c1872 - )
Long, Mary E (1850 - 1939)
Long, Mary E (1864 - 1941)
Long, Mary Elizabeth (c1842 - c1874)
Long, Mary Eveline (1851 - )
Long, Mary Helen (1893 - 1967)
Long, Mary Jane (1855 - 1928)
Long, Mary Jane (1861 - 1883)
Long, Mary Jane (1878 - 1948)
Long, Mary Lillian (1895 - 1988)
Long, Mary May (1860 - )
Long, Mattie E (1866 - 1894)
Long, Maude A (1886 - )
Long, May I (1883 - )
Long, Millard (1883 - )
Long, Millard M (1884 - )
Long, Milton (1826 - )
Long, Milton (1828 - 1901)
Long, Milton M (1866 - 1947)
Long, Minnie L (1870 - 1955)
Long, Mintie (1894 - )
Long, Mirty (1889 - )
Long, Muriel (1897 - )
Long, Myra A (1883 - 1959)
Long, Myra H (1897 - )
Long, Myrtle M (1891 - )
Long, Myrtle Mae (1899 - 1991)
Long, Nancy (c1867 - )
Long, Nancy Carol (c1849 - 1890)
Long, Nancy J (c1854 - )
Long, Nellie (1891 - )
*Long, Nelson (1800 - 1861)
Long, Newton (c1843 - c1865)
Long, Newton B (1871 - 1958)
Long, Newton Jerome (1873 - 1952)
Long, Norris Hilman (1840 - 1919)
Long, Ollie H (1883 - )
Long, Oneil Eugene (1901 - 1979)
Long, Ophelia (1894 - 1956)
Long, Ora Lee (1891 - 1990)
Long, Otha May (1895 - 1960)
Long, Otto Milton (1886 - 1951)
Long, Permilia Ann (1845 - 1910)
Long, Perry Edmond (1900 - 1966)
Long, Peter Isaac (1885 - 1955)
Long, Polly H (1825 - 1913)
Long, Rachel A (1909 - 1981)
Long, Raymond (1894 - 1922)
Long, Rebecca (c1838 - 1925)
*Long, Richard (1586 - )
Long, Richard Elijah (c1874 - )
Long, Richard Marshall (1870 - 1960)
Long, Robert B (c1754 - )
Long, Roxie Oler (1886 - 1959)
Long, Roy H (1892 - 1925)
Long, Ruby (c1913 - )
Long, Ruby Love (1897 - 1986)
Long, Ruth Edna (1911 - 1988)
Long, Samuel (1796 - 1862)
Long, Samuel Benjamin (1860 - 1933)
Long, Samuel F (1847 - 1909)
Long, Samuel II (c1836 - 1904)
Long, Samuel Livingston (1851 - 1928)
Long, Samuel Livingston II (1884 - 1922)
Long, Samuel Milton (1856 - 1930)
Long, Samuel Milton II (1891 - 1967)
Long, Samuel Pollard (1894 - 1952)
Long, Samuel Van (1889 - 1941)
Long, Sarah (c1787 - c1817)
Long, Sarah (c1846 - )
Long, Sarah (1875 - )
Long, Sarah Addie (1889 - 1981)
Long, Sarah Emma (c1857 - )
Long, Sarah J (1865 - 1926)
Long, Sarah Jane (c1843 - )
Long, Sarah Jane (1858 - 1945)
Long, Serena (c1836 - )
Long, Simpson (1880 - 1938)
Long, Stephen Nicholas Henry (1857 - 1904)
Long, Susan (1787 - )
Long, Susan (1835 - 1889)
Long, Susan E (1857 - 1942)
Long, Susie Ada (1901 - 1989)
Long, Theodore Van (1914 - 1957)
Long, Thomas (c1792 - 1837)
Long, Thomas (1824 - 1886)
Long, Thomas (c1831 - )
Long, Thomas Bartley (1874 - 1935)
Long, Thomas Henry (1852 - 1943)
Long, Thomas P (c1774 - )
Long, Trigg Allen (1880 - 1950)
Long, Uel (1903 - 1977)
Long, Virgil Jefferson (1895 - 1964)
Long, W Theodore (1900 - 1911)
Long, Walter G (1886 - 1904)
Long, Wilbur (c1856 - )
Long, William (c1766 - )
Long, William (c1787 - )
Long, William (1818 - 1907)
Long, William (1886 - )
Long, William A (c1834 - )
Long, William Alva (1888 - )
Long, William Burton (1911 - 1979)
Long, William Henry (1870 - 1955)
Long, William Henry (1900 - 1971)
Long, William Jackson (1859 - 1944)
Long, William Lawrence (1900 - 1963)
Long, William P (1849 - 1882)
Long, William Rual (1907 - 1979)
Long, William Zachariah (1894 - 1949)
Long, Willis (1870 - 1955)
Long, Zachariah Taylor (1845 - 1916)
Long, Zella (c1908 - )
Longacre, Elizabeth (1811 - )
*Longbottom, Brian ( - 1600)
*Longbottom, Elizabeth (1560 - )
*Looman, Martha (1614 - 1683)
Loomis, Harriet Ada (1844 - 1919)
Looper, J K
Looper, Walter Lee (1890 - 1969)
Lorance, Adelia A (c1867 - )
Lorance, Arsenia (c1856 - )
Lorance, Arthur (c1845 - 1926)
Lorance, Catherine (c1824 - )
Lorance, David
Lorance, David (1831 - 1888)
Lorance, David (1861 - 1883)
Lorance, Dixon (1818 - )
Lorance, Effie May (1885 - 1976)
Lorance, Elder (c1885 - )
Lorance, Eli (1816 - 1888)
Lorance, Eli (c1859 - )
Lorance, Elizabeth (1807 - )
Lorance, Elizabeth (1838 - 1904)
Lorance, Elizabeth (c1853 - )
Lorance, Elizabeth (1860 - 1918)
Lorance, Emma Adeline (1874 - 1951)
Lorance, George (c1859 - )
Lorance, George Wray (1880 - 1954)
Lorance, Grace Catherine (1912 - 1994)
Lorance, Grace Estella (1894 - )
Lorance, Grant (1865 - 1870)
Lorance, Hannah (1849 - )
Lorance, Irena (1820 - 1886)
Lorance, Irene (1854 - )
Lorance, Jacob (1852 - 1925)
Lorance, James W (1890 - 1966)
Lorance, Jesse Greenstreet (1888 - 1956)
Lorance, John (1771 - 1825)
Lorance, John (1828 - )
Lorance, John (1836 - )
Lorance, John II
Lorance, John T (c1871 - )
Lorance, Jonas (1839 - 1928)
Lorance, Keziah (1855 - 1930)
Lorance, Lettie (1884 - 1967)
Lorance, Malinda (1857 - 1933)
Lorance, Malinda Catherine (1868 - 1936)
Lorance, Margaret (1849 - )
Lorance, Margaret B (1833 - 1887)
Lorance, Martha A (1841 - 1920)
Lorance, Mary Ann (1825 - 1906)
Lorance, Mary Margaret (1865 - 1947)
Lorance, Maude Bird (1887 - 1984)
Lorance, Maurice William (1890 - 1946)
Lorance, Medford G (1899 - 1971)
Lorance, Minnie (1877 - 1934)
Lorance, Minnie Belle (1874 - 1952)
Lorance, Nancy (c1846 - )
Lorance, Nancy C (1822 - 1862)
Lorance, Osmond (1883 - 1940)
Lorance, Pearl (1893 - 1991)
Lorance, Peter (1845 - )
Lorance, Peter (1847 - 1915)
Lorance, Phelix (1848 - 1932)
Lorance, Prudence (c1842 - )
Lorance, Rebecca (c1863 - )
Lorance, Richard (1854 - )
Lorance, Samuel (1853 - 1934)
Lorance, Sarah (1852 - 1927)
Lorance, Simon Robert (1856 - 1937)
Lorance, Sophia (1808 - 1895)
Lorance, Thomas Zebedee (1898 - 1950)
Lorance, Tressa D (1890 - )
Lorance, Viola (1887 - )
Lorance, Walter Henry (1885 - 1952)
Lorance, Whitkaer (1843 - 1925)
Lorance, William (1839 - 1871)
Lorance, William A (c1865 - )
Lorance, William Henry (1850 - 1926)
Lorentz, Anna Margaretha (1704 - 1710)
*Lorentz, Johannes (c1600 - )
*Lorentz, Johannes (1666 - 1745)
*Lorentz, Johannes Heinrich (1628 - )
Lorentz, Magdalena (1698 - )
Lorentz, Susanna (1704 - 1710)
*Loretto, Countess
Lothridge, Claud (c1896 - )
Lothridge, James Herbert (c1894 - c1952)
Lothridge, John Tarrents (c1854 - )
Lothridge, Ora A (1897 - )
Lott, Martha J (c1830 - 1887)
Lott, Mary (1859 - )
Louden, Anna Laura (1898 - 1982)
Louden, Charles Julius (1892 - 1970)
Louden, James Robert (1894 - 1972)
Louden, John R (1847 - 1931)
Louden, Mary Abigail (1889 - 1977)
Louden, William Hobart (1896 - 1918)
Loudermilk, Alfred Brower (1843 - 1910)
Loudermilk, Anna Jarette (1868 - 1954)
Loudermilk, Artemissia (1883 - 1977)
Loudermilk, Benjamin Harrison (1888 - 1955)
Loudermilk, Charity Almedia (1874 - 1959)
Loudermilk, Charles S (c1906 - )
Loudermilk, Cladie Ada (1894 - 1976)
Loudermilk, Clarence Vernell (1905 - 1950)
Loudermilk, Cynthia Alice (1872 - 1909)
Loudermilk, David Milton (1875 - 1948)
Loudermilk, Della Moriah (1903 - 1993)
Loudermilk, Doctor Cleo (1901 - 1933)
Loudermilk, Eli Abijah (1871 - 1955)
Loudermilk, Emalina May (1886 - 1919)
Loudermilk, Emma E (c1871 - 1894)
