Andrew Harrison Genealogy
Record modified: 2025-03-10
This is my ancestor 10 generations back.
Born: 1648-12-30 St Giles, London England
Died: 1718-04-20 Essex Co, Virginia USA
1. 1684-00-00 Eleanor Long Ellitt
Children of Andrew Harrison and Eleanor Ellitt:
first marriage 1669-04-22 to Elizabeth Palmer, child John
see Old Rappahannock Co VA Deed Book 1682-1688 p295-297 [1686-12-30]; 1692-1695 p12 [1692-06-10]
Essex County wills and deeds, 1711-1714
Lease and Release. 7 and 8 May 1712.
Richard Long of St Marys Par Essex Co, sells Thomas and John Powell of same Par and Co, 316 acres, Long's part of 1149 acres in Essex Co, granted to said Long, Andrew Harrison Sr, and Samuel Elliot.
wit: Geo Loyde, A Somervell, Salvator Muscoe
"Essex County, Virginia, records, 1717-1722 "
[original Will Book 3 p102-103]
Andre Harrison late of parish of St Mary
Inventory. 2 June 1719. Made pursuant to order of 17 March
1718/9. Total valuation L113.13.10 1/2, including two
Negroes valued at L58 and one white servant at L10. Signed
by Elianr Harrison.
Jno Roy
John Catlett Jun
Robt Kay
from the Harrison Repository:
Ancestry fairly well documented in Cripplegate circumstantial evidence of neighbors and friends in VA compared to Cripplegate ENG were used to conclude that Andrew who died 1718 in Essex Co., VA was in fact the son of Andrew and Margaret Barber of Cripplegate. This is in conflict with Worth S. Ray but seems quite plausible.
Andrew had patents on Golden Vale Creek, St. Mary's Parish, Essex Co. VA as early as 1684. He supposedly was the brother of Judge James Harrison of Old Rappahannock Co. In 1704 he was granted land southwest of Golden Vale on the Mattaponi River in King and Queen Co. VA. He died testate in 1718 and named four children in his will.
Dan Harrison writes on 4/17/1999:
I was poking around on the online FamilySearch Ancestral File and came across the following information on Andrew Harrison, Sr. (Andrew is in the Harrison Repository at this page )
It lists Eleanor Ellitt as the wife of Andrew Harrison, Sr.; born abt. 1642 in New Kent, VA.
It lists Eleanor's parents as Samuel Ellitt and Elizabeth ?
It lists Andrew Harrison, Sr.'s father as Andrew Richard Harrison, born abt 1611 in London, England; died 1667 in London, England; Married Aug 28, 1636 in St. Giles, Cripplegate, London, England to Margaret Barber.
There is also an entry listing Andrew Harrison, Sr.'s father as Richard Harrison. Both entries list Margaret Barber as Andrew's mother.
Margaret Barber born abt. 1615 St. Giles, Cripplegate, London, England; died 1676/1677 in London, England.
Essex County, Virginia, Records 1717-1722 , Abstracted and Compiled by John Frederick Dorman, Washington D.C. 1959 Page 51, original pages 84-87, Will Book ? forward to us by Alice Garrett
Will of Andrew Harrison of St. Mary's Parish in the County of Essex, being grown very aged and at this time very sick and weak in body, dated April 28, 1718.
My beloved wife Eleanor my executriz.
My son Andrew and my son in law Gabriel Long as Trustees and overseers to assist her in the performing of this my last will.
I have already setled three of my children, viz. William, Andrew and Elizabeth on lands on which they now live, viz. to my son William 270 acres and to my son Andrew 200 acres and to my daughteer Elizabeth 200 acres, all which my lands they are now possessed with and which I now give to them.
