Generated: 2025-02-22
* = my direct ancestor
Pace, Arizona R (1852 - 1932)
Pace, Mattie (1871 - 1900)
Pack, Armilda Elizabeth (1858 - 1937)
Pack, Sallie (1901 - 1999)
Paddock, Charles Brewster (1863 - 1929)
Paddock, Charles S (1901 - 1980)
Paddock, Mary Grace (1898 - 1950)
Page, Edward Franklin (1877 - 1950)
*Page, Edward Sr ( - 1806)
*Page, Elizabeth (c1744 - 1816)
Page, Elizabeth Elberta (1879 - )
Page, Juliette B (1844 - 1922)
Page, Martha Edna (1897 - 1973)
Page, Mary E (c1868 - )
Page, Sarah Ann (1807 - 1887)
Page, Susan (1869 - )
Page, Turner Franklin (c1854 - )
Page, William L (c1842 - )
Paine, Margaret (1884 - 1973)
Painter, Annie (1894 - )
Painter, Charles (1883 - )
Painter, Edward Duke (1892 - 1943)
Painter, Jacob (1856 - 1933)
Painter, John William (1878 - 1935)
Painter, Lula May (1890 - 1924)
Painter, Mary (1885 - 1972)
Painter, Opal Elizabeth (1899 - 1978)
Painter, Ruth (1896 - 1969)
Painter, Samuel Douglas (1888 - 1963)
Painter, Sarah Jane (1881 - 1934)
Palmer, Aldus Richard (1920 - 2011)
Palmer, Amy (1893 - )
Palmer, Aurevia Maurine (1910 - 2005)
Palmer, Bertha Mae (1885 - 1947)
Palmer, Chessie (1882 - 1969)
Palmer, Clara Elizabeth (1895 - )
Palmer, Clarence T (1879 - )
Palmer, Eugene E (1880 - )
Palmer, Fannie Lee (1869 - 1943)
Palmer, Florence Elizabeth (1879 - 1961)
Palmer, Floyd H (1886 - )
Palmer, Mary A F (c1848 - )
Palmer, Mary Jane (1868 - 1945)
Palmer, Mary Josephine (1859 - 1939)
Palmer, Mavis (c1915 - )
Palmer, Newton J (1896 - )
Palmer, Richard Elsworth (1866 - 1946)
Palmer, Rienzo Harner (1907 - 1982)
Palmer, Roy E (1891 - )
Palmer, Sam (1882 - )
Palmer, Thomas Franklin (1855 - 1912)
Palmer, Vernie E (1895 - )
Palmer, Waldo Elsworth (1912 - 2004)
Palmer, William C (1884 - )
Pannell, Hazel R (1897 - 1979)
Pannell, Ira W (1901 - 1987)
Pannell, Milton Lourel (1868 - 1958)
Paradee, Cora Alice (1872 - 1931)
Parcher, Asenath (1799 - 1882)
Parham, Lilla (1871 - 1928)
Paris, Margaret Ethel (1885 - 1983)
Paris, Preston Lafayette (1857 - 1936)
Paris, William Marvin (1882 - 1948)
Paris, Zada Mae (1883 - 1970)
Park, Ada (1870 - 1938)
Park, Almira (1815 - 1886)
Park, James (1785 - 1866)
Park, John Eaton (1814 - 1872)
Park, Martha A (1820 - 1857)
Park, Mary Wilson Hill (1810 - 1892)
Park, Moses (1805 - 1863)
Park, Thomas Yandell (1818 - 1898)
Parke, Hazel (1889 - )
Parke, Napoleon Maxwell (1861 - 1949)
Parker, Abbott Arnold (1858 - 1944)
Parker, Albert G (1828 - )
Parker, Alvin Pierson (1874 - 1940)
Parker, Bolivar H (1899 - 1925)
Parker, Capitolia Black (1859 - 1900)
Parker, Carl F (1907 - 1982)
Parker, Christopher C (1855 - 1897)
Parker, Crittendon E (c1871 - 1959)
Parker, Dimice (1865 - 1885)
Parker, Dimice Deforrest (1907 - 2003)
Parker, E John (c1908 - )
Parker, Edith M (1873 - 1890)
Parker, Edna Bell (1893 - 1946)
Parker, Effie Mae (1909 - 1987)
Parker, Effie May (1881 - 1975)
Parker, Elena May (1885 - 1967)
Parker, Elijah William (1889 - 1967)
Parker, Eliza Lockett (1870 - 1954)
Parker, Ellis Clark (1858 - 1930)
Parker, Emillie Elizabeth (1848 - 1886)
Parker, Faye (1901 - 1983)
Parker, Frank Ruff (1875 - 1954)
Parker, George (c1834 - )
Parker, Hugh W (c1905 - )
Parker, Jane Graham (1879 - 1974)
Parker, John Clyde (1885 - 1891)
Parker, John Harrison (1869 - 1951)
Parker, John Lewis (1865 - 1927)
Parker, John Sterrett II (1842 - 1918)
Parker, John V (1860 - 1910)
Parker, John V II (1889 - )
Parker, Joseph Caldwell (1857 - 1947)
Parker, Judson Robert (c1914 - )
Parker, Lewis (1867 - 1955)
Parker, Lewis Rosseau II (1838 - 1906)
Parker, Lewis Rousseau (1905 - 1995)
Parker, Lucy Ellen (1868 - 1931)
Parker, Maggie DeForest (1877 - 1951)
Parker, Marshall Edward (1879 - 1961)
Parker, Marshall Emory (1841 - 1923)
Parker, Martha Emma (c1900 - )
Parker, Mary Elizabeth (c1834 - )
Parker, Mary Elizabeth (1861 - 1938)
Parker, Mary Evelyn (1875 - 1955)
Parker, Mary F (1868 - 1924)
Parker, Mary Helen (c1909 - )
Parker, Mildred (c1901 - )
Parker, Paul Houtchens (1903 - 1963)
Parker, Ralph W (1891 - 1948)
Parker, Raymond Edwin (1887 - 1953)
Parker, Richard Harry (1873 - 1952)
Parker, Robert J (c1914 - )
Parker, Robert Lincoln (1872 - 1940)
Parker, Rosa M (c1879 - 1899)
Parker, Ruth Caroline (1868 - 1920)
Parker, Samuel E (c1864 - )
Parker, Samuel Fletcher (1882 - 1945)
Parker, Samuel Wade (1861 - 1930)
*Parker, Sarah (c1649 - )
Parker, Simeon Silas (1853 - 1923)
Parker, Wade Wilbur (1909 - 1947)
Parker, William (c1860 - )
Parkhill, Myra Joanna (1853 - 1933)
Parkhill, Sarah Ann (1849 - 1928)
Parkins, Cleo M (1892 - )
Parkins, Cora Antha Alice (1875 - )
Parkins, Cora Elizabeth (1887 - )
Parkins, Edith Mattie (1905 - )
Parkins, Eliza Cordelia (1863 - 1883)
Parkins, Elmira Tennessee (1852 - 1875)
Parkins, Hallie Etta (1891 - )
Parkins, Henry Clay (1894 - 1977)
Parkins, James Alpheus (1870 - 1890)
Parkins, John S (c1904 - )
Parkins, Lella May (1893 - )
Parkins, Levi Jackson (1830 - 1906)
Parkins, Lewis A (c1812 - c1840)
Parkins, Lewis Alexander (1854 - 1898)
Parkins, Lillie C (1892 - )
Parkins, Margaret Louise (1873 - 1898)
Parkins, Martin Luther (1865 - 1944)
Parkins, Mary Ellen (1861 - 1883)
Parkins, Maud (1887 - 1990)
Parkins, Robert S (1889 - )
Parkins, Robert Samuel (1859 - 1883)
Parkins, Sarah Ann (c1832 - )
Parkins, Sarah Ethel "Sallie" (1868 - 1963)
Parkins, Stephen Augustus (1857 - 1932)
Parkins, William Grady (1903 - )
Parkinson, Mary (1829 - 1875)
*Parks, Mary (c1686 - 1779)
Parks, Ruth (1817 - )
*Parks, Thomas (c1670 - 1761)
Parman, Lucinda Ella (1880 - 1941)
Parmley, Ada May (1897 - 1918)
Parmley, Agnes Marian (1828 - 1885)
Parmley, Albert Green (1870 - 1888)
Parmley, Allen (1867 - 1937)
Parmley, Allie (1874 - )
Parmley, Alpha (1883 - )
Parmley, Alvie L (1900 - 1979)
Parmley, Anna M (1886 - )
Parmley, Benjamin F (1880 - 1957)
Parmley, Bertie E (1876 - )
Parmley, Bessie (1894 - )
Parmley, Bessie Leattrice (1924 - )
Parmley, Buena Belle (1907 - 1971)
Parmley, Charles E (1872 - 1950)
Parmley, Charley (1885 - 1924)
Parmley, Chesley (1886 - )
Parmley, Clara Rachel (1893 - 1969)
Parmley, Claude Luster (1900 - 1966)
Parmley, Cora Edna (1890 - 1971)
Parmley, Dee (1906 - 1969)
Parmley, Dollie B (1890 - 1971)
Parmley, Dora (1873 - )
Parmley, Edgar (1895 - 1976)
Parmley, Effie Edna (1894 - 1978)
Parmley, Elizabeth (c1783 - 1854)
Parmley, Elsberry (c1857 - )
Parmley, Elsberry E (c1823 - )
Parmley, Elsbury S (1840 - )
Parmley, Emma (1875 - )
Parmley, Ephraim (c1760 - )
Parmley, Ephraim (1793 - 1878)
Parmley, Eunice Pauline (1899 - 1986)
Parmley, Eva Marie (1897 - 1990)
Parmley, Evelyn (1908 - 2003)
Parmley, Ezra Green (1887 - 1970)
Parmley, Fanny (1867 - 1957)
Parmley, Francis (c1869 - )
Parmley, Freda A (c1915 - )
Parmley, Gale (1906 - 1970)
Parmley, Garnett Flavius (1913 - 1976)
Parmley, George (1880 - 1943)
Parmley, George Washington (1846 - 1925)
Parmley, Grace (1886 - )
Parmley, Gussie (1887 - )
Parmley, Herbert (c1879 - 1957)
Parmley, Hiel (1799 - 1870)
Parmley, Hilda Ruth (1926 - 1984)
Parmley, Hillis (1893 - 1972)
Parmley, Hosea Green (1866 - )
Parmley, Ida F (c1905 - )
Parmley, Irvin L (1888 - 1960)
Parmley, Isabel (c1808 - )
Parmley, James (c1792 - )
Parmley, James (c1843 - )
Parmley, James A (c1846 - )
Parmley, James Allen (1850 - 1922)
Parmley, James Alvis (1875 - 1953)
Parmley, James Ephraim (c1837 - c1878)
Parmley, James Ephraim (1838 - 1915)
Parmley, James Ephraim (1851 - 1930)
Parmley, Jane (c1794 - )
Parmley, Jewel (1910 - 1958)
Parmley, John (c1814 - )
Parmley, John A (c1838 - )
Parmley, John Beagle (1871 - 1940)
Parmley, John Garner (c1809 - 1854)
Parmley, John H (1837 - 1917)
Parmley, John H (1919 - 1994)
Parmley, John R (c1862 - 1915)