Loudermilk, Emsley E (c1868 - 1895)
Loudermilk, Emsley Elliott (1896 - 1948)
Loudermilk, Ethel M (c1909 - )
Loudermilk, Gladys (c1907 - 1970)
Loudermilk, Henry Clinton (1897 - 1990)
Loudermilk, John
Loudermilk, John Elbert (1878 - 1930)
Loudermilk, John Glenn (1885 - 1969)
Loudermilk, John Harrison (1842 - 1930)
Loudermilk, Leander Mendon (1866 - 1946)
Loudermilk, Leander O (1900 - 1971)
Loudermilk, Leila L (1891 - 1979)
Loudermilk, Lillie Corina (1890 - 1985)
Loudermilk, Loa Edith (1881 - 1972)
Loudermilk, Lydia M (1880 - 1972)
Loudermilk, Maggie Lydia (1880 - 1959)
Loudermilk, Martha Luella (1866 - 1919)
Loudermilk, Mary Otelia (1878 - 1960)
Loudermilk, Millard Fillmore (1897 - 1983)
Loudermilk, Mishie Ethel (1899 - 1975)
Loudermilk, Ollie (1892 - 1977)
Loudermilk, Robert Elbert (1893 - 1984)
Loudermilk, Sarah M (1869 - 1959)
Loughmiller, Clara (1879 - )
Love, Elizabeth (c1791 - )
Love, James A (1852 - )
Love, John E (1831 - 1861)
Love, John E II (1857 - 1918)
Love, Laura Houston (1859 - 1940)
Love, Meddie Zenobia (1861 - 1947)
Love, Reuben D Wood (1853 - 1913)
Love, Robert A (c1826 - )
Love, Sophia Rebecca (1854 - 1894)
Loveall, Bessie Alice (1887 - 1964)
Loveall, Charles Joseph (1900 - 1974)
Loveall, Charlotte May (1900 - 1963)
Loveall, Ernestine Alice (1907 - 1956)
Loveall, George Taylor (1859 - 1926)
Loveall, James Edgar (1890 - 1969)
Loveall, James Madison (1868 - 1952)
Loveall, James Madison II (1902 - 1915)
Loveall, John Paul (1897 - 1978)
Loveall, Katherine E (1914 - 1985)
Loveall, Lucy Emily (1861 - 1946)
Loveall, Madlyn (c1916 - )
Loveall, Naomi Ann (1904 - 1973)
Loveall, Oliver G (c1912 - )
Loveall, Paul Daniel (1896 - 1936)
Loveall, Wilda Alma (1894 - 1976)
Lovell, Alice (1885 - 1971)
Lovell, Frances M (1832 - 1912)
Lovell, James Calvin (1870 - 1951)
Lovell, John Franklin (1894 - 1991)
Lovell, Louisa (c1865 - )
Loving, Callie (1877 - 1953)
Loving, Osceola (1880 - 1945)
Loving, Sarah Theresa (1843 - 1938)
Lovorn, Annie Mae (1915 - 1999)
Lovorn, Christine (1920 - 2003)
Lovorn, Delmer L (1917 - 1997)
Lovorn, Flora Etta (1912 - 1945)
Lovorn, Joe Buster (1909 - 1984)
Lovorn, Mary Elizabeth (1910 - 1999)
Lovorn, Rosa Lee (1906 - 1993)
Lovorn, Thomas Edison Watson (1904 - 1980)
Lovorn, William Jefferson (1861 - 1951)
Low, George M (c1866 - )
Low, John H (1867 - 1930)
Low, Luna B (1874 - 1891)
Low, Mary E (1870 - 1895)
Low, Nimrod (1841 - )
Low, Phoebe J (1864 - 1950)
Low, Rose (c1879 - )
Lowder, Lydia B (1824 - )
Lowder, Sarah Margaret (1834 - )
Lowdermilk, Annie Lee (1906 - 1998)
Lowdermilk, Arthur Lee (1914 - 1930)
Lowdermilk, Clara Louise (1909 - 1998)
Lowdermilk, Earl Benjamin (1921 - 1986)
Lowdermilk, Edgar Eli (c1902 - 1991)
Lowdermilk, Eugenia (c1909 - )
Lowdermilk, Fred Clarence (1895 - 1963)
Lowdermilk, Herman M (1903 - 1960)
Lowdermilk, James Harrison (1924 - 1986)
Lowdermilk, John Albert (1900 - 1960)
Lowdermilk, Keith G (1919 - 1944)
Lowdermilk, Lois R (1906 - 1982)
Lowdermilk, Molcy J (1897 - 1987)
Lowdermilk, Nora M (1908 - 1988)
Lowdermilk, Roy Howard (1912 - 1989)
Lowdermilk, Wilber Leon (1913 - 2007)
Lowe, Andrew Jackson (1852 - 1914)
Lowe, Bessie (c1905 - 1998)
Lowe, Eula (1893 - 1911)
Lowe, Ila Floy (1890 - 1977)
Lowe, Oriana (1863 - 1895)
Lowe, Oris Andrew (1895 - 1967)
Lowe, Sarah (1835 - 1911)
Lowe, Sarah G (1861 - 1942)
Lowe, Vera Alta (1886 - 1985)
Lowe, William Delbert (1897 - 1970)
Lower, Elizabeth
Lower, Nancy M (1841 - 1933)
Lowery, Frances Leona (1846 - 1903)
Lowery, Lovina (c1838 - )
Lowery, Mary Elizabeth (1865 - 1953)
Lowery, Samantha (c1889 - )
Lowrance, Abel Shelby (1820 - 1887)
Lowrance, Abner A (1859 - )
Lowrance, Abner Ezra (1829 - 1910)
Lowrance, Abraham
Lowrance, Abraham (1746 - 1828)
Lowrance, Abraham (1767 - 1860)
Lowrance, Abraham (1792 - )
Lowrance, Abraham Augustus (1833 - 1870)
Lowrance, Abraham Franklin (1862 - 1957)
Lowrance, Abraham Lincoln (1891 - 1954)
Lowrance, Abram Robert "Bart" (1841 - 1932)
Lowrance, Adam
Lowrance, Addie Blanch (1868 - 1934)
Lowrance, Addie Rose (1858 - 1926)
Lowrance, Adlai Adams (1810 - 1893)
Lowrance, Adlai Rufus (1843 - 1930)
Lowrance, Adlai Rufus (1867 - 1920)
Lowrance, Agnes (c1783 - )
Lowrance, Agnes (1793 - )
Lowrance, Agnes (1843 - 1933)
Lowrance, Agnes Elizabeth (1833 - 1897)
Lowrance, Alanthus (1840 - )
Lowrance, Albert (1873 - 1959)
Lowrance, Albert Franklin (1848 - 1872)
Lowrance, Albert Lawson (1873 - 1948)
Lowrance, Alexander (1710 - 1795)
Lowrance, Alexander (1772 - 1856)
Lowrance, Alexander (1775 - )
Lowrance, Alexander (1778 - 1868)
Lowrance, Alexander (1810 - 1876)
Lowrance, Alexander Adams (1857 - 1941)
Lowrance, Alexander Eveland (1797 - 1850)
Lowrance, Alexander H (1828 - 1902)
Lowrance, Alexander II (1870 - 1877)
Lowrance, Alexander Joel (1812 - 1900)
Lowrance, Alexander L (1855 - )
Lowrance, Alexander R (1813 - 1862)
Lowrance, Alexander Smith (1866 - 1955)
Lowrance, Alfred A (1843 - 1862)
Lowrance, Alfred Alexander (1803 - 1868)
Lowrance, Alfred Augustus (1889 - 1966)
Lowrance, Alfred Frank (1853 - 1888)
Lowrance, Alfred Miller (1873 - 1949)
Lowrance, Alfred Riley (1847 - 1944)
Lowrance, Alfred Sloan (1828 - 1845)
Lowrance, Alice (1862 - )
Lowrance, Alice (1871 - 1939)
Lowrance, Alice (1882 - 1978)
Lowrance, Alice (1892 - )
Lowrance, Alice C (1863 - )
Lowrance, Alice May (1882 - 1928)
Lowrance, Allie (1896 - 1944)
Lowrance, Allie Victoria (1889 - 1982)
Lowrance, Alpheus Marion (1829 - 1898)
Lowrance, Alunda I (1864 - 1951)
Lowrance, Alvan (1842 - )
Lowrance, Alvie Dee (1908 - 1966)
Lowrance, Amanda (1834 - )
Lowrance, Amanda Elizabeth (1861 - 1941)
Lowrance, Amanda M (1888 - 1961)
Lowrance, Amanda Maria (1846 - 1930)
*Lowrance, Andrew (1748 - 1813)
Lowrance, Andrew (1886 - 1963)
Lowrance, Andrew A (1828 - 1864)
Lowrance, Andrew Ewing (1815 - 1849)
Lowrance, Andrew Smith (1804 - 1896)
Lowrance, Andrew Smith II (1857 - 1922)
Lowrance, Ann (1784 - )
Lowrance, Ann (c1842 - )
Lowrance, Ann Mary (1835 - 1882)
Lowrance, Anna Apollonia (1692 - )
Lowrance, Anna Barbara (1700 - )
Lowrance, Anna Elizabeth (1695 - )
Lowrance, Anna Elizabeth (1859 - 1940)
Lowrance, Anna Louise (1882 - 1953)
Lowrance, Anna Maude (1884 - )
Lowrance, Anna May (1870 - 1941)
Lowrance, Anne (1848 - )
Lowrance, Anne N (1800 - 1851)
Lowrance, Annie (1765 - )
Lowrance, Annie (1878 - )
Lowrance, Annie Carolina (1836 - 1918)
Lowrance, Annie Lee (1886 - 1969)
Lowrance, Annie May (1882 - )
Lowrance, Annie Nichols (1800 - )
Lowrance, Annie Ruby (1893 - 1962)
Lowrance, Anthea Genela (1846 - 1918)
Lowrance, Arizona (1874 - 1956)
Lowrance, Arkie Belle (1890 - 1958)
Lowrance, Arminta Ellen (1899 - 1976)
Lowrance, Arthur Perry Alexander (1891 - 1957)
Lowrance, Arthur Stamey (1879 - 1971)
Lowrance, Augustus Lee (1889 - 1957)
Lowrance, Belle (c1866 - )
Lowrance, Belle Young (1901 - 1992)
