Obadiah Eddy Genealogy
Record modified: 2024-11-27
This is my ancestor 11 generations back.
Born: 1645-00-00 Middleboro, Massachusetts USA
Died: 1727-10-00 Middleboro, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts USA
1. 1668-00-00 Bennet Ellis
Children of Obadiah Eddy and Bennet Ellis:
In Middleboro, Massachusetts there is an "Eddyville Green" with a monument to him.
father's name from this page
mother's name from genforum message 53
he was a shoemaker
married in Plymouth MA
other children:
Hasadiah 1672-04-10 + Samuel Sampson
Mercy 1674 + Samuel Sampson
Samuel 1675 + Melatiah Pratt
Benjamin 1676 d 1744-09-24 + Abigail Pratt
Bennett 1677 + Israel Woodward
Jabez 1678 + Mary Rickard
Joel 1682 + Sarah Harris
Elizabeth 1683 + David Delano
Mary 1686 + Benjamin Fuller
Zachariah 1692
History of Plymouth Co MA
Obadiah Eddy, the son of Samuel Eddy, settled in
Middleboro and inherited the patrimonial lands in
this town.
He was here before King Philip's war, and during
that conflict took refuge at Plymouth, returning again
at its close.
He was a surveyor of highways at Middleboro in
1675, grand juryman in 1673, 1679, 1681, 1683,
and 1685, and a selectman in 1694.
Plymouth MA Deeds 1664-1701
1685-03-03 Obadiah Eddy of Middleborough to John Cobb Junr of Plimouth; share of land in Middleborough; L12 S7
1686-01-06 Nathaniel Southworth of Plimouth to Obadiah Eddy of Middleborough; 5 acres on Winnebago River; L4 S5
1695-12-17 Zachariah Eddy to his brother Obadiah Eddy;
share of lands in Swansea from their father Samuel; L6
"Obadiah Eddy of the town of middleborough" made his will on 18 May, 1722, a codicil was added on 17 December, 1725, and the witnesses were sworn on 6 November, 1727.
Bequests were as follows:
To "my son Samuel Eddy: my steer which is three years old this spring: and my calf: besides what I have heretofore given him"
To "my son Benjamin Edy: my mare and my saddle: and my hoops for cart wheeles: and my draught chain: and plow Irons: and grindstone: and horse chains" and fro: and Iron dog: and three hoes : and my Iron tackling for a yoke: and my Iron Kettle: and Washing Tubb: besides what I have heretofore given him:"
To "my two aforesaid sons Samuel & Benjamin My log chain and my crosscut saw and my Hetchel: to be in Equal partnership between them:"
To "my daughter Elisabeth Delano my cow which she now hath in her custody: besides what I have heretofore given her:"
To "my grand daughter Sarah Eddy " the daughter of my son Joel Eddy : my bed : and all the bedding belonging to it : and also the two pewter platters and one Quart pot " and one warming pan : and one :: brass skillet : and one pewter bason : and one pewter poringer : and One frying pan : which were her mothers and also .... my least Iron pot and pot hooks an Iron Tramel : and one pint pot:"
To "my grand daughter Mehetabel Eddy the daughter of my son John Eddy my cow which I now have in my custody:"
To "My daughter in law melatiah Eddy the wife of my son Samuel Eddy : all my household stuff which I have left at the house of my said son Samuel Eddy : Except the aforementioned particulars which I have given to my grand daughter Sarah Eddy as aforesaid:"
"I have heretofore given unto my son John Eddy and unto my son Jabez Eddy and unto my daughter Hasadiah Samson deceased and unto my daughter Bennet Woodeward : and unto my daughter Hannah Clark : their full part and portion which I Intend for them of my Estate"
"Capt Jacob Tomson shall be Executor of this my last will"
The will was signed by a mark. The witnesses were george Vaughan, "Abigail Tomson Juner" and Lydia Tomson.294
On 17 December, 1726, a codicil was added: "whereas my beloved & Trusty friend Jacob Tomson Esqr whom I Chose & apointed my Executor .... is Deceased . I Doe therefore .... Constitute my Son Samuel Eddy Sole Executor to this my said Last Will"
The codicil was signed by a mark. the witnesses were Joel Ellis, "Joseph Bate" and Thomas Darling.295 He died before 6 Nov 1727 Middleboro, Plymouth Co., MA.293,294
On 6 November, 1727, before Isaac Winslow, Judge of Probate, Joel Ellis and Thomas Darling testified that "they together with Joseph Bate" witnessed the will, and that the testator "was of a sound and disposeing mind and memory".
Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds -- page 1710
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