Parmley, John Reed (1845 - 1919)
Parmley, John Rubin (1869 - 1933)
Parmley, John Williamson (1844 - 1925)
Parmley, Joseph C (1920 - 1985)
Parmley, Joseph Ephraim (1871 - 1931)
Parmley, Joseph G (c1877 - 1954)
Parmley, Joshua G (c1857 - )
Parmley, Julia Ann (c1832 - )
Parmley, Julia Ann (1845 - 1912)
Parmley, Julia Frances (1867 - 1952)
Parmley, Keziah (c1795 - 1838)
Parmley, Keziah (c1818 - )
Parmley, Laura (c1877 - )
Parmley, Laura C (1874 - 1911)
Parmley, Lenna Jane (1889 - 1939)
Parmley, Lewis (1869 - 1948)
Parmley, Lillian M (1908 - 1988)
Parmley, Lily (1876 - )
Parmley, Lockey (1887 - 1960)
Parmley, Lucille A (c1912 - )
Parmley, Lula (1883 - 1963)
Parmley, Lura Mae (1890 - 1952)
Parmley, Magnolia (1877 - )
Parmley, Major Curtis (1899 - )
Parmley, Mamie (1886 - 1977)
Parmley, Mariah (c1829 - )
Parmley, Marie (1884 - )
Parmley, Marion Wilson Elsberry (1868 - 1948)
Parmley, Martha J (1869 - 1935)
Parmley, Martha Melinda (1873 - 1921)
Parmley, Mary (c1787 - 1825)
Parmley, Mary (1806 - 1873)
Parmley, Mary Angeline (c1834 - )
Parmley, Mary Ann (1853 - 1883)
Parmley, Mary J (c1823 - )
Parmley, Mary Jake (1879 - 1950)
Parmley, Mary L (1852 - 1941)
Parmley, Mary M (1864 - 1901)
Parmley, Mercedes (1915 - 1971)
Parmley, Millie (1892 - 1913)
Parmley, Milo (1879 - 1963)
Parmley, Miranda B (c1868 - )
Parmley, Miranda Ursula (1859 - 1930)
Parmley, Missouri (c1828 - 1877)
Parmley, Missouri (1881 - )
Parmley, Mollie (1872 - )
Parmley, Monimia (1873 - 1895)
Parmley, Moninea (c1873 - )
Parmley, Myrtle (1887 - )
Parmley, Nancy Addie (1871 - 1900)
Parmley, Nancy Adeline (c1839 - )
Parmley, Nellie (1894 - )
Parmley, Nellie M (1897 - )
Parmley, Nettie (1870 - )
Parmley, Nettie (1870 - )
Parmley, Noah Thomas (1890 - 1969)
Parmley, Nonnie (1885 - )
Parmley, Olive (1879 - )
Parmley, Opal M (1902 - 1967)
Parmley, Oscar Emmert (1872 - 1941)
Parmley, Otis E (1882 - 1945)
Parmley, Otto (1872 - 1957)
Parmley, Ray Olen (1910 - 1966)
Parmley, Reba V (1907 - 1998)
Parmley, Rebecca (1821 - 1901)
Parmley, Reyth Kathryn (1904 - 1995)
Parmley, Richard (c1785 - 1830)
Parmley, Richard (c1805 - )
Parmley, Robert (c1869 - )
Parmley, Robert Edward L (1868 - 1941)
Parmley, Robert Garner (1880 - 1959)
Parmley, Rosetta Bell (1862 - 1934)
Parmley, Samuel (1826 - 1884)
Parmley, Samuel (1852 - 1925)
Parmley, Samuel E (c1780 - 1858)
Parmley, Sarah (c1836 - )
Parmley, Sarah Louella (1868 - 1942)
Parmley, Serepta A (1860 - )
Parmley, Silvo Cecil (1906 - 1928)
Parmley, Sula (1886 - 1976)
Parmley, Susan Ellen (1854 - 1930)
Parmley, Susan J (1870 - )
Parmley, Theodocia (c1877 - )
Parmley, Thomas J (1855 - 1914)
Parmley, Tilda E (1892 - )
Parmley, Vivian (1917 - )
Parmley, Walter Eugene (1907 - 1984)
Parmley, William (c1847 - )
Parmley, William A (c1836 - )
Parmley, William A (1879 - 1952)
Parmley, William Coleman (1841 - 1925)
Parmley, William Garfield (1880 - 1925)
Parmley, William J (1856 - 1939)
Parmley, William Morris (1891 - 1962)
*Parpoynt, Amos (1593 - )
*Parpoynt, Henry
Parr, Alice Minerva (1900 - 1982)
Parr, Emmett F (1889 - 1918)
Parr, Frank Burnett (1884 - 1947)
Parr, George Edward (1886 - 1952)
Parr, George M (1851 - )
Parr, James W (1887 - )
Parr, Mary L (1893 - 1974)
Parr, Mina B (1898 - )
Parr, Turner Sam (1907 - 1964)
Parrent, Malinda Evaline (1876 - 1957)
Parris, Alton Bailey (1905 - 1988)
Parris, Dewey E (c1903 - )
Parris, Ernest Raymond (1900 - 1990)
Parris, Joseph Wheeler (1897 - 1989)
Parris, Walter (1868 - 1939)
Parris, Walter Wilson (1912 - 1950)
Parrish, Blanche Estelle (1876 - 1957)
Parrish, Harriet Susan (1852 - 1936)
Parrish, Mary Susan (1863 - 1946)
Parrish, Rebecca A (c1865 - )
Parrish, Sarah Margaret (1857 - 1934)
Parrott, Caston Clifford (1916 - 2009)
Parrott, Commodore Cornelius (1887 - 1933)
Parrott, Opal (1911 - 1999)
Parson, Rosellen (c1849 - )
Parson, William C (c1852 - )
Parsons, Andrew Jackson (1878 - )
Parsons, Elizabeth (1823 - 1901)
Parsons, Eula Virtle (1895 - 1967)
Parsons, Hezzie Garfield (1882 - 1964)
Parsons, James Marion (1855 - 1922)
*Parsons, Mary (1661 - 1718)
Parsons, Mary J (1856 - 1924)
Parsons, Meadie Malissa (1878 - 1946)
Parsons, Nancy Mary (1886 - 1945)
Parsons, Nora E (1889 - )
Parsons, Olin Robert (1884 - 1964)
Parsons, Puah
*Parsons, Thomas (1632 - 1684)
Parsons, William Clark (1825 - 1862)
Parsons, Zachary Taylor (1843 - 1907)
Partch, Hattie W (1866 - 1901)
Partin, Elizabeth
Partin, Holley
Partin, Lucy Ann (1853 - 1915)
Partin, Martha Ellen (1820 - )
Partlow, Mattie E (1878 - )
Paschall, Parthena (1838 - 1915)
Paslay, Columbine May (1878 - 1962)
Paslay, George Washington (1849 - 1941)
Paslay, Grace Edith (1889 - )
Paslay, Henry Calvin (1870 - 1925)
Paslay, Katie Orlina (1884 - 1973)
Paslay, Lora Elma (1886 - )
Paslay, Nettie Bell (1880 - )
Paslay, Rosa Myrtle (1882 - 1928)
Paslay, Thomas Parks (1868 - )
Pass, Fannie (1892 - 1983)
Pass, Green Basel (1883 - 1918)
Pass, Iva (1894 - )
Pass, Jesse Jackson (1898 - 1984)
Pass, Luralon or Lawton or Lasiter (1879 - )
Pass, Nathaniel T (1856 - 1910)
Pass, Robert (1881 - 1955)
Pass, Sarah Bell (1897 - 1986)
*Passamer, Thomasine
Pate, Etta M (1869 - )
Pate, Martha Emma (1870 - 1953)
Patmore, David J (1871 - 1877)
Patmore, Elizabeth Manasha (1875 - 1946)
Patmore, George William (1843 - 1914)
Patmore, George William II (1866 - 1948)
Patmore, Mary Rosalie (1864 - 1937)
*Patrick, Catherine (c1503 - )
*Patrick, Thomas (c1470 - )
Patrie, Catharine (1808 - 1907)
Patterson, Alexander Beauregard (1861 - 1935)
Patterson, Andrew Jackson (1871 - 1940)
Patterson, Annie May (1898 - 1983)
Patterson, Benjamin (1858 - 1930)
Patterson, Bessie B (1897 - )
Patterson, Billie Jo (1925 - 1979)
Patterson, Carl Mitchell (1903 - 1963)
Patterson, Carrie Belle (1908 - 1998)
Patterson, Clara May (1879 - 1962)
Patterson, David (c1815 - )
Patterson, Edna (c1913 - )
Patterson, Elizabeth Hester (1893 - 1925)
Patterson, Emma Iona (1902 - )
Patterson, Emogene (1918 - 2005)
Patterson, Esther (1877 - 1970)
Patterson, Frances Florene (1870 - 1910)
Patterson, Frances Missouri (1859 - 1937)
Patterson, Fred (1917 - 1997)
Patterson, George (c1845 - )
Patterson, George Caswell (1875 - 1960)
Patterson, George E (c1904 - )
Patterson, George Washington (1843 - 1888)
Patterson, Henry William (1913 - 1929)
Patterson, Ila Lucille (1915 - 2006)
Patterson, Irving (1915 - )
Patterson, James (c1846 - )
Patterson, James Earnest (1924 - 1991)
Patterson, Jane (1878 - 1954)
Patterson, John Cowell (1880 - 1937)
Patterson, John Drury (1884 - 1955)
Patterson, John Stephens (1913 - 1963)
Patterson, John W (c1825 - 1903)
Patterson, Linnie Ella (1900 - 1947)
Patterson, Mahulda B (1851 - )
Patterson, Martha B (c1874 - )
Patterson, Martha L (c1750 - 1775)
Patterson, Martin L (c1861 - )
Patterson, Marvin Mack (1875 - 1944)
Patterson, Mary (c1813 - )
Patterson, Mary Ann (1876 - 1901)
Patterson, Mary Frances (1876 - 1912)
Patterson, Mary Jane (1873 - 1906)
Patterson, Mary Jane (1879 - 1905)
Patterson, Mary Sue (1927 - 2003)
Patterson, Maude Leona (1897 - 1960)
Patterson, Mildred Juanita (1908 - 1974)
Patterson, Milleas (1812 - )
Patterson, Nancy (1855 - 1940)
Patterson, Ola (1905 - 1993)
Patterson, Ralph Eugene (1922 - 1987)
Patterson, Rena (c1869 - )
Patterson, Riley Benjamin (1891 - 1972)
Patterson, Robert Alexander (1850 - 1926)
Patterson, Roy G (1896 - 1917)
Patterson, Sally Elizabeth (1876 - 1904)
Patterson, Sarah Catherine (1877 - 1926)
Patterson, Sarah J (c1846 - )
Patterson, Simpson L (c1855 - 1920)
Patterson, Stella (1884 - 1934)
Patterson, Teresa M (1885 - )
Patterson, Thomas S (c1852 - )
Patterson, Velma May (1911 - 1974)
Patterson, Vida (1895 - 1999)