I have put into the hands of Wm. Stannard bills and exchange for L 65.12.6 sterling for him to buy me two Negroes; my loveing wife have the use of these negroes or that money during her natural life or widowhood and after her decease to my daughter Margarett Long's three youngest sons viz. Richd. and Gabril and William, to be equally divided as soon as they shall all come to the age of twenty years if my wife dye before. If my wife should dye before either of them comes to that age, my son in law Gabriel Long have the use of them till they come to that age, to give them schooling, that is to learn them to read and write and cost account.
To my daughter Margaret Long after the decease of my loveing wife one feather bed and bolster and pillows and rugg and blankets.
Unto my son William after the decease of my loveing wife one feather bed and bedstead and all the furniture belonging to it.
Unto my son William a chest and all my wearing cloaths and the cloth which I have to make me cloaths on and my riding sadle after my decease.
Unto my son William after the decease of my loveing wife one ovell table.
Unto my son William after the decease of my loveing wife one large iron pott.
Unto my son Andrew after the decease of my loveing wife one feather bed and bolster and pillows and all manner of furniture belonging to itt, and one large iron pott.
The rest of my personall and moveable estate after the death of my loveing wife to be equally divided among my four children viz. William and Andrew and Elizabeth and Margarett.
Andrew (A H) Harrison
Wit: Jno Ellitts, William (X) Davison, Mary (X) Harrison
18 November, 1718. John Ellitts declared on oath that the said Andrew Harrison was in perfect sence and memory at the time of making his will.
16 December, 1718. Further proved by Wm. Davison and Mary Davison
17 March 1718/19 Further proved by Elianor Harrison, executrix.
Page 55: original pages 102-103 Andrew Harrison late of Parish of St. Mary. Inventory. June 2, 1719. Made pursuant to order of 17 March 1718/19. Total valuation L113.13.10 1/2, including two Negroes valued at L58 and one white servant at L10. Signed by Elianr. (X) Harrison.
Jno. Ray
John Catlett Jun.
Robt. Kay
Andrew Harrison and his association with Richard Long and Samuel Elliott.
Essex County, Virginia, Records, Deeds and Wills #12, 1704-1707.abstracted and compiled by John Frederick Dorman, Washington, D.C. 1963.
page 409, 24 February 1703/4. Surveyed for Andrew Harrison, Richard Long and Samuel Elliott, 1149 acres 80 perches on the branches of Mattapony and the branches of Puminsend Creek, corner to a patent lately granted to Harrison, Long and Elliott . . . in the fork of a branch of Mattapony and in the line of a patent formerly granted unto Mr John Buckner, deceased,
Charles Smith, surveyer
Plat showing division of land to:
Samuell Ellit, 416 acres: adjoins . . . south side of a branch of Mattapony. . .
Richard Long, 316 acres: adjoins south side of a branch of Puminsend . . . north side of another branch of Puminsend
Mr. Andrew Harrison, 416 acres: adjoins Buckner's line corner to a patent of Harrison's . . . patent formerly granted unto said Buckner . . . branch of Mattapony.
10 May 1707. Division acknowledged by Andrew Harrison, Richard Long and Samll. Ellits.
Page 410. 23 Feb. 1703/4. Surveyed for Andrew Harrison, Richard Long and Samuel Elliott 813 acres and 120 perches in Essex County . . . in a branch of Goulden Vale and in a line of a petent formerly granted unto Mr. Buckner. Divided into three parts.
Charles Smith, surveyer
Plat showing division to:
Andrew Harrison, 271 acres 40 perches
Richard Long, 271 acres 40 perches
Samuel Elliot, 271 acres 40 perches.
10 May 1707 Andrew (AH) Harrison
Richrd. (R) Long
Samuel Ellitts
10 May 1707 Acknowledged.
Also, in the year after his fathers death, Andrew Harrison, Jr. was sued by a firm of merchants from Bristol, England. There are numerous entries in the Essex county order book 1717-1723, part III. It seems to have stretched through six courts with continuances and motions. Andrew ended up losing and having to pay damages of 300 pounds of tobacco, plus lost time for his witnesses, including Richard Long, and some court costs.
Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds -- page 1792
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