Lowrance, Ben W (1875 - )
Lowrance, Berniece (1915 - 1999)
Lowrance, Bertha (1888 - )
Lowrance, Bertie Louise (1911 - 2000)
Lowrance, Beulah (c1834 - )
Lowrance, Beulah Jim (1882 - 1916)
Lowrance, Beulah L (1883 - 1959)
Lowrance, Beverly Watts (1893 - )
Lowrance, Birdie (1890 - 1898)
Lowrance, Birdie Alpha Lulu (1884 - 1959)
Lowrance, Blair (1881 - 1952)
Lowrance, C F (1807 - )
Lowrance, Callie (c1868 - )
Lowrance, Candace E (1835 - 1898)
Lowrance, Candas C (1842 - 1921)
Lowrance, Carey P (1892 - 1972)
Lowrance, Carl Irving (1888 - 1915)
Lowrance, Carlos Alphonse (1830 - 1863)
Lowrance, Caroline Priscilla (1868 - 1914)
Lowrance, Cassie V (1888 - )
Lowrance, Catharine (1841 - 1919)
Lowrance, Catherine (1742 - 1819)
Lowrance, Catherine (1756 - 1846)
Lowrance, Catherine (c1777 - )
Lowrance, Catherine (1830 - )
Lowrance, Catherine C (1807 - )
Lowrance, Catherine Mahala (1818 - )
Lowrance, Catherine Minerva (1819 - )
Lowrance, Catherine N "Hattie" (1802 - 1825)
Lowrance, Catherine P (1826 - )
Lowrance, Celia Leona (1896 - 1979)
Lowrance, Charles C (1867 - 1956)
Lowrance, Charles Conley (1889 - 1930)
Lowrance, Charles F (c1853 - )
Lowrance, Charles J (1868 - 1953)
Lowrance, Charles L (c1868 - )
Lowrance, Charles Martin (1878 - )
Lowrance, Charles Orrick (1896 - 1926)
Lowrance, Charles P (1882 - 1962)
Lowrance, Charles Vance (1860 - 1931)
Lowrance, Charles W (1856 - 1931)
Lowrance, Charles Webb (1894 - )
Lowrance, Charles Winston (1856 - 1913)
Lowrance, Clara Alice (1897 - 1976)
Lowrance, Clara E (1877 - 1972)
Lowrance, Clarence (1899 - )
Lowrance, Clarence Arthur (1882 - 1973)
Lowrance, Clarence Earlie (1905 - 1971)
Lowrance, Clarinda Ruth (1885 - 1959)
Lowrance, Clarissa (1804 - 1892)
Lowrance, Clayborn K (c1845 - )
Lowrance, Clement L (1881 - 1931)
Lowrance, Clyda Mae (1908 - 1982)
Lowrance, Colin Cornelius (1861 - 1890)
Lowrance, Colin Cornelius (1896 - 1982)
Lowrance, Colonel Stark (1892 - 1960)
Lowrance, Columbia Ann (c1868 - 1905)
Lowrance, Cora Ada (1860 - 1881)
Lowrance, Cora Isabell (1893 - 1979)
Lowrance, Cordelia
Lowrance, Cornelia Estelle (1875 - 1904)
Lowrance, Cynthia Jane (1858 - 1914)
Lowrance, Cynthia Margaret (1848 - 1900)
Lowrance, Daisy Lee (1879 - 1962)
Lowrance, Daisy M (1879 - 1961)
Lowrance, Daniel (1739 - 1763)
Lowrance, Daniel (1765 - 1826)
Lowrance, Daniel (1797 - 1819)
Lowrance, Daniel A (1855 - 1889)
Lowrance, Daniel Boone (1829 - 1875)
Lowrance, Daniel Boone (c1850 - )
Lowrance, Daniel Eli (1871 - 1948)
Lowrance, Daniel L (1785 - )
Lowrance, Daniel Lewis (1884 - 1970)
Lowrance, Daniel N (c1853 - )
Lowrance, Daniel William (1824 - )
Lowrance, Darcus C (1835 - 1912)
Lowrance, David (c1738 - 1790)
Lowrance, David (1773 - 1816)
Lowrance, David (1897 - 1988)
Lowrance, David Albert (1845 - 1928)
Lowrance, David E (c1836 - )
Lowrance, David G (1828 - 1853)
Lowrance, David II (c1785 - )
Lowrance, David M (1867 - 1910)
Lowrance, David Marion (1834 - 1914)
Lowrance, David T (1812 - )
Lowrance, David Wilson (1850 - 1944)
Lowrance, David Wilson II (1900 - 1966)
Lowrance, Dean (1894 - )
Lowrance, Delia Newton (1805 - 1880)
Lowrance, Delilah (1802 - 1860)
Lowrance, Dell Rosella (1895 - )
Lowrance, Della (1894 - 1979)
Lowrance, Demus J (1874 - 1942)
Lowrance, Dillard Wilson (1885 - 1967)
Lowrance, Dinnie Bertha (1887 - )
Lowrance, Dobbie Fletcher (1882 - 1950)
Lowrance, Dora (1890 - 1973)
Lowrance, Dora Celesta (1855 - 1948)
Lowrance, Dora May (1877 - 1963)
Lowrance, Dora Olive (1863 - )
Lowrance, Dovie Nowlin (1879 - )
Lowrance, Drucilla Ann (1878 - )
Lowrance, Edna (1894 - 1968)
Lowrance, Edward Armstrong (1878 - 1953)
Lowrance, Edward Clay (1894 - 1960)
Lowrance, Edward Daniel (1885 - 1950)
Lowrance, Edward Earl (1906 - 1971)
Lowrance, Edward Martin (1886 - 1931)
Lowrance, Edwin B (1810 - )
Lowrance, Effie (1883 - )
Lowrance, Effie Elizabeth (1885 - 1956)
Lowrance, Effie Mae (1881 - 1968)
Lowrance, Effie Rosaline (1892 - )
Lowrance, Elcy (1775 - )
Lowrance, Eli (c1823 - )
Lowrance, Eli (1840 - )
Lowrance, Eli Coulter (1803 - 1872)
Lowrance, Eli Jackson (1824 - 1916)
Lowrance, Eli Martin (1828 - 1903)
Lowrance, Elijah A (1850 - )
Lowrance, Elisha P (1797 - 1875)
Lowrance, Eliza (1806 - 1887)
Lowrance, Eliza Ann (1826 - 1876)
Lowrance, Eliza E (1852 - 1863)
Lowrance, Eliza Jane (1847 - 1897)
Lowrance, Eliza Victora (1865 - 1929)
Lowrance, Elizabeth (1742 - )
Lowrance, Elizabeth (1753 - 1814)
Lowrance, Elizabeth (1771 - )
Lowrance, Elizabeth (1779 - 1868)
Lowrance, Elizabeth (1787 - 1863)
Lowrance, Elizabeth (1802 - 1857)
Lowrance, Elizabeth (1809 - )
Lowrance, Elizabeth (1820 - )
Lowrance, Elizabeth (c1832 - )
Lowrance, Elizabeth (1832 - 1853)
Lowrance, Elizabeth (1843 - )
Lowrance, Elizabeth (1845 - )
Lowrance, Elizabeth (1870 - 1928)
Lowrance, Elizabeth A (1837 - 1875)
Lowrance, Elizabeth Ann (1845 - 1885)
Lowrance, Elizabeth B (1796 - 1887)
Lowrance, Elizabeth B (1809 - )
Lowrance, Elizabeth C (1845 - 1913)
Lowrance, Elizabeth Caroline (1861 - )
Lowrance, Elizabeth Ermine (1816 - )
Lowrance, Elizabeth Julia (1807 - 1881)
Lowrance, Elizabeth Lanna (1833 - )
Lowrance, Elizabeth Lavina (1858 - 1915)
Lowrance, Elizabeth M (1834 - 1916)
Lowrance, Elizabeth Mahala (1834 - 1911)
Lowrance, Elizabeth S (1848 - 1923)
Lowrance, Ella Ferell (1876 - 1957)
Lowrance, Ella Izetta (1880 - 1945)
Lowrance, Ella Rebecca (1867 - 1947)
Lowrance, Ellen D (c1810 - )
Lowrance, Ellen Malinda (1871 - 1891)
Lowrance, Ellen Marcella (1853 - 1875)
Lowrance, Ellington Seldon (1858 - 1910)
Lowrance, Ellington Seldon II (1883 - 1906)
Lowrance, Elmer Robert (1882 - 1962)
Lowrance, Elvessa (1835 - )
Lowrance, Elzie Lee (1907 - 1987)
Lowrance, Emeline (1843 - )
Lowrance, Emeline L (1837 - )
Lowrance, Emma Estelle (1894 - )
Lowrance, Era M (1868 - 1913)
Lowrance, Ernest Charles (1898 - 1981)
Lowrance, Ernest Edward (1896 - 1975)
Lowrance, Esley Erastus (1868 - 1953)
Lowrance, Esther Maude (1897 - 1935)
Lowrance, Ethel Ferne (1909 - 1968)
Lowrance, Ethel Robert (1883 - )
Lowrance, Etta Elizabeth (1862 - 1947)
Lowrance, Etta Irene (1878 - 1945)
Lowrance, Eugene Hartwell (1876 - 1960)
Lowrance, Eugene Stewart (1867 - 1940)
Lowrance, Euless Smith (1883 - )
Lowrance, Eunice E (1895 - )
Lowrance, Eunice Estelle (1877 - 1961)
Lowrance, Eva Blanche (1874 - 1937)
Lowrance, Eva J (1879 - 1949)
Lowrance, Eva May (1898 - 1986)
Lowrance, Eva Odell (1897 - 1957)
Lowrance, Everett Monroe (1860 - 1953)
Lowrance, Fannie (1880 - )
Lowrance, Fannie A (1884 - )
Lowrance, Fannie Johnsie (1885 - )
Lowrance, Fannie Mae (c1880 - )
Lowrance, Fatima Boone (1826 - 1892)
Lowrance, Fielding Romulus (1839 - 1854)
Lowrance, Florence (1899 - )
Lowrance, Florence Olivia (1873 - 1970)
Lowrance, Forrest Grove (1886 - 1958)
Lowrance, Frances (1844 - 1910)
Lowrance, Frances E (1842 - )
Lowrance, Frances Eleanor (1845 - 1925)