Patterson, Walter Wellington (1868 - 1943)
Patterson, Wendell Monroe (1906 - 1953)
Patterson, William Ellis (1866 - 1951)
Patterson, William Franklin (1837 - 1923)
Patterson, William Hines (1852 - 1905)
Pattillo, Burdotta J (c1853 - )
Patton, Allie W (1880 - 1924)
Patton, Arthur Edward (1892 - 1962)
Patton, Bertha J (1894 - )
Patton, Clay (1893 - )
Patton, Drury T (1868 - 1910)
Patton, Eliself Crittie (c1858 - )
Patton, Fannie K (1897 - 1918)
Patton, Franklin M (c1877 - )
Patton, Isabell Frances (1858 - 1926)
Patton, Jessie (1906 - 1951)
Patton, John E (c1828 - )
Patton, John Howard (1901 - 1917)
Patton, John W (c1839 - )
Patton, Lucy F (c1861 - 1883)
Patton, Malinda A (c1873 - )
Patton, Mary E (1854 - 1926)
Patton, Mary Kate (1892 - 1965)
Patton, Oakley Allen (1899 - 1968)
Patton, Riley Oscar (1867 - 1957)
Patton, Robert Howard (1873 - 1950)
Patton, Robert Thomas (1834 - 1901)
Patton, Rose May (1882 - )
Patton, Thomas Willis (1870 - 1955)
Patton, William (1890 - )
Patton, William Wilkins (1858 - 1928)
Paul, Dorothy P (1920 - 1994)
Paul, Harris M (1909 - 1979)
Paul, Helen (c1925 - )
Paul, Jack P (c1912 - )
Paul, Lucinda (1856 - 1920)
Paul, Margaret J (1851 - 1919)
Paul, Norman P (1923 - 2009)
Paul, Robert Earl (1889 - 1949)
Paul, Serena Ann (1825 - 1900)
Paul, Tracie Marie (1898 - 1985)
Paulin, Dewey G (1898 - 1918)
Paulin, Levi F (1870 - 1918)
Paulson, Henry Arthur (1880 - 1973)
Paulson, Raymond (1856 - 1928)
Paulson, Sarah (1862 - 1933)
Paulson, Willie Ray (1886 - 1952)
Payne, Annie Cavile (1890 - 1968)
Payne, Bertha G (1890 - )
Payne, Charles G (1896 - )
Payne, Clarence Vernon (1902 - 1929)
Payne, Cyrus Alfred (1880 - 1958)
Payne, David Franklin (1853 - 1901)
Payne, Edward II (1856 - 1921)
Payne, Eliza Jane H (c1820 - )
Payne, Elizabeth Catherine (c1844 - )
Payne, Elizabeth Sarah
Payne, Elmira Ann (1838 - 1913)
Payne, Floyd A (1888 - 1912)
Payne, Fred H (1887 - 1958)
Payne, George W (c1825 - )
Payne, Goffer Wood (1890 - 1917)
Payne, Hattie (1885 - 1904)
Payne, Henry (c1801 - )
Payne, Isaac Baxter (c1842 - 1917)
Payne, James
Payne, John (c1858 - )
Payne, John William (1880 - 1945)
Payne, John Wilson (c1841 - )
Payne, Joseph Clifford (1881 - 1966)
Payne, Julia Isabella (1876 - 1940)
Payne, Lillie Maude (1895 - 1987)
Payne, Lucy Mary (1897 - 1968)
Payne, Lula Fern (1898 - 1988)
Payne, Mahala Jane (1848 - )
Payne, Marinda (1832 - 1909)
Payne, Marion J (1900 - 1990)
Payne, Martha Margaret Emeline (c1821 - 1897)
Payne, Mary Ellen (1855 - 1920)
Payne, Matilda (c1830 - )
Payne, Nellie (1878 - 1907)
Payne, Nettie (1883 - 1963)
Payne, Nettie Frances (1886 - 1942)
Payne, Nicholas (1893 - )
Payne, Ollie Frances (1881 - 1969)
Payne, Pearl M (1888 - )
Payne, Polly Maria S
Payne, Robert E (c1837 - 1916)
Payne, Russell Tompkins (1886 - 1968)
Payne, Sarah Caroline (1850 - 1939)
Payne, Thomas M (c1805 - )
Payne, Vance William (1896 - 1970)
Payne, Walter (1888 - )
Payne, Wilber J (1900 - )
Payne, Wilber Johnston (1849 - )
Payne, William (1818 - 1864)
Payne, William (c1862 - )
Payton, Edna Raye (1886 - 1981)
Payton, Guy F (1882 - )
Payton, Isaac Allen (1860 - 1940)
Payton, Mary "Mollie" (1870 - 1958)
Peach, Adolph (1900 - 1971)
Peach, Arthur (1898 - 1918)
Peach, George (1896 - 1976)
Peach, Gladys (1902 - 1981)
Peach, Mollie (1869 - 1941)
Peach, Noah Wellington (1837 - 1907)
Peach, Sarah (1847 - )
Peak, Fannie Florence (1872 - 1962)
Pearce, Mary Elizabeth (1855 - 1930)
*Pearce, Sarah (c1675 - 1709)
Pearson, Almira (1834 - 1864)
Pearson, Artelia (1854 - 1874)
Pearson, Arthur Ewing (1883 - 1968)
Pearson, Bertha Mae (1886 - 1937)
Pearson, Clarissa (c1847 - )
Pearson, Curtis M (1873 - 1944)
Pearson, Demi (1899 - 1983)
Pearson, Edwin Earl (1896 - 1986)
Pearson, Elizabeth (c1826 - )
Pearson, Ely (1880 - 1963)
Pearson, Emmons Orville (1893 - 1975)
Pearson, Emmons Orville II (1917 - 2004)
Pearson, Euclid C (1872 - 1967)
Pearson, Glendoris (1920 - 1984)
Pearson, Grace E (1870 - )
Pearson, Ida A (1884 - 1941)
Pearson, James Harvey (1851 - 1936)
Pearson, James J (1870 - )
Pearson, Jo Anna (1881 - )
Pearson, John Irving (1876 - 1942)
Pearson, John Matthias (c1842 - 1898)
Pearson, Jonathan (c1806 - 1893)
Pearson, Kizzie Jane (1883 - 1959)
Pearson, Lester Edward (1876 - 1943)
Pearson, Lourena (1874 - 1951)
Pearson, Lucretia E (1875 - )
*Pearson, Mary ( - 1779)
Pearson, Mary Lena (1885 - 1929)
Pearson, Mary M (1843 - 1864)
Pearson, Minerva (1839 - 1905)
Pearson, Nola Maude (1890 - 1969)
Pearson, Otis Shannon (1876 - 1944)
Pearson, Reed (1858 - 1938)
Pearson, Rosa Elizabeth (1919 - 1963)
Pearson, Russell Gilbert (1913 - 1990)
Pearson, Sidney F (c1868 - )
Pearson, Stella Campbell (1846 - 1931)
Pearson, Susan (1840 - 1882)
Pearson, Susan Elizabeth (1874 - 1951)
Pearson, Teresa (c1872 - )
Pearson, Victor M (1894 - 1970)
Pearson, William Henry (1843 - 1926)
Pearson, William J (1844 - 1926)
Pearson, William Randall (1844 - 1938)
Pearson, Willis McLellan (1890 - 1968)
Pearson, Zelma Louise (1912 - 2004)
Peays, Mary E (c1845 - )
*Peck, Edward (1582 - )
Peck, Elizabeth (c1653 - )
Peck, Joseph (1650 - )
*Peck, Martha (c1648 - 1707)
Peck, Mary (c1648 - )
*Peck, Paul (c1618 - 1695)
Peck, Paul II (1639 - 1725)
Peck, Paul III (1666 - 1751)
Peck, Sarah (1659 - )
Peddicord, Green Henry (c1872 - )
Peddicord, James Lee (1902 - 1973)
Peddicord, Lucian Henry (1904 - 1964)
Peebles, Archibald Oliver (1880 - 1961)
Peebles, Beulah (c1909 - )
Peebles, Genevieve (c1912 - )
Peebles, Nancy (1795 - 1880)
Peek, Allie (c1909 - )
Peek, Clarence (1911 - 1973)
Peek, Dimple (c1909 - )
Peek, Effie (c1907 - )
Peek, Elijah S (1897 - 1989)
Peek, Flora Eddie (1892 - 1982)
Peek, Gilman Butler (1893 - 1946)
Peek, Jesse Oliver (1871 - 1954)
Peek, Jesse Roy (c1906 - )
Peek, John Beecher (1903 - 1997)
Peek, Lonnie E (1895 - 1981)
Peek, Lovie A (c1901 - )
Peek, Martha Ann (1863 - 1904)
Peek, Mary Louise (c1889 - 1991)
Peek, Minerva (1845 - 1887)
Peek, Ora (1905 - 2002)
Peek, Sarah Elizabeth (1898 - 1969)
Peek, Thomas Jefferson (1876 - 1949)
Peek, Virgil J (1910 - 1955)
Peevey, Hattie Clay (1871 - 1950)
Peevey, Henry Hinds (1875 - 1962)
Peevey, Leroy Madison (c1820 - 1897)
*Pembridge, Elizabeth (c1400 - )
Pence, Devon (1900 - )
Pence, Mary Jane (1844 - 1904)
Pence, Pansy (1897 - )
Pence, Roscoe J (1874 - 1930)
Pendergast, Ella (1857 - 1941)
Pendergraft, Claude Leonard (1905 - 1973)
Pendergraft, Virgil Doyle (1919 - 1998)
Pendergrass, Charles Calvin (1901 - 1984)
Pendergrass, Elvie Pearl (1888 - 1972)
Pendergrass, F E (1897 - )
Pendergrass, Flora Mae (1880 - 1961)
Pendergrass, Hughlin Forrest (1896 - 1961)
Pendergrass, James Arthur (1888 - 1948)
Pendergrass, James Monroe (1831 - 1861)
Pendergrass, John Calvin (1858 - 1934)
Pendergrass, Lafayette Calvin (1840 - 1927)
Pendergrass, Lee (c1861 - )
Pendergrass, Lezora O (1898 - )
Pendergrass, Lillian Ann Adam (1881 - 1960)
Pendergrass, Lola Belle (1887 - 1969)
Pendergrass, Margaret Lee (1895 - 1961)
Pendergrass, Marion Lester
Pendergrass, Martha Ava (1877 - 1935)
Pendergrass, Nancy (1777 - 1860)
Pendergrass, Nellie Permelia (1894 - 1933)
Pendergrass, Orestes (1889 - 1954)
Pendergrass, Pearl M (1893 - 1984)
Pendergrass, Sarah Ann (1851 - 1893)
Pendergrass, Sarah Belle (1880 - 1935)
Pendergrass, Sophronia R (1856 - 1933)
Pendergrass, Travis Marion (1853 - )
Pendergrass, Walter Clurad (1892 - 1959)
Pendergrass, Willie Mabel (1902 - 1953)
Pendleton, Minerva Jane (1834 - 1904)
Penley, Edney C (c1846 - 1904)
Penn, Acton (c1776 - 1855)
Penn, Anna W
Penn, Anne (1779 - 1842)
*Penn, Benjamin (1707 - 1777)
Penn, Benjamin (c1790 - )
Penn, Benjamin A (1824 - )
*Penn, Benjamin D (1753 - 1827)
Penn, Charles (1734 - 1777)