Lowrance, Frances Ellen (1857 - 1943)
Lowrance, Frances Etta L (1872 - 1957)
Lowrance, Frances I (1889 - 1961)
Lowrance, Francis Marion (1860 - 1954)
Lowrance, Frank D (1891 - 1919)
Lowrance, Franklin (c1825 - )
Lowrance, Franklin C (c1844 - )
Lowrance, Franklin Elbert (1865 - 1949)
Lowrance, Franklin Forest (1865 - 1941)
Lowrance, Franklin Wilson Vancleve (1873 - c1949)
Lowrance, Fred (1889 - 1957)
Lowrance, Fred (1893 - 1965)
Lowrance, Fred (1896 - 1989)
Lowrance, Freda (1895 - 1922)
Lowrance, Frederick (1891 - )
Lowrance, Frederick Sydney (1833 - 1889)
Lowrance, George (1871 - 1949)
Lowrance, George Byrl (1902 - 1978)
Lowrance, George Daniel (1884 - 1918)
Lowrance, George G (1871 - 1957)
Lowrance, George Henry (1870 - 1925)
Lowrance, George Ivan (1894 - 1945)
Lowrance, George M (1848 - 1907)
Lowrance, George Neal (1890 - )
Lowrance, George W (1852 - 1943)
Lowrance, George Washington (1852 - 1928)
Lowrance, George Washington (1877 - 1941)
Lowrance, George Washington (1883 - 1945)
Lowrance, Gladys Fietta (1899 - )
Lowrance, Glen Emery (1922 - 1985)
Lowrance, Gordie (1891 - 1963)
Lowrance, Grace Lorene (1891 - 1965)
Lowrance, Greenberry (1843 - 1928)
Lowrance, Greenberry Lincoln (1863 - 1935)
Lowrance, Hannah
Lowrance, Hannah Catherine (1850 - 1941)
Lowrance, Hannah Elizabeth (1852 - 1934)
Lowrance, Hannah Nichols (1789 - )
Lowrance, Hans Jacob (1707 - )
Lowrance, Hardy (c1882 - )
Lowrance, Harriet (1847 - )
Lowrance, Harriet Drusilla (1865 - 1922)
Lowrance, Harriet E (1829 - )
Lowrance, Harriet N (1839 - 1922)
Lowrance, Harriet Octavia (1862 - 1925)
Lowrance, Harriet Susan (1835 - 1913)
Lowrance, Harriett Elizabeth (1818 - 1896)
Lowrance, Harry (1889 - )
Lowrance, Harry Roscoe (1890 - 1934)
Lowrance, Harry Willis (1886 - 1952)
Lowrance, Hartwell Alonzo (1832 - 1871)
Lowrance, Harvey (c1851 - )
Lowrance, Harvey Curl (1861 - 1919)
Lowrance, Harvey Gordon (1885 - 1899)
Lowrance, Hattie Lee (1886 - 1980)
Lowrance, Hazel Gladys (1890 - 1946)
Lowrance, Helen (c1804 - )
Lowrance, Helen Sue (1898 - 1971)
Lowrance, Helena (c1872 - )
Lowrance, Henrietta (1800 - 1882)
Lowrance, Henry A (1833 - )
Lowrance, Henry Archer (1891 - 1970)
Lowrance, Henry C
Lowrance, Henry C (1878 - 1937)
Lowrance, Henry Clay (1852 - 1916)
Lowrance, Henry Durant (1851 - 1936)
Lowrance, Henry Elbert (1882 - 1960)
Lowrance, Henry Lee (1900 - 1981)
Lowrance, Henry M (1878 - 1900)
Lowrance, Henry Milton (1875 - 1954)
Lowrance, Henry Rufus (1862 - 1924)
Lowrance, Hensonel (1848 - )
Lowrance, Hernando "Fred" (1867 - 1951)
Lowrance, Hiram (1797 - 1884)
Lowrance, Hiram A (1805 - 1870)
Lowrance, Hiram Sheridan (1864 - )
Lowrance, Homer (1879 - 1939)
Lowrance, Homer Earl (1901 - 1956)
Lowrance, Hubbard J (1879 - 1905)
Lowrance, Iantha (1878 - 1924)
Lowrance, Ida (1885 - 1959)
Lowrance, Ida Arminta (1899 - )
Lowrance, Ida Delpha (1858 - 1939)
Lowrance, Ida Jane (1882 - 1971)
Lowrance, Ida Mae (1883 - 1970)
Lowrance, Inez E (1891 - 1972)
Lowrance, Ira Reid (1896 - 1978)
Lowrance, Isaac (1750 - 1837)
Lowrance, Isaac (1790 - 1851)
Lowrance, Isaac (c1804 - )
Lowrance, Isaac "the Tanner" (c1771 - 1843)
Lowrance, Isaac Avery (1856 - 1958)
Lowrance, Isaac Hampton (1873 - 1950)
Lowrance, Isaac Harmon (1859 - 1909)
Lowrance, Isaac Nelson (1831 - 1905)
Lowrance, Isaac Newton (1806 - 1884)
Lowrance, Isaac Newton (1855 - )
Lowrance, Isaac Newton (c1858 - 1892)
Lowrance, Isabelle Alice (1861 - 1893)
Lowrance, J Thomas (1904 - 1997)
Lowrance, J W (1914 - 1978)
Lowrance, Jacob (1768 - 1830)
Lowrance, Jacob (1803 - 1882)
Lowrance, Jacob (1895 - )
Lowrance, Jacob David (1879 - 1964)
Lowrance, Jacob H (1759 - 1855)
Lowrance, Jacob L (1811 - 1880)
Lowrance, James A Leonard (1892 - 1953)
Lowrance, James A Polk (c1843 - )
Lowrance, James Abraham (c1855 - 1920)
Lowrance, James Alexander (1833 - )
Lowrance, James Alexander (1855 - 1883)
Lowrance, James Alva (1850 - 1925)
Lowrance, James Arthur (1870 - 1950)
Lowrance, James B (1845 - 1890)
Lowrance, James C (1833 - )
Lowrance, James C (1861 - )
Lowrance, James Douglas (1872 - 1938)
Lowrance, James E (1887 - 1910)
Lowrance, James F (1902 - 1973)
Lowrance, James Harvey (1825 - 1897)
Lowrance, James Ivy (1887 - 1972)
Lowrance, James K (c1843 - )
Lowrance, James Knox Polk (1854 - 1868)
Lowrance, James L (1887 - )
Lowrance, James Madison (1842 - )
Lowrance, James Marion (1874 - 1941)
Lowrance, James Marshall (1881 - 1944)
Lowrance, James Newton (1858 - 1940)
Lowrance, James Newton (1885 - 1960)
Lowrance, James Robert (1847 - 1937)
Lowrance, James Ross
Lowrance, James Thomas (1874 - 1928)
Lowrance, James Thomas (1887 - 1950)
Lowrance, James Thomas (1889 - 1973)
Lowrance, James Walker (1840 - 1897)
Lowrance, James Washington (1868 - 1942)
Lowrance, James Wyatt (1815 - 1896)
Lowrance, Jane (1763 - 1787)
Lowrance, Jane (1794 - 1871)
Lowrance, Jane (1811 - 1822)
Lowrance, Jane C (1840 - 1906)
Lowrance, Jane Caroline (1829 - )
Lowrance, Jane Eliza (c1812 - )
Lowrance, Jane Louisa (1899 - )
Lowrance, Jane M (c1868 - )
Lowrance, Jane Melissa (1813 - 1847)
Lowrance, Jane Olivia (1844 - 1935)
Lowrance, Janie (1885 - )
Lowrance, Jason (1811 - c1860)
Lowrance, Jay Hepburn (1879 - 1962)
Lowrance, Jemima Urbana (1828 - 1875)
Lowrance, Jennie Moore (1876 - 1964)
Lowrance, Jesse (1780 - 1837)
Lowrance, Jesse Marion (1884 - 1927)
Lowrance, Jessie (1883 - 1955)
Lowrance, Jessie Trixie (1897 - )
Lowrance, Joe Barnes (1889 - 1974)
*Lowrance, Joel (1776 - c1853)
Lowrance, Joel (c1844 - )
Lowrance, Joel Henderson (1884 - 1950)
*Lowrance, John (1716 - 1781)
Lowrance, John (c1734 - 1800)
Lowrance, John (1790 - 1876)
Lowrance, John (1799 - 1844)
Lowrance, John (1822 - 1847)
Lowrance, John (c1838 - )
Lowrance, John (c1847 - )
Lowrance, John (c1854 - )
Lowrance, John (c1869 - )
Lowrance, John (1872 - 1961)
Lowrance, John A (1854 - 1899)
Lowrance, John Alexander (1846 - )
Lowrance, John Alexander (1872 - 1936)
Lowrance, John Allie (1890 - 1958)
Lowrance, John Alva (1866 - 1945)
Lowrance, John Andrew (1859 - 1941)
Lowrance, John Bell (1868 - 1929)
Lowrance, John Bell (1892 - 1970)
Lowrance, John C (1769 - c1834)
Lowrance, John C (1804 - 1865)
Lowrance, John D (c1820 - )
Lowrance, John David (1896 - 1967)
Lowrance, John David (1899 - 1951)
Lowrance, John Doak (1813 - )
Lowrance, John Edward (1900 - 1957)
Lowrance, John F (1849 - )
Lowrance, John Francis (1870 - 1951)
Lowrance, John Frank (1887 - 1968)
Lowrance, John Franklin (1821 - 1895)
Lowrance, John Franklin (1881 - 1953)
Lowrance, John Frederick (1801 - )
Lowrance, John Greenstreet (1856 - 1937)
Lowrance, John H (1848 - )
Lowrance, John Henry (1844 - )
Lowrance, John Howard (1900 - 1927)
Lowrance, John II (1745 - 1796)
Lowrance, John Lilburn (1848 - 1934)
Lowrance, John Logan (1867 - 1946)
Lowrance, John M (1799 - 1868)