Penn, Charles (1788 - 1858)
*Penn, Edward (c1678 - 1741)
Penn, Edward (1740 - c1802)
Penn, Edward II (1705 - )
Penn, Elizabeth (c1792 - 1867)
Penn, Elwood (1861 - 1891)
Penn, Ephraim (1832 - 1880)
Penn, James (1718 - )
Penn, James Christie (1839 - )
Penn, Jane (c1713 - c1768)
Penn, Jane (c1737 - )
Penn, John (c1711 - )
Penn, John Warfield (1808 - 1878)
Penn, John William (1858 - )
Penn, Joseph (c1710 - 1771)
Penn, Joseph (c1750 - 1823)
Penn, Joseph (c1796 - )
Penn, Lou Isabelle (1849 - 1917)
Penn, Mary (c1746 - )
*Penn, Mary "Polly" (c1784 - )
Penn, Mary E (1703 - )
Penn, Noah (1794 - )
Penn, Rebecca (1801 - )
Penn, Rebecca M (1815 - 1891)
Penn, Sarah (c1741 - )
Penn, Shadrach (1756 - 1831)
Penn, Susanna
Penn, Virginia
Penn, William Ephraim (1784 - 1857)
Penn, Zacheus (c1780 - )
Pennebaker, Ann Margaretha (1773 - 1856)
Pennebaker, Mary
Pennebaker, Peter (c1746 - c1807)
Penninger, Nancy (1855 - 1932)
Pennington, America Virginia (c1861 - )
Pennington, Andrew Jackson
Pennington, John Louis (c1829 - )
Pennington, John Louis II (c1866 - )
Pennington, Lula Elizabeth (1862 - 1951)
Pennington, Margie Isabell (1883 - 1984)
Pennington, Mary R (c1864 - )
Pennycuff, Margaret A (1853 - )
Penrod, Augusta Ellen (1893 - 1972)
Penrod, Daniel W (1881 - 1936)
Penrod, George Washington (1891 - 1957)
Penrod, Jefferson Green (1859 - 1928)
Penrod, Mertie E (1889 - )
Penrod, Millard F (1885 - 1963)
Percy, Hamilton
*Percy, Henry Earl of Northumberland (1341 - 1408)
Percy, P A (c1862 - )
*Percy, Sir Henry "Hotspur" (1364 - 1403)
Perkins, Alexander (1773 - 1856)
Perkins, Clifford L (1899 - 1993)
Perkins, Don Carlos (1862 - 1948)
Perkins, Eli (1777 - 1832)
Perkins, Elisha (1697 - c1740)
Perkins, Elisha Alexander (1760 - c1795)
Perkins, Elisha II (1720 - )
Perkins, Elizabeth (1726 - )
Perkins, Ephraim (1764 - )
Perkins, Henrietta Ellen (1874 - 1963)
Perkins, Isabel (1735 - )
Perkins, John (1733 - 1804)
Perkins, John Cottrell (1717 - )
Perkins, John II (1767 - 1838)
Perkins, Joseph (1768 - )
Perkins, Joshua (c1728 - c1814)
Perkins, Mahala (1856 - 1924)
Perkins, Margaret (c1721 - c1801)
Perkins, Martha (1701 - )
Perkins, Mary
Perkins, Mary (1695 - )
*Perkins, Mary (1720 - 1760)
Perkins, Mary (1762 - 1827)
Perkins, Nancy Ruth (1851 - 1931)
Perkins, Rachel (1728 - )
Perkins, Reuben (1722 - )
*Perkins, Richard ( - 1706)
Perkins, Richard (1689 - 1772)
Perkins, Sarah (1776 - 1850)
Perkins, Vera Belle (1902 - )
*Perkins, William (1692 - 1760)
Perkinson, Hester Ann (1855 - 1939)
Perrin, Diantha M (1841 - 1889)
Perrott, Margaret (1828 - )
Perry, Almira J (c1838 - )
Perry, Eleanor Dare (1868 - 1949)
Perry, Ernest (1898 - )
Perry, Ida Jane (1860 - 1931)
Perry, Kate Virginia (1875 - 1966)
Perry, Marshall Ananias (1860 - 1946)
Perry, Martha Ann (1895 - 1953)
Perry, Mary A (c1826 - )
Perry, Mary E (1867 - 1930)
Perry, Missouri B (1858 - 1893)
Perry, Nancy Ellen (1859 - 1929)
Perryman, Albert Homer (1853 - 1932)
Perryman, Arthur Scott (1861 - 1934)
Perryman, Bertha Elizabeth (1889 - 1978)
Perryman, Blanche (1896 - 1930)
Perryman, Carrie E (1883 - 1922)
Perryman, Charles Barber (1868 - 1960)
Perryman, Charles R (1896 - 1964)
Perryman, Edna Mae (1894 - 1992)
Perryman, Eva A (1898 - 1988)
Perryman, Glenn A (1895 - 1979)
Perryman, Ida M (1881 - 1896)
Perryman, Inez Kate (1898 - 1989)
Perryman, John Hayden (1852 - 1888)
Perryman, John Walter (1885 - 1956)
Perryman, Julia Ann (1858 - 1937)
Perryman, Nelson Owen (1829 - 1877)
Perryman, Raymond Henry (1891 - 1971)
Perryman, Ruth Emma (1893 - 1985)
Perryman, William Alexander (1866 - 1928)
Peterman, Alexander L (c1858 - )
Peterman, Benjamin Sanford (1849 - )
Peterman, Benjamin T (1824 - 1860)
Peterman, Isaac D (c1828 - )
Peterman, James Isaac (1850 - 1945)
Peterman, James Van (1880 - )
Peterman, John B (c1867 - )
Peterman, John Coffee (c1859 - )
Peterman, Jones Kirkpatrick (1852 - )
Peterman, Lucretia (1884 - )
Peterman, Margaret F (c1869 - )
Peterman, Mary Ellen (1853 - )
Peterman, Mary H (c1862 - )
Peterman, Matilda Marie (1892 - 1992)
Peterman, May (1898 - )
Peterman, Mintie A (1881 - 1973)
Peterman, Nancy (c1858 - )
Peterman, Rosabelle (1858 - 1943)
Peterman, Wiley J (c1801 - )
Peterman, William P (c1864 - )
Peters, Burrell Bascom (1865 - 1946)
Peters, Cleo (c1906 - )
Peters, Erma Isabelle (1901 - 1991)
Peters, Ettie M (1886 - )
Peters, Ferdinand P (1866 - 1933)
Peters, Fred Arnall (1902 - 1988)
Peters, Ida McKinley (1897 - 1904)
Peters, Idelia E (1863 - 1915)
Peters, John Jones (1874 - 1907)
Peters, Lillie A (1869 - 1947)
Peters, Lucy May (1895 - )
Peters, Mayme E (1883 - 1958)
Peters, Richard Horace (1867 - 1944)
Peters, Sarah (1875 - 1952)
Peters, Theodore Hobart (1899 - 1949)
Peters, Thomas William (1872 - 1949)
Peters, William T (1835 - 1905)
Peterson, Annie Augusta (1870 - 1913)
Peterson, Malinda Miranda (1881 - 1952)
Peterson, Margaret Caroline (1881 - 1921)
Peterson, Rebecca Jane (1847 - 1931)
Peterson, Sarah Ann (1845 - 1899)
Peterson, Sarah Randa (1880 - 1963)
Petit, Lucy Ann (1832 - )
Petry, Winnie L (1870 - 1954)
Pettet, Sarah Elizabeth (1875 - 1955)
*Pettit, Elizabeth
Pettit, Mary Ann (1854 - 1928)
Pettit, Sarah Eliza (1849 - 1891)
Petty, Alice J (1872 - 1924)
Petty, Alva Claude (1907 - 1997)
Petty, Alvirinia (1858 - 1919)
Petty, Ambrose (c1827 - 1884)
Petty, Ambrose (1849 - 1932)
Petty, Ann G (1850 - )
Petty, Arley F (1905 - 1998)
Petty, Charles E (1921 - 1962)
Petty, Charles H (c1840 - )
Petty, Clementine (1853 - )
Petty, Cornelius E (1850 - 1900)
Petty, D C (c1849 - )
Petty, Daniel Thomas (1816 - 1881)
Petty, Dora M (1883 - 1943)
Petty, Elizabeth E (1859 - )
Petty, Elizabeth Frances (1875 - 1930)
Petty, Elizabeth J (c1870 - )
Petty, Ellen Jane (1848 - 1905)
Petty, Emery M (1855 - )
Petty, Emiline (1853 - 1932)
Petty, Emily Etta (c1868 - )
Petty, George Washington (1812 - 1901)
Petty, Harriet Virginia (c1853 - )
Petty, Harrison W (1878 - )
Petty, Hattie Mariam (1884 - 1956)
Petty, Isham (c1825 - )
Petty, Isham (c1842 - )
Petty, Isham (c1852 - )
Petty, James (1786 - 1863)
Petty, James Floyd (1908 - 1989)
Petty, James Franklin (1869 - 1934)
Petty, James Hiram (1862 - 1939)
Petty, James Maston (1838 - )
Petty, James Wyatt (1842 - 1901)
Petty, John (1894 - 1944)
Petty, John Calvin (c1838 - 1917)
Petty, John W (c1818 - )
Petty, John Wickliffe Crittenden (1861 - 1929)
Petty, Jonathan Thomas (1871 - 1929)
Petty, Jonathan Thomas (1916 - 1995)
Petty, Lucinda (c1847 - )
Petty, Marian (1860 - 1940)
Petty, Marian (1870 - 1946)
Petty, Mary D (c1850 - )
Petty, Mary Frances (1845 - 1921)
Petty, Mary T (c1852 - )
Petty, Matthew (c1819 - )
Petty, Melinda Mary Ellen (1875 - 1950)
Petty, Mishey Delilah (1873 - 1937)
Petty, Nancy A (c1845 - )
Petty, Nancy Bell (1857 - 1937)
Petty, Nancy Doran Adaline (1884 - 1965)
Petty, Percy P (c1867 - 1892)
Petty, Reuben (c1850 - )
Petty, Ruben Bolivar (1880 - 1953)
Petty, Ruby Leona (1916 - 2005)
Petty, Sophia Frances (1845 - 1915)
Petty, Taswell Friend (1846 - 1909)
Petty, Thomas Young (c1876 - 1928)
Petty, Virginia (1868 - 1954)
Petty, Virginia F (1854 - )
Petty, Wade Hamilton (1879 - 1948)
Petty, Walter Rawley (1873 - 1936)
Petty, William (c1862 - )
Petty, William G (1845 - )
Petty, William Henry Morgan (1877 - 1951)
Petty, Zachariah (1837 - )
Petty, Zina Lou (1917 - 1980)
*Pewtrell, Anne (1469 - )
Pezoldt, Edith Lorene (1901 - 1952)
Pezoldt, Edward Phillip (1872 - 1968)
Pezoldt, Ethel Lee (1904 - 1977)
*Pfeffer, Ursula (1648 - 1745)
Pfeiffer, Anna K (1873 - 1956)
Pharris, Bedford (1891 - )
Pharris, Benton McMillan (1886 - 1969)
Pharris, Clarabelle (1895 - )
Pharris, Clinton L (1850 - )
Pharris, Dale (1896 - )
Pharris, Daniel (1893 - )
Pharris, Emma Elizabeth (1893 - )
Pharris, Fowler (1888 - 1946)
Pharris, George Washington (1852 - 1926)
Pharris, Grover Cleveland (1892 - 1963)
Pharris, Hiram (1849 - 1929)
Pharris, James (1826 - 1857)
Pharris, James B (1873 - 1957)
Pharris, James Lafayette (1855 - 1907)
Pharris, Jane N (1855 - )
Pharris, John S (1899 - 1982)
Pharris, Joseph Campbell (1901 - )
Pharris, Leroy (1831 - 1903)
Pharris, Leroy (c1853 - )
Pharris, Lewis (1852 - )
Pharris, Lillie A (1886 - 1940)
Pharris, Louis K (1880 - 1952)
Pharris, Lula A (1870 - 1943)
Pharris, Marian C (c1849 - )
Pharris, Mary Amanda (1847 - 1936)
Pharris, Mary E (1869 - 1936)
Pharris, Mary J (c1852 - )
Pharris, Matilda (1857 - 1899)
Pharris, Matilda Edith (1828 - 1903)
Pharris, Nathan (1890 - )
Pharris, Paul (1884 - 1893)
Pharris, Pauline Ruth (1918 - 1974)
Pharris, Pearlie G (1887 - )
Pharris, Pina Hallie (1877 - 1954)
Pharris, Robert Curtis (1895 - 1953)
Pharris, Sarah (c1849 - )
Pharris, Sarah Jane (c1857 - )
Pharris, Thomas (c1840 - )
Pharris, Walter Van (1867 - 1941)
Pharris, William (c1821 - )
Phay, Emmaline Amanda (1859 - 1915)
Phelan, Abigail (1846 - 1940)
Phelan, Abijah Fowler (1830 - 1892)
Phelan, Anna E (c1860 - )
Phelan, Benjamin (1874 - )
Phelan, Bonnie Van Dora (1881 - 1967)
Phelan, Charles J (c1868 - )
Phelan, Delaney Sherman (1867 - )
Phelan, Eliza Jane Jemima (1855 - 1943)
Phelan, Henry Clinton (1872 - 1937)
Phelan, James Larkin (1857 - )
Phelan, John Wesley (1857 - 1946)
Phelan, Josiah Richard (c1832 - 1899)
Phelan, Leroy (1863 - )
Phelan, Lucinda C (1841 - 1918)
Phelan, Luelsa Melinda (1869 - 1946)
Phelan, Martha Alice (1862 - 1939)
Phelan, Melissa Ellen (1864 - 1932)
Phelan, Robert T (1872 - 1943)
Phelan, William M (1859 - )
Phelan, Willie Lenore (1879 - 1904)
Phelps, Abby Ann (1841 - )
Phelps, Abijah (1735 - )
Phelps, Amanda (c1837 - )
Phelps, Americus (1855 - 1914)
Phelps, Anna Adeline (1816 - 1891)
Phelps, Anne (1729 - )
Phelps, Asa (1736 - )
Phelps, Ashibel (1704 - )
Phelps, Barrett (1722 - )
Phelps, Belton (c1853 - )
Phelps, Bryant (1846 - 1918)
Phelps, Cagle (1897 - 1976)
Phelps, Catherine (1806 - 1878)
Phelps, Charles (1702 - )
Phelps, Clarinda (1835 - 1929)
Phelps, Clarissa (1805 - 1882)
Phelps, Clarissa (c1823 - 1886)
Phelps, Cornelius (1698 - )
Phelps, Cyrus (1800 - 1878)
Phelps, Darius (1772 - 1861)
Phelps, Drucilla (1863 - 1890)
*Phelps, Elijah (1724 - )
Phelps, Elijah (1750 - )
Phelps, Elizabeth (1821 - 1895)
Phelps, Enos (1766 - 1855)
Phelps, George Chapman (1838 - 1916)
Phelps, George Washington (1799 - 1866)
Phelps, Giles H (c1832 - 1864)
Phelps, Hannah (1706 - )
Phelps, Hannah (1728 - 1803)
Phelps, Hannah Rebecca (1843 - 1909)
Phelps, Harriet (c1841 - )
Phelps, Harvey (c1818 - )
Phelps, Helen M (1827 - 1891)
Phelps, Horace William (1796 - 1883)
Phelps, Ichabod (1708 - 1794)
*Phelps, Ichabod (c1749 - )
Phelps, Ichabod (c1782 - )
Phelps, Inez (1860 - 1892)
Phelps, Isabel (c1847 - )
Phelps, Isabel G (c1851 - )
Phelps, Isadore Lucinda (c1839 - )
Phelps, James (1732 - )
Phelps, James (1737 - )
Phelps, Jemima (c1768 - )
Phelps, Joel (1753 - )
Phelps, John Montgomery (1829 - )
Phelps, Joseph
Phelps, Joseph (1666 - 1716)
Phelps, Katharine E (1833 - )
Phelps, Laura Eliza (c1812 - 1870)
Phelps, Lucinda (1798 - )
Phelps, Lucinda M (1836 - )
Phelps, Lucy (1779 - 1842)
Phelps, Marcus (c1844 - )
Phelps, Martha (1690 - )
Phelps, Martha (1734 - )
Phelps, Mary (1644 - )
Phelps, Mary (1726 - )
Phelps, Mary C (1831 - )
Phelps, Mehitable (1773 - 1854)
Phelps, Naomi (c1833 - )
Phelps, Nettie K (1864 - 1916)
*Phelps, Noah (1694 - 1764)
Phelps, Noah (1720 - )
Phelps, Noah (1754 - 1795)
Phelps, Orson (1803 - )
Phelps, Othniel (1752 - 1782)
Phelps, Othniel (c1776 - )
Phelps, Othniel (c1810 - 1853)
Phelps, Othniel Brewster (1821 - 1891)
Phelps, Polly (1779 - 1853)
*Phelps, Polly (1785 - 1845)
Phelps, Rolla (1808 - 1892)
Phelps, Samuel Potter (1822 - 1904)
Phelps, Sarah (1646 - )
Phelps, Sarah (1731 - )
*Phelps, Timothy (1639 - 1719)
Phelps, Timothy III (1692 - )
*Phelps, Timothy Jr (1663 - 1768)
Phelps, Wallace (c1838 - )
*Phelps, William (1599 - 1672)
Phelps, William Wallace (1825 - 1891)
Phelps, Wilson (1788 - 1850)
Pherigo, Alfred Wheeler (c1905 - )
Pherigo, Effie Rebecca (1891 - 1962)
Pherigo, Eva E (1902 - )
Pherigo, Maggie B (1909 - )
Pherigo, Sadie Vivian (1912 - 1988)
Pherigo, Samuel Gather (1889 - 1986)
Pherigo, Susie Elizabeth (1893 - 1972)
Pherigo, Thomas Marion (1866 - 1947)
Pherigo, Thomas Melvin (1898 - 1977)
Pherigo, Walter Clinton (1888 - 1969)
Pherigo, Walter Lee (1888 - 1948)
Pherigo, William
Phifer, Delilah (c1818 - 1888)
Phifer, Delilah Jane (c1845 - )
Phifer, Elizabeth E (c1837 - )
Phifer, Emeline (c1844 - )
Phifer, Jacob (1803 - )
Phifer, Margaret A (c1848 - 1914)
Phifer, Mary (c1843 - )
Phifer, Nancy Miriam (c1841 - )
Phifer, Sarah Jane (c1839 - )
Phifer, William E (c1847 - 1922)
*Philbrick, Martha (c1631 - 1694)
*Philbrick, Thomas
*Phillips, Alice (1632 - )
*Phillips, Amy Anna
Phillips, Edwin H
Phillips, Eliza Jane (1859 - 1945)
*Phillips, Elizabeth (1613 - 1673)
Phillips, Elizabeth Jane (1844 - 1911)
Phillips, Fannie (1892 - 1966)
Phillips, Herman C (1885 - )
Phillips, Hiram Alfred (1852 - 1917)
Phillips, Irving A (c1876 - )
Phillips, Iva (1894 - 1980)
Phillips, James
Phillips, Loretta (1872 - 1907)
Phillips, Margaret Jane (1860 - 1928)
Phillips, Martha J (1857 - )
Phillips, Mary (c1800 - )
Phillips, Mary Ann (1874 - 1900)
Phillips, Mary E (1875 - 1941)
Phillips, Minerva Jane (1862 - 1945)
Phillips, Molly Alba (1879 - 1905)
Phillips, Nancy (c1821 - )
Phillips, Nellie Geneva (1891 - 1978)
Phillips, Nellie May (1878 - )
*Phillips, Nicholas (c1564 - )
*Phillips, Nicholas II (1586 - )
*Phillips, Nicholas III (1611 - 1672)
Phillips, Osie G (c1868 - )
Phillips, Pearl V (c1870 - )
*Phillips, Robert (c1590 - )
Phillips, Robert Abner (1883 - )
Phillips, Sara Emma (1861 - 1947)
Phillips, Sarah Elizabeth (1866 - 1955)
Phillips, Vallie Doris (1899 - )
Phillips, Victoria Lillie (1882 - 1942)
Phillips, William
Phillips, William Jutt (1837 - 1923)
Philpot, Mary Jane (1866 - 1932)
Philpott, Sarah Price (1844 - 1901)
*Phippen, Elizabeth (c1557 - )
Phipps, Angeletta (1835 - 1921)
Phipps, Myrtle (1914 - 1994)
Phipps, Nettie (c1905 - 1970)
Phy, Amanda (c1852 - )
Pickett, Anderson Wiley (1877 - 1955)
Pickett, Anna (1844 - )
Pickett, Cynthia M (1898 - 1988)
Pickett, Eliza Modesky (1875 - 1948)
Pickett, Elizabeth (c1780 - 1850)
Pickett, Hattie E (1875 - 1938)
Pickett, Isaiah Jarvis (1850 - 1929)
Pickett, James S (1882 - 1970)
Pickett, Margaret Rebecca (1843 - 1904)
Pickett, Nannie L (1876 - 1901)
Pickett, William Rupert (1880 - )
Pierce, Mary Emomaline (1859 - 1905)
Pierce, Mattie L (c1888 - )
Pierce, Sarah B (1851 - 1941)
Piercy, Duke (1822 - 1863)
Piercy, Mary Frances (c1851 - )
Piercy, Mary Frances (1893 - 1964)
Piercy, Sophia Caroline (c1856 - )
Piercy, Walter Fletcher (1898 - 1965)
Piercy, William Henry (1895 - 1969)
Piercy, William Thomas (1853 - 1940)
*Pierpoint, Henry (1629 - 1689)
*Pierpoint, Sarah (1669 - 1745)
Pierson, Ruth Ann (1868 - 1943)
Pigg, Josephine Freeland (1863 - 1923)
Pignero, Alene (c1842 - )
Pike, Flora I (c1904 - )
Pike, Jewel Walter (1901 - 1995)
Pike, Maude Lee (1893 - 1979)
Pike, Sallie A (1877 - )
Pike, William Sherman (1868 - 1926)
Pinckard, Augusta Fred
Pinckard, Ford
Pinckard, George
Pinckard, Mary Anna
Pinegar, Catherine (1843 - 1912)
Pinegar, Louisa (1853 - 1921)
Ping, Ann Cynthia (1840 - 1926)
Ping, Anna (1859 - 1943)
Ping, Charles L (1878 - 1951)
Ping, James Madison (1835 - 1919)
Ping, James William (1862 - 1934)
Ping, John Lewis (1857 - 1890)
Ping, Leander H (1883 - )