Lowrance, John M (1835 - 1912)
Lowrance, John M (1851 - )
Lowrance, John N (1854 - )
Lowrance, John N (1862 - 1909)
Lowrance, John Newton (1820 - )
Lowrance, John Newton (1821 - 1905)
Lowrance, John Newton (1878 - 1955)
Lowrance, John Nichols (1799 - 1884)
Lowrance, John Philo (1831 - 1919)
Lowrance, John Richardson (1809 - 1886)
Lowrance, John Robert (1860 - 1921)
Lowrance, John Robert (1882 - 1955)
Lowrance, John Robert (1903 - 1965)
Lowrance, John Shelby (1840 - 1920)
Lowrance, John Shelby (1865 - 1914)
Lowrance, John Sidney (1845 - )
Lowrance, John Sidney (1869 - 1916)
Lowrance, John W (1837 - )
Lowrance, John Walker (1848 - 1936)
Lowrance, John Wesley (1848 - 1905)
Lowrance, John William (1853 - 1942)
Lowrance, John William (1875 - 1959)
Lowrance, John William McKinley (1898 - 1973)
Lowrance, John Wilson (1848 - 1914)
Lowrance, John Witherspoon (1886 - )
Lowrance, Jonathan (c1798 - )
Lowrance, Jones Henderson (1849 - 1928)
Lowrance, Joseph (1834 - )
Lowrance, Joseph (1877 - 1936)
Lowrance, Joseph (1894 - 1967)
Lowrance, Joseph A (1787 - )
Lowrance, Joseph Boone (1780 - 1840)
Lowrance, Joseph Butler (1893 - 1970)
Lowrance, Joseph Grant (1863 - 1894)
Lowrance, Joseph Harris (1823 - )
Lowrance, Joseph Henry (1882 - 1914)
Lowrance, Joseph Jones (1879 - 1948)
Lowrance, Joseph L (1742 - 1778)
Lowrance, Joseph Leroy (1847 - 1868)
Lowrance, Joseph M (1809 - 1867)
Lowrance, Joseph Sydney (1889 - 1962)
Lowrance, Joshua (1767 - 1847)
Lowrance, Joshua Ramsey (1818 - 1915)
Lowrance, Josiah Moten (1823 - 1882)
Lowrance, Josiah Newton (1799 - 1890)
Lowrance, Josiah Newton (1865 - 1886)
Lowrance, Josiah Reid (1865 - 1950)
Lowrance, Josie (1881 - 1965)
Lowrance, Julia (1852 - )
Lowrance, Julia A (c1874 - )
Lowrance, Julia Ann (1864 - 1872)
Lowrance, Julia Ann (1872 - 1927)
Lowrance, Julia M E (1858 - 1894)
Lowrance, Kate (1879 - 1973)
Lowrance, Kate W (c1900 - )
Lowrance, Kenneth (1905 - 1913)
Lowrance, Keziah (1796 - 1872)
Lowrance, King D (1872 - 1961)
Lowrance, Lacy Lee (1886 - 1975)
Lowrance, Lafayette (1875 - 1950)
Lowrance, Lanson Eveland (1845 - 1918)
Lowrance, Laura (1894 - 1979)
Lowrance, Laura Ann (1860 - 1941)
Lowrance, Laura Annie (1883 - 1910)
Lowrance, Laura Belle (1867 - 1962)
Lowrance, Laura E (c1856 - )
Lowrance, Laura Elizabeth (1872 - 1956)
Lowrance, Laura Hill (1860 - 1938)
Lowrance, Laura Virginia (1852 - 1925)
Lowrance, Lavinia (c1834 - )
Lowrance, Lawson (1799 - 1844)
Lowrance, Lawson (1878 - 1928)
Lowrance, Lawson Henderson (1819 - 1900)
Lowrance, Lawson Henry (1862 - 1910)
Lowrance, Lawson Lafayette (1846 - 1922)
Lowrance, Lawson Leander (1869 - 1965)
Lowrance, Lawton Cleocus (1863 - 1954)
Lowrance, Lawton Cleocus II (1908 - 1990)
Lowrance, Leander M (1829 - 1910)
Lowrance, Lee (1882 - )
Lowrance, Lee Claiborne (1896 - 1970)
Lowrance, Leola (1887 - 1971)
Lowrance, Leonard Winfred (1856 - 1895)
Lowrance, Leota Ann (1863 - 1900)
Lowrance, Leroy D (1859 - 1938)
Lowrance, Leslie Edgar (1884 - 1965)
Lowrance, Letha Ann (c1858 - 1872)
Lowrance, Levi Daniel (1858 - 1938)
Lowrance, Levi II (1809 - )
Lowrance, Levi L (c1851 - )
Lowrance, Levi Lafayette (1861 - 1933)
Lowrance, Levi U (1892 - 1978)
Lowrance, Levi W (1791 - )
Lowrance, Lewis
Lowrance, Lewis Robert (1871 - 1936)
Lowrance, Liddie Pearl (c1875 - 1900)
Lowrance, Lillie (1887 - 1963)
Lowrance, Lizzie T (1817 - )
Lowrance, Logan M Henderson (1805 - 1870)
Lowrance, Logan W (1847 - )
Lowrance, Lola (1883 - )
Lowrance, Lola Bell (1891 - )
Lowrance, Lona Lee (1917 - 1961)
Lowrance, Loston E (1880 - 1916)
Lowrance, Louella Jane (1863 - 1938)
Lowrance, Louis McCall "Mack" (1852 - 1926)
Lowrance, Louisa Alice (1858 - 1872)
Lowrance, Louisa Caroline (1864 - 1916)
Lowrance, Louisa Catherine (1852 - 1927)
Lowrance, Louisa J (1841 - 1917)
Lowrance, Louisa Priscilla (1884 - 1960)
Lowrance, Louise (1896 - 1968)
Lowrance, Lucille M (1880 - 1961)
Lowrance, Lucinda Jane (1871 - 1958)
Lowrance, Lucy (c1892 - )
Lowrance, Lundy (1868 - 1886)
Lowrance, Luther S (1897 - 1984)
Lowrance, Luther Smith (1844 - 1896)
Lowrance, Lydia (1773 - )
Lowrance, Lydia (1809 - )
Lowrance, Lydia Amanda (1814 - 1894)
Lowrance, Lydia Jane (1870 - 1929)
Lowrance, Lynn Merle (1922 - 2000)
Lowrance, Mabel Clark (1896 - 1927)
Lowrance, Mabel Maggie (1883 - 1972)
Lowrance, Madora Alice (1849 - 1917)
Lowrance, Maggie Bell (1878 - 1921)
Lowrance, Maggie Colin (1890 - 1971)
Lowrance, Malinda A (1886 - )
Lowrance, Malinda J (1835 - 1930)
Lowrance, Mamie Gertrude (1890 - 1971)
Lowrance, Mamie Pearl (1897 - 1983)
Lowrance, Marcus D (1844 - 1862)
Lowrance, Marcus E (1836 - 1904)
Lowrance, Margaret (1740 - )
Lowrance, Margaret (1748 - c1771)
Lowrance, Margaret (1805 - 1865)
Lowrance, Margaret (1835 - )
Lowrance, Margaret (1841 - 1858)
Lowrance, Margaret A (c1839 - )
Lowrance, Margaret Belle (1861 - 1876)
Lowrance, Margaret C (1833 - 1926)
Lowrance, Margaret Caroline (1816 - 1892)
Lowrance, Margaret Clyde (1902 - 1983)
Lowrance, Margaret E (c1851 - )
Lowrance, Margaret E (1863 - 1930)
Lowrance, Margaret Eliza (1854 - 1888)
Lowrance, Margaret Elizabeth (1848 - 1879)
Lowrance, Margaret Isabelle (1861 - 1931)
Lowrance, Margaret Jane (1831 - )
Lowrance, Margaret L (c1841 - )
Lowrance, Margaret Lavina (1844 - 1881)
Lowrance, Margaret Louise (1866 - 1900)
Lowrance, Margaret Louise (1875 - 1912)
Lowrance, Margaret Susan (1859 - 1928)
Lowrance, Margaret X (1844 - )
Lowrance, Marianna (1842 - )
Lowrance, Marion Bell (1866 - 1937)
Lowrance, Marjorie Scates (1894 - 1982)
Lowrance, Marshall (c1849 - )
Lowrance, Martha (1791 - )
Lowrance, Martha (1793 - 1855)
Lowrance, Martha (1844 - )
Lowrance, Martha (1860 - )
Lowrance, Martha (c1870 - )
Lowrance, Martha A (1844 - 1887)
Lowrance, Martha A (1847 - )
Lowrance, Martha A (1861 - 1915)
Lowrance, Martha A A (1837 - 1920)
Lowrance, Martha Adeline (1842 - )
Lowrance, Martha Alice (1861 - 1949)
Lowrance, Martha Ann (1835 - )
Lowrance, Martha Ann (1836 - 1901)
Lowrance, Martha Ann (1859 - 1895)
Lowrance, Martha Beatrice (1837 - 1917)
Lowrance, Martha Catherine (1849 - )
Lowrance, Martha E (1851 - )
Lowrance, Martha E (1864 - 1932)
Lowrance, Martha Elizabeth (1853 - )
Lowrance, Martha Elizabeth (1855 - 1937)
Lowrance, Martha Iduma (1880 - 1957)
Lowrance, Martha Jane (1805 - 1894)
Lowrance, Martha Jane (1847 - 1929)
Lowrance, Martha Jane (1860 - )
Lowrance, Martha L (1871 - )
Lowrance, Martha M (1835 - )
Lowrance, Martha Myrtle (1873 - 1958)
Lowrance, Martha Rachel (1869 - 1942)
Lowrance, Martha Rebecca Ann (1852 - 1917)
Lowrance, Martha Ruia (1882 - 1965)
Lowrance, Martin (1775 - )
Lowrance, Martin C (1814 - 1891)
Lowrance, Martin E (1870 - )
Lowrance, Martin Elkana "Cany" (1814 - 1885)
Lowrance, Martin Luther (1875 - 1961)
Lowrance, Marvin Newton (1896 - 1957)
Lowrance, Mary (1750 - 1841)
Lowrance, Mary (1771 - )
Lowrance, Mary (c1787 - )
Lowrance, Mary (1829 - )
Lowrance, Mary (1833 - 1893)
Lowrance, Mary (1850 - 1931)
Lowrance, Mary (1854 - 1916)
Lowrance, Mary (1856 - )
Lowrance, Mary Adeline (1816 - 1876)
Lowrance, Mary Angeline (1855 - 1938)
Lowrance, Mary Ann (1842 - 1922)
Lowrance, Mary Ann (1844 - 1855)
Lowrance, Mary Ann (1852 - 1928)
Lowrance, Mary Ann (1861 - 1941)
Lowrance, Mary Arminta (1862 - 1931)
Lowrance, Mary C (1845 - 1930)
Lowrance, Mary E (1821 - )
Lowrance, Mary E (1885 - )
Lowrance, Mary E (1899 - 1977)
Lowrance, Mary Elizabeth (1852 - 1931)
Lowrance, Mary Elizabeth (1873 - 1920)
Lowrance, Mary Elizabeth (1880 - 1940)
Lowrance, Mary Elizabeth (1894 - 1984)
Lowrance, Mary Elizabeth (1894 - 1969)
Lowrance, Mary Emma L (1876 - 1952)
Lowrance, Mary Esther (1890 - 1971)
Lowrance, Mary Field (1892 - )
Lowrance, Mary Frances (1880 - )
Lowrance, Mary Graham (1807 - 1873)
Lowrance, Mary Isabella (1857 - 1941)
Lowrance, Mary J (c1853 - )
Lowrance, Mary J (1880 - )
Lowrance, Mary Jane (1847 - 1944)
Lowrance, Mary Jane (1849 - 1921)
Lowrance, Mary Jane (1849 - 1885)
Lowrance, Mary Jane (1868 - 1910)
Lowrance, Mary Jane (1886 - 1965)
Lowrance, Mary K (c1906 - )
Lowrance, Mary L (1855 - )
Lowrance, Mary M R (1860 - )
Lowrance, Mary Magdelene (1890 - 1965)
Lowrance, Mary Maranda (1832 - )
Lowrance, Mary Pauline (1825 - )
Lowrance, Mary S (c1876 - )
Lowrance, Mary Salome (1850 - 1937)
Lowrance, Mary Susan (1871 - )
Lowrance, Mary Susan Caroline (1873 - 1950)
Lowrance, Maryette (1864 - )
Lowrance, Matilda ( - 1860)
Lowrance, Mattie (1887 - 1915)
Lowrance, Maud (c1874 - )
Lowrance, Maude B (1885 - 1969)
Lowrance, May E (c1855 - )
Lowrance, Media (1892 - )
Lowrance, Metta Fern (1905 - 1933)
Lowrance, Milas S (1821 - 1910)
Lowrance, Miles A (c1850 - c1859)
Lowrance, Miles Abernathy (1827 - 1900)
Lowrance, Miles Abernathy or Alonzo (1875 - 1956)
Lowrance, Minnie (1889 - )
Lowrance, Minnie Bell (1888 - 1977)
Lowrance, Minnie Bell (1889 - 1958)
Lowrance, Minnie Lee (1877 - 1900)
Lowrance, Mira Clarinda (1846 - 1889)
Lowrance, Mira Susan (1849 - 1913)
Lowrance, Mirtie M (1886 - )
Lowrance, Morton (1848 - )
Lowrance, Moses (1863 - 1935)
Lowrance, Myrtle Delphia (1893 - 1975)
Lowrance, Nancy (1846 - 1918)
Lowrance, Nancy Ann (c1868 - )
Lowrance, Nancy Catherine (1900 - 1985)
Lowrance, Nancy E (1824 - 1916)
Lowrance, Nancy Eveline (1861 - 1939)
Lowrance, Nancy L (c1820 - )
Lowrance, Nancy Louise (1848 - 1916)
Lowrance, Nancy Malvine (1848 - 1908)
Lowrance, Nancy Matilda (1825 - 1899)
Lowrance, Nannie Elizabeth (1883 - 1969)
Lowrance, Naomi Elizabeth (1867 - 1903)
Lowrance, Nathan Lee (1868 - 1942)
Lowrance, Nescio Clinton (1820 - 1864)
Lowrance, Nettie (1880 - 1966)
Lowrance, Nettie Emma (1864 - 1956)
Lowrance, Nettie Jane (1896 - 1980)
Lowrance, Nettie Josephine (1885 - 1964)
Lowrance, Newton (1809 - 1843)
Lowrance, Newton Lock (1846 - 1930)
Lowrance, Nicholas (1794 - 1875)
Lowrance, Nora Emma (1901 - 1995)
Lowrance, Nora Ethelyn (1877 - 1964)
Lowrance, Norah L Elvira (1885 - )
Lowrance, Norman Ethelbert (1872 - 1955)
Lowrance, Odin Blaine (1891 - )
Lowrance, Olive Elizabeth (1874 - 1969)
Lowrance, Oliver H (1861 - 1932)
Lowrance, Ollie (1887 - 1941)
Lowrance, Ollie Mae (1895 - 1986)
Lowrance, Ora Bill (1881 - 1929)
Lowrance, Oral Elzie (1890 - 1968)
Lowrance, Orphia Eunice Rebecca (1888 - )
Lowrance, Oscar Emmett (1904 - 1978)
Lowrance, Oscar Jerome (1838 - 1914)
Lowrance, Oscar Kennedy (1883 - 1977)
Lowrance, Oscar R (c1877 - )
Lowrance, Otis Belvin (1911 - 2001)
Lowrance, Otto Charles (1886 - 1961)
Lowrance, Palmer A (1883 - )
Lowrance, Paralee A (1848 - 1931)
Lowrance, Paul Dale (1899 - 1997)
Lowrance, Paulus (1842 - c1864)
Lowrance, Pearl (1887 - 1922)
Lowrance, Pearl Edwin (1902 - 1993)
Lowrance, Permelia (1839 - )
Lowrance, Peter (1737 - 1772)
Lowrance, Peter (1790 - 1851)
Lowrance, Peter Alfred (1805 - 1866)
Lowrance, Peter Filo (1844 - 1880)
Lowrance, Peter Osborn (1804 - 1890)
Lowrance, Peter Osborne (1860 - 1926)
Lowrance, Preston Brooks (1876 - 1930)
Lowrance, Rachel (1872 - 1900)
Lowrance, Rachel A (1861 - 1902)
Lowrance, Rachel Ann (1868 - )
Lowrance, Rachel J (1879 - 1967)
Lowrance, Ralph Alan (1916 - 1969)
Lowrance, Ransom Erastus (1865 - 1922)
Lowrance, Raymond Clyde (1901 - 1977)
Lowrance, Rebecca (1807 - 1897)
Lowrance, Rebecca (c1844 - )
Lowrance, Rebecca J (1894 - 1981)
Lowrance, Rebecca Prudence (1818 - 1894)
Lowrance, Rebecca T (c1869 - 1943)
Lowrance, Reuben S P (1878 - 1910)
Lowrance, Rhoda (1899 - 1918)
Lowrance, Rhoda Arminta (1793 - 1878)
Lowrance, Rhoda Arminta (1850 - 1949)
Lowrance, Rhoda Beatrice (1852 - 1939)
Lowrance, Richard Daniel (1897 - 1948)
Lowrance, Richard Hiram (1837 - 1906)
Lowrance, Richard Jefferson (1857 - 1946)
Lowrance, Richard Oliver (1889 - 1971)
Lowrance, Robert (1849 - )
Lowrance, Robert (1884 - )
Lowrance, Robert Caruthers (1855 - 1925)
Lowrance, Robert Daniel (1844 - 1932)
Lowrance, Robert Daniel (1855 - 1942)
Lowrance, Robert F II (1842 - 1900)
Lowrance, Robert Franklin (1803 - )
Lowrance, Robert Gale (1890 - 1985)
Lowrance, Robert Haynes (1878 - 1917)
Lowrance, Robert Lee (1869 - 1950)
Lowrance, Robert Lee (1887 - c1950)
Lowrance, Robert N (1870 - )
Lowrance, Robert Shelby (1889 - 1964)
Lowrance, Robert Stewart (1880 - 1963)
Lowrance, Robert W (c1873 - )
Lowrance, Robert Wilson (1854 - 1940)
Lowrance, Robertie F (1908 - )
Lowrance, Romulus Edward (1892 - 1969)
Lowrance, Rosa Ella (1883 - 1980)
Lowrance, Rosa Lee (1900 - 1936)
Lowrance, Roseanna (1828 - )
Lowrance, Ross (1889 - 1964)
Lowrance, Roxie Ann (1895 - 1973)
Lowrance, Roy (1896 - 1964)
Lowrance, Roy E (1895 - 1948)
Lowrance, Roy Lafayette (1883 - 1948)
Lowrance, Roy Raymond (1893 - 1961)
Lowrance, Ruby Mae (1901 - 1947)
Lowrance, Ruby Margaret (1887 - 1974)
Lowrance, Ruey Elizabeth (1856 - 1928)
Lowrance, Ruey Jane (1854 - )
Lowrance, Rufus C (1816 - 1857)
Lowrance, Rufus Newton (1830 - 1902)
Lowrance, Ruia Jane (1876 - 1959)
Lowrance, Ruth Evaline (1870 - 1960)
Lowrance, Sadie (1890 - )
Lowrance, Sallie Margie (1901 - 1994)
Lowrance, Samuel (1792 - 1863)
Lowrance, Samuel A (1854 - 1928)
Lowrance, Samuel Alexander (1844 - 1925)
Lowrance, Samuel Colwell (1857 - 1891)
Lowrance, Samuel Edgar (1874 - 1945)
Lowrance, Samuel Edward (1863 - 1943)
Lowrance, Samuel Franklin (1873 - 1959)
Lowrance, Samuel Gideon (1841 - )
Lowrance, Samuel Hershel (c1857 - )
Lowrance, Samuel Levi (1813 - 1893)
Lowrance, Samuel Logan (1869 - 1965)
Lowrance, Samuel Miller (1804 - 1861)
Lowrance, Samuel Newton (1841 - 1865)
Lowrance, Samuel P (1859 - 1949)
Lowrance, Samuel Robert (1877 - 1954)
Lowrance, Sara Jane (1890 - 1975)
Lowrance, Sarah (1769 - )
Lowrance, Sarah (1821 - )
Lowrance, Sarah (c1835 - )
Lowrance, Sarah (1839 - 1890)
Lowrance, Sarah (1889 - 1972)
Lowrance, Sarah A (1852 - 1858)
Lowrance, Sarah Altona (1849 - 1939)
Lowrance, Sarah Ann "Sally" (1871 - 1925)
Lowrance, Sarah Beatrice (1865 - 1883)
Lowrance, Sarah E (1844 - )
Lowrance, Sarah E (1845 - )
Lowrance, Sarah E (1846 - 1902)
Lowrance, Sarah Elizabeth (c1795 - c1820)
Lowrance, Sarah Elizabeth (1858 - 1944)
Lowrance, Sarah Ellen (1894 - 1989)
Lowrance, Sarah Ester (1858 - 1916)
Lowrance, Sarah Jane (1890 - 1973)
Lowrance, Sarah Jane Cordelia Catherine (1882 - 1967)
Lowrance, Sarah Laving (1878 - 1956)
Lowrance, Sarah Leanna (1863 - )
Lowrance, Sarah Lou (1870 - 1951)
Lowrance, Sarah Margaret (c1838 - 1927)
Lowrance, Sarah Mariah (1798 - )
Lowrance, Sarah Rebecca (1796 - )
Lowrance, Sarah Rosalie (1871 - )
Lowrance, Sarah W (1866 - )
Lowrance, Seth Waddell (1888 - 1912)
Lowrance, Shelton (1884 - 1897)
Lowrance, Sidney Alec (1900 - 1997)
Lowrance, Silas (1834 - )
Lowrance, Silas Marion (1884 - 1966)
Lowrance, Smith Stiars (1833 - 1932)
Lowrance, Sophia (1848 - )
Lowrance, Sophronia (1838 - )
Lowrance, Stephen Anderville (1874 - 1926)
Lowrance, Sudie May (1899 - 1976)
Lowrance, Susan A (1872 - 1945)
Lowrance, Susan B (c1866 - )
Lowrance, Susan Catherine (1848 - 1934)
Lowrance, Susan Elizabeth (1864 - 1952)
Lowrance, Susan Etta (1887 - )
Lowrance, Susan Phronirra (1836 - )
Lowrance, Susan Precious (1838 - 1857)
Lowrance, Susanna A (1827 - )
Lowrance, Susannah (c1772 - 1839)
Lowrance, Susannah (1828 - )
Lowrance, Susannah (1857 - 1925)
Lowrance, Susannah Isabella (1752 - 1826)
*Lowrance, Susannah M "Hannah" (1817 - 1883)
Lowrance, Susie (c1873 - )
Lowrance, Sydney Nelson (1816 - 1901)
Lowrance, Tabitha (1834 - 1876)
Lowrance, Tee (c1881 - )
Lowrance, Tennessee (1892 - 1974)
Lowrance, Thelma O (1909 - 1953)
Lowrance, Theodosia E (1894 - )
Lowrance, Thomas
Lowrance, Thomas B (c1840 - )
Lowrance, Thomas Fred (1905 - 1977)
Lowrance, Thomas Frederick (1885 - )
Lowrance, Thomas J (1850 - 1918)
Lowrance, Thomas Joel (1848 - 1936)
Lowrance, Thomas Lee (1863 - 1899)
Lowrance, Thomas Leslie (1903 - 1982)
Lowrance, Thomas Levi (1819 - 1874)
Lowrance, Thomas Newton (1873 - 1956)
Lowrance, Thomas Preston (1856 - 1870)
Lowrance, Thomas Sherman (1869 - 1949)
Lowrance, Thomas W (c1873 - )
Lowrance, Thomas Washington (1847 - 1927)
Lowrance, Thyrza Jane (1836 - 1869)
Lowrance, Tobias (c1867 - )
Lowrance, Troy A (1896 - 1976)
Lowrance, Tryphosia (1854 - 1941)
Lowrance, Vannie Luella (1879 - 1952)
Lowrance, Vesta M A A (1876 - )
Lowrance, Veva (c1893 - 1974)
Lowrance, Vina (1850 - )
Lowrance, Virgil Jay (1887 - 1965)
Lowrance, Virgil Robert (1904 - 1982)
Lowrance, Virginia (1861 - 1917)
Lowrance, Virginia Milton (1898 - 1984)
Lowrance, Volney Washburn (1897 - 1947)
Lowrance, W B (1910 - 1976)
Lowrance, W S (1851 - c1889)
Lowrance, Wade Hampton (1880 - 1950)
Lowrance, Walter (1865 - 1956)
Lowrance, Walter Henry (1891 - 1973)
Lowrance, Walter Lee (1882 - 1971)
Lowrance, Walter M (1886 - 1902)
Lowrance, Walter William (1877 - 1935)
Lowrance, Washington Monroe (1827 - 1893)
Lowrance, Wesley (1796 - )
Lowrance, Wesley L (1882 - 1935)
Lowrance, Wesley Logan (1844 - 1925)
Lowrance, Wesley Newton (1815 - 1873)
Lowrance, Wilford Guy (1886 - 1966)
Lowrance, William (c1775 - )
Lowrance, William (1795 - 1834)
Lowrance, William (c1804 - )
Lowrance, William (c1832 - )
Lowrance, William (c1841 - )
Lowrance, William (1844 - )
Lowrance, William (1849 - )
Lowrance, William A (c1851 - )
Lowrance, William A (1867 - 1958)
Lowrance, William Abner (1885 - 1955)
Lowrance, William Alexander (1845 - 1883)
Lowrance, William Arp (1888 - 1960)
Lowrance, William B (1859 - 1946)
Lowrance, William B (1911 - 1956)
Lowrance, William Barr (1841 - 1925)
Lowrance, William Daniel (1846 - 1931)
Lowrance, William Daniel (1880 - 1947)
Lowrance, William David (1849 - 1902)
Lowrance, William David (1889 - 1954)
Lowrance, William Edward (1858 - 1939)
Lowrance, William Elmer (1904 - 1997)
Lowrance, William Ernest (1895 - 1970)
Lowrance, William Ethel (1837 - 1922)
Lowrance, William Filow (1891 - 1943)
Lowrance, William Gideon (1884 - 1948)
Lowrance, William Gillespie (1846 - 1882)
Lowrance, William H (1763 - 1852)
Lowrance, William Hamilton (1813 - 1876)
Lowrance, William Harris (1905 - 1941)
Lowrance, William Henderson (1891 - 1967)
Lowrance, William Henry (1867 - 1941)
Lowrance, William Henry (1867 - 1942)
Lowrance, William Henry Harrison (1840 - 1921)
Lowrance, William Hill (1869 - 1959)
Lowrance, William Holmes (1863 - 1905)
Lowrance, William J
Lowrance, William Jefferson (1831 - 1917)
Lowrance, William Joseph (1851 - 1892)
Lowrance, William L (1849 - )
Lowrance, William Lawson (1884 - 1943)
Lowrance, William Lee Joshua (1836 - 1916)
Lowrance, William Locke (1883 - 1969)
Lowrance, William Marion (1863 - 1939)
Lowrance, William Miles (1863 - 1901)
Lowrance, William Noah (1846 - 1934)
Lowrance, William Noah (1874 - 1971)
Lowrance, William Riley (1869 - 1941)
Lowrance, William S (1870 - )
Lowrance, William Sidney (1881 - 1945)
Lowrance, William Tate (1870 - 1934)
Lowrance, William Walter (1874 - 1960)
Lowrance, Willie Lois (1895 - 1984)
Lowrance, Willie Selena (c1891 - c1912)
Lowrance, Willis Burgess (1830 - 1916)
Lowrance, Wilson H (1815 - 1854)
Lowrance, Winfred Herndon (1872 - 1956)
Lowrance, Winston E (c1877 - )
Lowrimore, Cora J (1878 - )
*Lucas, Ann (1592 - )
Lucas, Ann (1713 - )
Lucas, Benjamin (1724 - )
*Lucas, David (1594 - )
*Lucas, Edward (1659 - 1740)
*Lucas, Edward II (1710 - 1777)
*Lucas, Edward III (1738 - 1809)
Lucas, Elizabeth (1716 - 1748)
Lucas, Jeanette N (c1830 - )
*Lucas, John (1590 - )
Lucas, John (1704 - )
Lucas, Margaret (1708 - )
Lucas, Mary (1702 - )
*Lucas, Mary (1763 - 1829)
Lucas, Mercy (1705 - )
*Lucas, Robert (1505 - 1560)
Lucas, Robert (1719 - 1784)
*Lucas, Robert (the Honorable) (1630 - 1688)
*Lucas, Robert Jr (1530 - )
*Lucas, Samuel (1560 - )
*Lucas, Susannah (1628 - 1710)
*Lucas, Thomas (1561 - )
Lucas, Thomas (1585 - )
Lucas, William (1589 - )
Lucas, William (1742 - 1814)
Luck, Gertrude G (1878 - 1947)
Luckey, Mary Ella (1869 - 1914)
*Luckhardt, Anna Catharina (1789 - 1862)
Luckhardt, Henrich (1784 - 1834)
*Luckhardt, Nicholaus (1754 - 1815)
Luckie, Sarah J (1869 - 1905)
Ludwig, Della M (1874 - )
Luebbers, Annie M (1869 - 1957)
Luke, Effie (1897 - 1979)
Luker, Barbara (1859 - 1926)
Lumeart, Clyde (1886 - )
Lumeart, Elmo Edliest (1884 - 1978)
Lumeart, John (1862 - )
Lumley, Helen Anne (1938 - 2010)
Lumley, Howard Nathaniel (1903 - 1958)
Lumley, Howard Nathaniel (1925 - 2018)
Lumpkin, Ann (1920 - 2012)
Lumpkin, Elford Allen (1907 - 1970)
Lumpkin, Houston Force (1884 - 1960)
Lumpkin, Houston Force (1918 - 1984)
Lumpkin, John S (1869 - )
Lumpkin, Katherine (c1915 - )
Lumpkin, Lillian Luella (1873 - 1962)
Lumpkin, Lorenzo Tilden (1876 - 1935)
Lumpkin, Mabel Doris (1925 - 2012)
Lumpkin, Minnie Jane (1881 - 1956)
Lumpkin, Nell Maxwell (1923 - 2010)
Lumpkin, Rosa Sylvia (1891 - )
Lumpkin, Sarah Margaret (1910 - 2004)
Lumpkin, Uriah Squires (1848 - 1932)
Lumpkin, William A (1868 - 1937)
Luna, Elisha (1855 - )
Luna, Elisha Lenox (1825 - 1889)
Luna, Frances Alice (1879 - 1968)
Luna, James Dykes (1858 - 1930)
Luna, Vinnie (1889 - 1968)
Lund, Anna
*Lund, Valjerd Larsdatter (1768 - 1855)
Lunde, Ingeborg Torresdtr (1852 - 1919)
Lunsferd, Harley (1898 - )
Lunsferd, Harold (1895 - )
Lunsferd, Ola M (1896 - )
Lunsferd, Pearl (1891 - )
Lunsford, Alexander C S (1842 - )
Lunsford, Charles (c1879 - )
Lunsford, Cyndica (c1869 - )
Lunsford, Elmer (1888 - )
Lunsford, Etta Mary (1874 - 1905)
Lunsford, Isabell Frances (1839 - 1928)
Lunsford, John W (1866 - )
Lunsford, Robert Matthew (1865 - )
Lunsford, Sarah E (c1877 - )
Luper, Cynthia Louisa (1880 - 1962)
Lutes, Daniel (1835 - 1901)
Lutes, David (1827 - 1901)
Lutes, Eli (1843 - 1928)
Lutes, Elizabeth (1825 - 1900)
Lutes, Hannah Catherine (1837 - 1880)
Lutes, Jacob II (1832 - 1913)
Lutes, Jesse (1828 - 1903)
Lutes, John (1830 - 1873)
Lutes, Martha Ellen (1854 - 1919)
Lutes, Mary (1846 - )
Lutes, Sarah (1839 - 1877)
Lutes, Sophia (1833 - 1907)
Lutes, Wesley (1850 - )
Luton, Edgar Allen (1908 - 1990)
Luton, James Monroe (1883 - 1966)
Luton, James William (1913 - 1994)
Luton, Leo Daniel (1905 - 1963)
Luton, Virgie May (1916 - 1980)
Luttman, Adam (1878 - 1951)
Luttman, David (1862 - 1937)
Luttman, Elizabeth (1870 - 1964)
Luttman, Hattie (1888 - )
Luttman, Martin (1834 - 1921)
Luttman, Martin C (1876 - 1949)
Luttman, Sarah (1868 - 1960)
Lutz, Jacob (1802 - 1854)
Luwiff, Cynthia (1837 - )
Lynch, Adeline (1849 - 1923)
Lynch, Alfred B (c1870 - 1934)
Lynch, Brazil (1844 - 1910)
Lynch, Chester (c1879 - )
Lynch, Chester Lee (1886 - 1926)
Lynch, Cora Edith (1877 - 1940)
Lynch, Daniel Robert (1888 - 1971)
Lynch, Elmer Zeno (1898 - 1967)
Lynch, Emma Josephine (1895 - 1972)
Lynch, George Andrew Matison (1881 - 1967)
Lynch, George Millard (1884 - 1966)
Lynch, George W (1848 - 1879)
Lynch, George Washington (1847 - 1918)
Lynch, Georgia Anna (1880 - 1921)
Lynch, Hattie Agnes (1879 - 1968)
Lynch, Henry Virgil (c1873 - 1924)
Lynch, James Arthur (1881 - 1974)
Lynch, James Bryant (1877 - 1959)
Lynch, John Walter (1886 - 1972)
Lynch, Lela Elsie (1898 - 1978)
Lynch, Lora S (1861 - 1950)
Lynch, Lucinda Palestine (1879 - 1976)
Lynch, Mabel (1885 - 1964)
Lynch, Margaret Florence (1892 - 1984)
Lynch, Margaret Jane (1871 - 1959)
Lynch, Mary Abigail (1869 - 1924)
Lynch, Mary M (1890 - 1959)
Lynch, Nancy Ann (1866 - 1946)
Lynch, Nancy Ellen (1868 - 1936)
Lynch, Reuben D (c1868 - 1880)
Lynch, Solomon (1853 - 1938)
Lynch, Susan Catherine (1833 - 1888)
Lynch, William Clarence (1878 - 1955)
Lynch, William Hiram (1872 - 1959)
Lynn, Abe Lovelace (1873 - 1959)
Lynn, Alma C (1895 - )
Lynn, Ann Woodward (1881 - 1938)
Lynn, Anne? Elizabeth (1710 - )
Lynn, Arthur Clarence (1878 - 1940)
Lynn, Benjamin (c1879 - )
Lynn, Catherine (c1818 - )
Lynn, Christopher (c1812 - )
Lynn, Daniel (1700 - 1759)
Lynn, Dooley Houston (1881 - 1959)
Lynn, Drucilla (1833 - 1911)
Lynn, Edward (c1780 - 1816)
Lynn, Edward (1823 - 1897)
Lynn, Edward (1835 - 1894)
Lynn, Edward (1860 - 1911)
Lynn, Edward Herndon (c1880 - )
Lynn, Edward Kendall (1881 - 1947)
Lynn, Elizabeth
Lynn, Elizabeth (1806 - 1864)
Lynn, Elizabeth (1881 - )
Lynn, Ellis Virgil (1888 - 1956)
Lynn, Elsie (1880 - )
Lynn, Emma F (1886 - )
Lynn, Fannie (1885 - )
Lynn, Foster (1891 - 1947)
Lynn, Francis (c1842 - )
Lynn, George (c1876 - )
Lynn, George (c1879 - )
Lynn, George A (1860 - 1880)
Lynn, Goldie B J (1893 - 1930)
Lynn, Grover C (c1883 - 1936)
Lynn, Grover Cleveland (1884 - 1958)
Lynn, Guy (1889 - 1965)
Lynn, Henry W (1852 - 1902)
Lynn, Ida (1883 - )
Lynn, Ina Florence (1886 - 1943)
Lynn, Ingraham (1847 - )
Lynn, Ivie (c1873 - )
Lynn, James A (c1855 - 1884)
Lynn, James Alton (1875 - 1960)
Lynn, James Page (1846 - 1932)
Lynn, Jane (1706 - )
Lynn, Jefferson Joseph (1809 - 1878)
Lynn, Jesse Edward (1863 - 1887)
Lynn, Jessie Belle (1869 - )
Lynn, Jessie Ellen (1854 - 1924)
Lynn, John (1871 - 1934)
Lynn, John Henry (c1803 - )
Lynn, John T (1847 - 1876)
Lynn, John T (1877 - )
Lynn, John Wesley (1818 - )
Lynn, John Wesley (1843 - 1929)
Lynn, John Wesley II (1872 - )
Lynn, Joseph (1796 - 1826)
Lynn, Joseph W (1850 - 1907)
Lynn, Josie (1838 - 1898)
Lynn, Josie M (1889 - )
Lynn, Kate (1877 - 1956)
Lynn, Katie B (1871 - 1944)
Lynn, Lafayette P (1882 - )
Lynn, Leanna (1887 - )
Lynn, Lucinda E (1859 - 1880)
Lynn, Martha (c1813 - )
Lynn, Martha (c1822 - )
Lynn, Martha "Patsy" (1783 - 1856)
Lynn, Martha Ann (1845 - 1918)
Lynn, Martha Ann "Patsy" (1822 - 1853)
Lynn, Martha W (1847 - 1913)
Lynn, Mary (1814 - 1890)
Lynn, Mary (c1826 - )
Lynn, Mary (c1838 - )
Lynn, Mary (1898 - )
Lynn, Mary Clementine (1867 - 1945)
Lynn, Mary E (1892 - )
Lynn, Mary E (1896 - )
Lynn, Mary Jane (1888 - 1946)
Lynn, Mary M (1844 - 1905)
Lynn, Mary Thomas (1853 - 1916)
Lynn, Matthew (c1814 - 1883)
Lynn, Mical (1809 - 1891)
Lynn, Nancy (1802 - 1878)
Lynn, Nancy (c1840 - 1885)
Lynn, Osie Florence (1870 - 1956)
Lynn, Penny (c1836 - )
Lynn, Penny M (1839 - 1913)
Lynn, Permelia Ann (1846 - 1928)
Lynn, Ralph Briggs (1879 - 1958)
Lynn, Robert Knowles (1876 - 1940)
Lynn, Robert L (1881 - 1971)
Lynn, Sally (c1842 - )
Lynn, Sarah (1708 - )
Lynn, Sarah (c1856 - )
Lynn, Susie U (1889 - 1906)
Lynn, Thaddeus (1856 - 1922)
Lynn, Velmer U (1899 - )
Lynn, Vilas A (1887 - 1913)
Lynn, Virgil Brakey (1902 - 1987)
Lynn, Vories (1897 - 1976)
Lynn, Warner L (c1867 - )
Lynn, Whitney B (c1857 - )
Lynn, William (c1785 - 1841)
Lynn, William (c1840 - 1866)
Lynn, William Henry (1864 - 1932)
Lynn, William II (c1820 - )
Lynn, William Jefferson (c1848 - )
Lynn, William Jefferson (1849 - 1921)
Lynn, William R (c1874 - )
Lynn, Winfred Laurence (1884 - 1981)
Lynn, Zachary Taylor (c1850 - )
Lyon, Henry Lee (1826 - 1883)
Lyon, Johnsey T (1848 - 1929)
Lyon, Kate (1859 - 1948)
Lyon, Paulina J (1849 - )
Lyon, Walter H (c1871 - )
Lyons, Albert Ernest (1880 - 1956)
Lyons, Emma A (1862 - 1907)
Lyons, Hannah A (1845 - 1921)
Lyons, John C (1876 - 1884)
Lyons, Leonard N (1882 - 1922)
Lyons, Otto Myron (1884 - 1959)
Lyons, Wallace Sanford (1887 - 1959)
Lyons, William Frank (1878 - 1953)
Lyons, William Jefferson (1855 - 1932)
Lytle, Arley Martin (1888 - 1965)
Lytle, Austin Forest (1898 - 1965)
Lytle, Charles Willis (1893 - 1967)
Lytle, Dora (1882 - 1905)
Lytle, Earl Edward (1904 - 1978)
Lytle, Floyd H (1890 - 1896)
Lytle, Golda M (1900 - 1982)
Lytle, Joseph Newton (1859 - 1914)
Lytle, Rebecca Elizabeth (1885 - 1941)
Lytle, Sarah Jane (1878 - 1964)
Lytle, William Elmer (1880 - 1933)
Lytle, Zelbert Newton (1902 - 1978)
Lyttle, Martha A (1852 - 1922)

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