Ping, Lewis (1809 - 1900)
Ping, Malinda Jane (1866 - 1920)
Ping, Malinda Susan Ellen (1870 - 1954)
Ping, Mary Ann (1861 - 1942)
Ping, Matthew Lewis (1866 - )
Ping, Nancy Elizabeth (1858 - 1949)
Ping, Nancy Jane (1862 - 1951)
Ping, Samuel or Silas Green (1876 - 1929)
Ping, Sarah Rachel (1870 - 1950)
Ping, Sciotha K (1868 - 1949)
Ping, Sophronia Perkins (1872 - 1967)
Ping, William Green (1837 - 1909)
Ping, William M (c1868 - )
Pinson, Allie (1881 - 1969)
Pinson, Annie (1883 - 1968)
Pinson, Caroline (1900 - 1976)
Pinson, Charles Jay (1895 - 1956)
Pinson, Clem Tabor (1903 - 1985)
Pinson, Cora Helen (1881 - 1969)
Pinson, Eliza Jane (c1833 - )
*Pinson, Elizabeth (1526 - 1602)
Pinson, Elizabeth Virginia (c1842 - )
Pinson, Helen M (c1838 - )
Pinson, Helena (c1860 - )
Pinson, James Walter (1884 - 1962)
Pinson, Jeremiah B (c1831 - )
Pinson, John Arthur (1888 - 1975)
Pinson, Joseph Henry (1858 - 1932)
Pinson, Josiah Fowler (1807 - 1900)
Pinson, Josiah Fowler (1877 - 1961)
Pinson, Kate (1897 - 1986)
Pinson, Lucy Alice (1893 - 1951)
Pinson, Martha A (1846 - 1933)
Pinson, Martha D (c1829 - 1862)
Pinson, Mary (1891 - 1948)
Pinson, Missouri A (c1856 - 1883)
Pinson, Newton B (1885 - 1970)
Pinson, Pearl (c1875 - 1895)
Pinson, Richard Perry (1835 - 1925)
Pinson, Ruth C (c1843 - )
Pinson, Samuel A (1878 - 1929)
Pinson, Sarah (c1854 - )
Pinson, Sarah Catherine (1847 - 1939)
Pinson, Sterling Price (1853 - 1910)
Pinson, Thomas J (1879 - 1945)
Pinson, Vesta (1888 - 1960)
Pinson, Virginia Lea (1886 - 1973)
Pinson, William Henry Harrison (1849 - 1922)
Pinson, William Oliver (1882 - 1936)
Piper, Caroline (1850 - 1909)
Pippin, Minerva Lee (1871 - )
Pippin, Ova Anna (1879 - 1931)
Pitchford, Nora Alice (1878 - 1963)
Pitcock, Avery (1883 - 1918)
Pitcock, Carrie (1874 - 1941)
Pitcock, Edgar (1871 - 1916)
Pitcock, Effie Lavesta (1907 - 1999)
Pitcock, Eva (1876 - 1906)
Pitcock, Hugh (1887 - 1906)
Pitcock, Iva Leon (1909 - 2002)
Pitcock, John Fisher III (1862 - 1890)
Pitcock, Stephen Luther (1880 - 1953)
Pitcock, Tolbert Smith (1848 - 1941)
Pitcock, Walter Newman (1888 - 1943)
Pitkin, Annie (1857 - 1863)
Pitkin, George Wells (1827 - 1900)
Pitkin, Harry E (1863 - 1911)
Pitkin, Julia Gertrude (1877 - )
Pitkin, Roger Swope (1869 - 1947)
Pitman, Eliza Adelaide (1846 - 1900)
Pitt, Mary Ann (1876 - 1968)
Pittman, Aaron (c1833 - 1889)
Pittman, Charles Hugh (1889 - 1958)
Pittman, Charles John (1873 - 1957)
Pittman, Charles Mark (1882 - )
Pittman, Eddie (c1873 - )
Pittman, Hattie Rue (1892 - 1982)
Pittman, James Franklin (1858 - 1953)
Pittman, John Marcus (1884 - 1957)
Pittman, Joseph Berry (1849 - 1934)
Pittman, Lizzie (1879 - )
Pittman, Margaret Elizabeth (1886 - 1961)
Pittman, Mary Dallas (1844 - 1913)
Pittman, Ruth Myrtle (1891 - 1933)
Pittman, William Dennis (c1873 - )
Pittman, William Henry (1852 - )
Pittman, William Hiram (1875 - 1928)
Pitts, Elizabeth (c1778 - )
Pitts, Judith (1781 - 1849)
Pitts, Louisa Jackson (1855 - 1944)
*Plantagenet, Edmund (1245 - 1296)
*Plantagenet, Henry Earl of Lancaster (c1281 - 1345)
*Plantagenet, King Edward I (1239 - 1307)
*Plantagenet, King Edward II (1284 - 1327)
*Plantagenet, King Edward III (1312 - 1377)
*Plantagenet, King Henry III (1207 - 1272)
*Plantagenet, Lionel Duke of Clarence (1338 - 1368)
*Plantagenet, Mary (1320 - 1362)
*Plantagenet, Phillipa (1355 - 1382)
Plexico, Nancy Pamelia
Plummer, Harvey (c1876 - )
Plummer, Joseph Frederick (1878 - 1952)
Plummer, William (c1851 - )
Plunk, John (1800 - 1882)
Plunk, Joseph Alexander (1825 - 1918)
Plunk, Katherine (1827 - 1857)
Plunk, Maclin Cross or Calvin (1835 - 1879)
Plunk, Mariah Emeline (1843 - )
Plunk, Mary (1839 - )
Plunk, Miles Aaron (1829 - 1900)
Plunk, William Sargent (1831 - 1915)
Plunkett, Gertrude M (1883 - 1936)
Plunkett, James D (1838 - 1923)
Poage, Mary (1800 - )
Pohl, John Edward (1877 - 1958)
Pohl, William C (1898 - 1975)
Pointer, Aaron (1854 - 1928)
Pointer, David Almond (1893 - 1966)
Pointer, Nora (1877 - )
Poland, Jane Alvira (1819 - 1880)
Poling, Emily (1852 - 1934)
Politte, Mary Jane (1826 - 1897)
Polk, Eunice Ophelia (1867 - )
Polk, Eunice Ophelia Roxanne (1828 - 1842)
Polk, Evelyn McNeal (1875 - 1963)
Polk, James Knox (1859 - 1932)
Polk, Laura Prudence (1865 - 1952)
Polk, Leonidas (1878 - 1948)
Polk, Margaret Ann (1869 - 1942)
Polk, Marshall Tate (1805 - 1831)
Polk, Marshall Tate II (1831 - 1884)
Polk, Marshall Tate III (1873 - 1949)
Polk, Mary Wilson (1861 - 1932)
Polkinghorne, Mary Elizabeth (1877 - 1932)
Pollard, Annis Almeda (1867 - 1930)
Pollard, Fanny M (1847 - )
Pollard, Flavilla (1852 - )
Pollard, Frederick W (1841 - )
Pollard, Henry C (c1839 - )
Pollard, Luther Farrar (1808 - )
Pollard, Oliver (1859 - )
Pollard, Thomas P (1856 - 1886)
Pollock, Annie (1871 - 1953)
Pollock, Nancy Jane (1844 - )
Polston, Alex (c1877 - )
Polston, Dora (c1871 - 1946)
Polston, Eddie (c1873 - )
Polston, Farmer Marion (c1842 - )
Polston, Hattie (c1868 - )
Polston, Robert (c1874 - )
Polston, Sophia (c1862 - )
Polston, Tabitha (1864 - 1908)
Polston, William (c1860 - )
Pond, Charles M (1885 - 1969)
Pond, Guy Aden (1887 - 1937)
Pond, Ira Sherman (1898 - 1981)
Pond, John Frank (1882 - 1916)
Pond, Sarah B (1890 - 1932)
Pond, William Albert (1856 - 1911)
Ponder, Lillian Eugenia (1855 - 1897)
Pool, Della (1877 - )
Pool, Elihu Newton (c1819 - )
Pool, Margaret J (c1847 - )
Pool, Tabitha (c1849 - )
Pool, Thirza M K (c1843 - )
Pool, Zilpha Louise (1853 - 1950)
Poole, Ella Elizabeth (1875 - 1943)
Poole, Minnie L (1890 - 1962)
Poor, Viola M (1881 - 1959)
Pope, Clara Elizabeth (1873 - 1958)
Pope, Eliza French "Lyda" (1891 - 1942)
Pope, Margaret
Porter, Carrie Estelle (1886 - 1951)
Porter, Charles (c1837 - c1895)
Porter, Edith Frances (1894 - 1993)
Porter, Eliza B (1865 - )
Porter, Ella (1869 - )
Porter, Euler Columbus (c1868 - )
Porter, Hattie M (1871 - c1955)
Porter, Ina May (c1867 - c1945)
Porter, John C (c1845 - )
Porter, Julie Sebell (1870 - 1958)
Porter, Mary M (c1869 - c1950)
Porter, Maude Emma (1879 - 1964)
Porter, Nellie C (1877 - 1967)
Porter, Newton (1872 - )
Porter, Olga Belle (1873 - 1952)
Porter, Perry Morrison (1827 - )
Porter, Perry Morrison II (1874 - 1961)
Porter, Pigeon May (c1881 - )
Porter, Rowena (1856 - 1928)
Porter, Susannah B (1867 - 1911)
Porter, Willard P (1873 - c1950)
Portwood, Henry A (c1816 - )
Portwood, John (c1839 - )
Posey, Martha E (c1855 - )
Post, Douwe Louis (1868 - 1926)
Post, Kathryn Adelaide (1899 - 1963)
Postell, Charles Price (1891 - )
Postell, Eunice Elizabeth (c1862 - 1943)
Postell, Frances Elizabeth (1900 - 1987)
Postell, Frances Pearl (1883 - )
Postell, Hugh (1885 - 1945)
Postell, James Anderson (1890 - 1968)
Postell, James Coachman (1854 - 1930)
Postell, James Harvey (c1818 - 1896)
Postell, Jehu White (c1853 - 1885)
Postell, Laura Ann (c1859 - 1911)
Postell, Mary Hester (1850 - 1925)
Postell, Nellie Martha (1904 - 1971)
Postell, Thomas Wilson (c1849 - 1924)
Postell, Wade Wilson (1897 - )
Postell, William Jethro (c1857 - 1911)
Poston, Charles (1840 - 1907)
Poston, James Leslie (1881 - 1952)
Poston, James W (1871 - 1907)
Poston, Lillie Mae (1894 - 1975)
Poston, Martha (c1869 - )
Poston, Mary Elizabeth (1840 - 1925)
Poston, William C (c1867 - )
Potter, Agnes E (1901 - 1971)
Potter, Alice Mabel (1896 - 1967)
Potter, Arthur Leon (c1904 - )
Potter, Asher P (1892 - 1910)
Potter, Beulah (1856 - 1937)
Potter, Carrie Lillie (1887 - 1977)
Potter, Charles Hinkle (1888 - 1953)
Potter, Clinton L (1895 - 1960)
Potter, Cora (1882 - 1965)
Potter, Edward Lewis (1849 - c1905)
Potter, Elbert (1886 - 1965)
Potter, Frederick E (1896 - 1943)
Potter, Harry W (1887 - 1938)
Potter, Helen C (c1812 - )
Potter, Herman (c1905 - )
Potter, Ivy (c1902 - )
Potter, James Richard (1859 - 1945)
Potter, John Bunyan (1846 - 1890)
Potter, John J (1867 - 1956)
Potter, John Neal (1890 - 1926)
Potter, Joshua Beauchamp (1847 - 1921)
Potter, Julie B (1879 - )
Potter, Lamira (1899 - )
Potter, Lavinia B (c1857 - )
Potter, Lewis (1878 - 1945)
Potter, Lillie (c1877 - )
Potter, Lillie May (1893 - 1942)
Potter, Lizzie (1892 - )
Potter, Lola (c1901 - )
Potter, Mary (c1813 - )
Potter, Mary (c1852 - )
Potter, Mary Ann (1861 - )
Potter, Mary Frances (1850 - 1928)
Potter, Maud (1882 - 1982)
Potter, Peter (1875 - 1962)
Potter, Rebecca Frances (1845 - 1919)
Potter, Richard (1892 - )
Potter, Richard Asher (c1864 - )
Potter, Richard G (c1818 - 1897)
Potter, Roy (1899 - )
Potter, Sam Henry (1894 - )
Potter, Thomas A (1854 - 1919)
Potter, Victor Loyd (1899 - 1960)
Potter, William Harding (1884 - 1941)
Potter, William Henry (1861 - 1935)
Potter, Willie Mattie (1887 - 1925)
Potter, Zerviah (c1799 - 1823)
Potts, Douglas Howard (1900 - 1914)
Potts, Eugenia Pearl (1881 - 1971)
Potts, Georgia Jewell (1884 - 1964)
Potts, Ittis Marie (1903 - 1972)
Potts, Joseph Brevard III (1856 - 1942)
Potts, Joseph Brevard IV (1889 - 1961)
Potts, Ruby Mae (1896 - 1990)
Potts, William Franklin (1887 - 1945)
Powe, Edward Knox (1863 - 1929)
Powe, Elizabeth Torrance (1866 - 1895)
Powe, Erasmus Ellerbe (1873 - 1970)
Powe, Laura Theresa (1865 - 1956)
Powe, Mary Wood (1876 - 1932)
Powe, William Ellerbe II (1829 - 1905)
Powe, William Tate (1869 - 1906)
Powell, Alice (1860 - 1886)
Powell, Anna Elizabeth (1884 - 1963)
Powell, Benjamin Franklin (1829 - 1863)
Powell, Bithenia (1850 - )
Powell, Chloe Alice (c1905 - )
Powell, Clara Elizabeth (1883 - 1957)
Powell, Duessa (1898 - )
Powell, Edith (1891 - 1972)
Powell, Ethel Naomi (1882 - 1963)
Powell, Fred Allen (1881 - 1948)
Powell, Gazelle Gibbs (1886 - 1951)
Powell, George D (1885 - )
Powell, George Marshall (1867 - 1954)
Powell, Gerda M (1881 - 1929)
Powell, Gladys B (1900 - 1989)
Powell, Grace Odelphia (1889 - 1976)
Powell, Harriet Delilah (1863 - 1945)
Powell, Henry W (1889 - )
Powell, Homer Arthur (1894 - 1933)
Powell, Iva Hattie Lee (1878 - 1899)
Powell, James B (1887 - )
Powell, James Floyd (1886 - 1957)
Powell, Jasper H (1891 - )
Powell, John Hinds (1887 - 1968)
Powell, John T (1897 - )
Powell, Joseph Calvin (1854 - 1925)
Powell, Laura Ann (1875 - 1919)
Powell, Lee B (1895 - )
Powell, Lettie Ann Louisa (1852 - c1905)
Powell, Lettie F (c1877 - 1958)
Powell, Lillian (1870 - 1947)
Powell, Margaret Elizabeth (1860 - 1934)
Powell, Martin Thomas (c1874 - )
Powell, Mary Hinds (1884 - 1971)
Powell, Mary Jane (1892 - 1920)
Powell, Minnie E (1885 - )
Powell, Myrtle Jewel (1900 - 1978)
Powell, Nancy Ann (1879 - 1925)
Powell, Nancy J (1856 - 1912)
Powell, Nancy Myrtle (1891 - 1971)
Powell, Nellie (1893 - )
Powell, Nettie (1881 - 1956)
Powell, Ninevah Frances (1873 - 1932)
Powell, Nora Lillian (1888 - 1963)
Powell, Ray Joseph (1895 - 1980)
Powell, Roena Matilda (1878 - 1938)
Powell, Sarah (1881 - )
Powell, Sarah Ann (1883 - )
Powell, Tena O (1887 - 1970)
Powell, W Akers (1858 - )
Powell, W Faye (1898 - 1974)
Powell, William Alfred (1856 - 1910)
Powell, William Alfred II (1893 - 1943)
Powell, William D (1858 - 1931)
Powers, Mary Elizabeth (1854 - 1951)
Powers, Mary Matilda (1855 - 1940)
Powers, Pearl (1900 - 1970)
Poynter, Carrie Lee (1914 - 2006)
Poynter, Charlie Mondale (1912 - 1998)
Poynter, Ervy V (1898 - 1982)
Poynter, George Henry William (1871 - 1931)
Poynter, George Henry William II (1907 - 1991)
Poynter, John Alton (1895 - 1986)
Poynter, Mary Ann (1904 - 1977)
Poynter, Ruth (1919 - 1938)
Poynter, Sibbye Cleo (1909 - 1977)
Prater, Betty (c1878 - )
Prater, Emmet Austin (1867 - 1884)
Prater, Frances Josephine (1869 - 1944)
Prater, Hardy Alexander (1864 - 1883)
Prater, Jesse Marvin (1886 - 1939)
Prater, Mary Etta (1874 - )
Prater, Mollie Jane (1866 - 1940)
Prater, Nancy Eudora (1876 - 1955)
Prater, Vesta (1896 - 1985)
Prater, William Hampton (1830 - 1892)
Prater, William Jacob (1848 - )
Prather, Ada (1877 - 1962)
Prather, Carrie Cleveland (1888 - 1977)
Prather, James (1852 - 1934)
Prather, John Everett (1886 - 1937)
Prather, Louetta (1881 - 1963)
Prather, Mary Ida (1876 - 1962)
Prather, Matilda Elizabeth (1852 - 1940)
Prather, Mattie Ethel (1884 - 1969)
Prather, Otie B (1890 - )
Prather, Pearlie A (1879 - 1897)
Pratt, Alice Ellener (1857 - 1934)
Preas, Rutha (c1808 - c1879)
Prentiss, Charles ( - 1837)
Prentiss, Emily Amanda (1833 - 1859)
Prentiss, Julia Ann (1829 - 1872)
Prentiss, Maria Elizabeth (1827 - 1909)
Prentiss, Mary Isabella (1831 - )
Prentiss, May Caroline (1835 - 1865)
Presley, Alice Jane (1869 - 1900)
Presley, Cora May (1884 - 1974)
Presley, Fannie Louise (1890 - 1978)
Pressley, Anna Elizabeth (1912 - 2008)
Pressley, Carrie Aleene (1914 - 2007)
Pressley, Elmer Serenus (1897 - 1987)
Pressley, Jennings (1909 - )
Pressley, John Sterling (1863 - 1938)
Pressley, Lois Beatrice (1895 - 1991)
Pressley, Mary Emogene (1940 - 2023)
Pressley, Mary Susanna (1903 - 1944)
Pressley, Ruby Samantha (1900 - 1970)
Pressley, William Henry (1906 - 2000)
Preston, Viola Louise (1910 - 1998)
Prewitt, Almira J (c1860 - )
Price, Abraham Lincoln (1865 - 1953)
Price, Adaline Longdon (1849 - 1918)
Price, Alice M (1861 - 1955)
Price, Alonzo Elsworth (1871 - 1939)
Price, Amanda Jane (1840 - 1926)
Price, Ann Eliza (1843 - 1908)
Price, Aquilla (1854 - 1921)
Price, Artemissia (1838 - c1873)
Price, Benjamin (c1790 - )
Price, Benjamin (c1820 - )
Price, Benjamin Franklin (1868 - 1936)
Price, Caroline (1839 - 1922)
Price, Catharina (1833 - )
Price, Catherine (1838 - 1854)
Price, Charles E (1858 - 1905)
Price, Cora (1856 - 1882)
Price, Cora B (1878 - 1939)
Price, Cordelia Barnes (1862 - 1896)
Price, Daniel Thomas (1835 - 1907)
Price, Eliza Phoebe (1848 - 1909)
Price, Elizabeth (c1826 - )
Price, Elizabeth (c1833 - )
Price, Elizabeth A (1834 - 1880)
Price, Elizabeth Jane (1850 - )
Price, Emily Elizabeth (1840 - 1925)
Price, Emma Joanna (c1861 - )
Price, Florence May (1889 - 1973)
Price, Francis C (c1851 - 1878)
Price, Frank Hiram (1874 - 1929)
Price, George T (c1857 - 1865)
Price, George W (1831 - 1883)
Price, Georgia Anna (1862 - )
Price, Gertrude Matilda (1871 - 1940)
*Price, Hannah (c1698 - 1777)
Price, Hannah (1875 - 1933)
Price, Harriet Amanda (1845 - 1936)
Price, Hiram Gilmore (1846 - 1931)
Price, Ida Amelia (1856 - 1876)
*Price, James (c1763 - 1830)
Price, James Alexander (c1845 - )
Price, James J (1837 - 1856)
Price, James L (1813 - 1841)
Price, James Parker (1858 - 1933)
Price, James Samuel (c1807 - )
Price, Joanna (c1812 - )
Price, Joanna (1873 - 1943)
Price, John (1789 - 1858)
Price, John (1822 - )
Price, John (1868 - 1913)
Price, John H (c1822 - )
Price, John Henry (1876 - 1930)
Price, John Merrill (1857 - 1931)
Price, Josiah (1859 - 1883)
Price, Josiah Foster (1827 - 1887)
Price, Juliana (c1847 - 1880)
Price, Kirby A (1894 - 1985)
Price, Lawrence Elsworth (1860 - 1940)
*Price, Leah (1690 - )
Price, Lewis W (1858 - 1945)
Price, Lorenzo Dow (1827 - 1894)
Price, Maggie F (1886 - )
Price, Margaret (c1828 - )
Price, Margaret (1831 - 1906)
Price, Margaret J (1853 - 1888)
Price, Margaret J (1865 - 1926)
Price, Maria (1817 - 1897)
Price, Mary (c1806 - 1885)
Price, Mary (c1836 - )
Price, Mary Ann (1830 - 1842)
Price, Mary Ann (1838 - 1900)
Price, Mary Elizabeth (1855 - )
Price, Mary Ellen (1854 - 1934)
Price, Mary Frances (c1866 - )
Price, Mary Melissa (1844 - 1914)
Price, Mary Samantha (c1816 - )
Price, Melissa Catherine (1863 - 1900)
Price, Melitus H (c1863 - )
*Price, Mordecai (1660 - 1715)
Price, Nancy (c1830 - )
Price, Nancy Emma (1850 - c1934)
Price, Oseah (c1814 - )
*Price, Osee (1793 - 1852)
Price, Osee Ellen (c1859 - )
Price, Peter M (1810 - 1875)
Price, Phillip Farber (1815 - 1862)
*Price, Rachel (1706 - )
Price, Rose Ellen (1872 - 1923)
Price, Roy Gilmore (1885 - 1974)
Price, Samuel B (c1833 - 1870)
Price, Sarah (c1788 - )
Price, Sarah (1819 - )
Price, Sarah Annette (1856 - 1891)
Price, Sarah C (c1854 - )
Price, Sarah Jane (1830 - 1907)
Price, Sarah Jane (1838 - 1874)
Price, Sarah Jane (1852 - 1937)
Price, Stanton A (c1864 - )
*Price, Thomas (1612 - )
Price, Thomas (c1805 - 1854)
Price, Thomas (1831 - 1901)
Price, Thomas C (1861 - )
*Price, Thomas II (1635 - 1701)
Price, Uriah Markum (1835 - 1920)
Price, Valinda Belle (1861 - 1927)
Price, Wilford E (1898 - )
Price, Willard Washington (1882 - 1960)
Price, William Calvin (1861 - 1932)
Price, William Henry (c1823 - 1863)
Price, William Henry (1851 - 1909)
Price, William II (c1834 - )
Price, William L (1860 - )
Price, William M (c1798 - )
Price, William S (c1856 - )
Pride, Charles Henry (1839 - 1914)
Pride, Cleo Ray (1883 - )
Pride, Miles Ira (1886 - )
Prillaman, Carrie Lee (1889 - )
Prillaman, John Daniel (1894 - )
Prillaman, Lucy Mary (1826 - 1905)
Prillaman, Nina Sue (1896 - )
Prillaman, Thomas E (1892 - )
Prillaman, Timothy Joshua (1859 - 1924)
Prillaman, William Alfred (1883 - 1965)
Prior, Catherine (c1834 - 1864)
Pritchard, Caroline "Callie" (1862 - 1925)
Pritchard, Lavisa (1833 - 1852)
Pritchard, Mahala (1867 - 1941)
Pritchett, Anna Carol (1865 - 1943)
Privett, Ary (c1801 - )
Privett, Blanche E M (1909 - 1999)
Privett, Florence (1894 - 1984)
Privett, Lawrence E (1913 - 1944)
Privett, Stanford Caldwell (1867 - 1940)
Probus, Pearl Malinda (c1896 - 1964)
Proctor, James Wilson (1851 - 1899)
Proctor, Mary A (1852 - 1927)
Proctor, Mary Ellen "Dicy" (1877 - 1950)
Proctor, Mary Jane (c1858 - )
Proctor, Nancy Winifred (1849 - 1904)
Proctor, Paul S (1826 - 1902)
Proctor, Sarah (c1853 - )
Proctor, Thomas (c1861 - )
Proffit, Virginia Antoinette (1859 - 1927)
Proffitt, Martha Emily (1853 - 1924)
Propst, Violet E (1890 - )
Province, Eleanor Jane (1821 - )
*Prowse, Mary (c1500 - )
*Prowse, Thomas (c1474 - )
Pruett, Laura Jane (1857 - 1917)
Prugh, Albert (1859 - 1945)
Prugh, Lauretta May (1872 - 1946)
Prugh, Paul (1889 - )
Pruitt, Adam Frances (1859 - 1895)
Pruitt, Alma Harlan (1887 - 1958)
Pruitt, Amanda Audrey (1889 - 1976)
Pruitt, Amanda Rean (1859 - 1933)
Pruitt, America (1854 - 1933)
Pruitt, Amy "Millie" (c1849 - 1859)
Pruitt, Andrew (1883 - )
Pruitt, Andrew Weldon (1909 - 1984)
Pruitt, Anna (1847 - 1938)
Pruitt, Anna L (1887 - )
Pruitt, Artie B (1911 - 1995)
Pruitt, Bluford (1879 - 1966)
Pruitt, Candace (1847 - 1872)
Pruitt, Carrie F (1905 - 1989)
Pruitt, Chloe H (1898 - 1992)
Pruitt, Christine (1921 - 2002)
Pruitt, Clarice Wilda (1891 - 1973)
Pruitt, Clay Myrtle (1897 - 1986)
Pruitt, Clyde P (1890 - 1903)
Pruitt, Colvin L (1887 - 1905)
Pruitt, Cornelia F (1878 - 1896)
Pruitt, Daniel Harvey (1846 - 1911)
Pruitt, David Francis (1896 - 1962)
Pruitt, Dolan (1907 - 1979)
Pruitt, Dolly (1858 - )
Pruitt, Dolly Mitchell (1874 - 1969)
Pruitt, Effie Power (1852 - 1942)
Pruitt, Elijah Christian (1862 - 1952)
Pruitt, Elijah Clemmens (1889 - )
Pruitt, Elijah H (c1869 - )
Pruitt, Eliza (1853 - 1932)
Pruitt, Eliza Jane (1870 - 1945)
Pruitt, Elizabeth (c1846 - )
Pruitt, Ethel (1909 - 1986)
Pruitt, Eula Gladys (1912 - 2002)
Pruitt, Eva Lois (1896 - )
Pruitt, Evalina (1897 - 1984)
Pruitt, Felix Green or Grundy (c1821 - 1896)
Pruitt, Franklin P (1858 - )
Pruitt, George William (1849 - 1928)
Pruitt, George William (1894 - 1957)
Pruitt, Gertrude (1887 - )
Pruitt, Gilbert Burton (1891 - 1938)
Pruitt, Harold Burton (1914 - 1966)
Pruitt, Harvey (1872 - 1960)
Pruitt, Herman D (1915 - 1991)
Pruitt, Hubert (1889 - 1958)
Pruitt, Jane (c1869 - )
Pruitt, Jasper (1855 - 1926)
Pruitt, Joanne (c1937 - )
Pruitt, John Christopher (1894 - 1965)
Pruitt, John H (1894 - 1963)
Pruitt, Kenneth R (c1933 - )
Pruitt, Leora (1889 - )
Pruitt, Lillian E (1920 - )
Pruitt, Lycurgus (1871 - 1949)
Pruitt, Mahulda (1816 - 1893)
Pruitt, Mamie Alma (1883 - 1978)
Pruitt, Margaret S (1926 - 1970)
Pruitt, Mary Ann
Pruitt, Mary E (1870 - )
Pruitt, Missouri A (1856 - 1921)
Pruitt, Moses B (1821 - 1895)
Pruitt, Murietta (1892 - )
Pruitt, Nancy Catherine (1850 - 1927)
Pruitt, Nancy Dell (1893 - 1979)
Pruitt, Nettilla May (1889 - 1970)
Pruitt, Omalea (c1919 - 1939)
Pruitt, Ophelia (1881 - 1972)
Pruitt, Orangy (c1907 - )
Pruitt, Permelia A (1858 - 1936)
Pruitt, Phillip Moses (1855 - 1939)
Pruitt, Priscilla C (1885 - 1981)
Pruitt, Prudy (1854 - )
Pruitt, Rebecca Emma (1888 - 1969)
Pruitt, Robert (c1863 - )
Pruitt, Robert Hershell (1878 - 1975)
Pruitt, Robert Jewel (1907 - 2000)
Pruitt, Sarah Helen (1880 - 1937)
Pruitt, Sarah P (c1872 - )
Pruitt, Susan F (c1863 - )
Pruitt, Tobias (1851 - 1952)
Pruitt, Victor Claude (1923 - 2004)
Pruitt, Virindia J (1884 - )
Pruitt, William Moses (1883 - 1956)
Pruitt, Younger Rob (1859 - 1953)
Pruitt, Younger W (c1850 - )
*Pryer, Matilda (c1792 - )
Pryor, Effie May (1892 - 1975)
Pryor, Elzie Graden (c1907 - 1988)
Pryor, Joseph Anderson (1862 - 1930)
Pryor, Nora Lavetta (1884 - 1918)
Pryor, Vannah C (1888 - 1962)
Pryor, Walter Raymond (1894 - 1938)
Pryor, Zelbie Floyd (1900 - 1991)
Puckett, Mary Elizabeth (c1848 - )
Puett, Agnes Finley (1890 - 1994)
Puett, Donald J (1899 - )
Puett, Emma Hill (1859 - 1941)
Puett, Evelina Selena (1879 - 1952)
Puett, Eveline Collier (1862 - 1939)
Puett, Franklin W (1882 - )
Puett, Grace (1876 - )
Puett, Henry Edgar (1853 - 1906)
Puett, Laura Elizabeth (1846 - 1924)
Puett, Mary Emma (1882 - 1955)
Puett, Mary Wilson (1888 - 1989)
Puett, Rosa Anna (1885 - 1958)
Puett, Ross (1887 - 1971)
Puett, Samuel Finley (1857 - 1935)
Puett, William D (1869 - )
Puett, William Jethro (1850 - 1926)
Puett, William Monroe (1820 - 1898)
Pugh, Hettie Mabel (1864 - 1947)
Pugh, Margaret Lucinda (1847 - 1902)
Pugh, Sara Elizabeth (1774 - c1822)
Pulliam, Ann E (c1848 - )
Pulliam, Henrietta (1849 - )
Pulliam, William P (1813 - 1891)
Pullman, Georgia Ann (1858 - 1936)
Pumphrey, Bertha Almeda (1896 - 1988)
Pumphrey, Charley Lou Glancy (1900 - 1925)
Pumphrey, Clarence William (1902 - 1980)
Pumphrey, Omer Clell (1898 - 1955)
Pumphrey, William Lewis (1871 - 1953)
Purcell, Alice (1852 - )
Purcell, Sarah (c1793 - )
*Purefoy, Edward (1494 - )
*Purefoy, Mary (1533 - 1589)
Purkhiser, Samuel Addison (1885 - 1945)
Purkhiser, Willie Cordia (1911 - 1943)
Purnell, Ann Eliza (c1863 - )
Purnell, Emma Leona (1864 - 1874)
Purnell, Emmett Lee (1876 - 1942)
Purnell, Emmette Louise (1908 - 1994)
Purnell, Glenn Howard (1897 - 1991)
Purnell, James Darity (1827 - 1900)
Purnell, James Knox (1861 - 1912)
Purnell, Jamie Claire (1899 - 1986)
Purnell, Joe Henry (1901 - 1962)
Purnell, John Byrum (1869 - 1879)
Purnell, Joseph H (c1857 - )
Purnell, Kate Leona (1895 - 1988)
Purnell, Kathleen Huldah (1891 - 1976)
Purnell, Levi H (1855 - )
Purnell, Margaret Elizabeth (1859 - 1874)
Purnell, Minnie Edna (c1878 - 1964)
Purnell, Rosa Harris (1893 - )
Purnell, Rufus Lyon (1905 - 1960)
Purnell, Sarah Catherine (c1866 - 1944)
Purnell, Willie Victoria (c1874 - )
Purvis, Julia B (c1875 - 1932)
Putnam, Bessie A (1891 - 1973)
Putnam, Beulah May (1889 - 1972)
Putnam, Harriet E (c1849 - )
Putnam, James Martin (1861 - 1946)
Putnam, Marcus Lee (1897 - 1968)
Putnam, Oscar Gamble (1884 - 1959)
Putnam, Roy F (1903 - 1989)
Putsch, Clara Elizabeth (1889 - 1950)
Putzel, Mary Anne (1853 - 1905)
Pyburn, Salina (1837 - 1909)
Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds