James Yandell Genealogy
Record modified: 2025-03-08
This is my ancestor 7 generations back.
Born: 1740-00-00 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA
Died: 1797-01-00 Mecklenburg Co, North Carolina USA
1. 1768-00-00 Martha Walker
Children of James Yandell and Martha Walker:
other than James, children's birthdates and spouses from RootsWeb
from an old RootsWeb tree:
1772 May 20 James purchased land - 200 Ac. to John Ried and James Yandell - Grant described as
on Sugar Creek, County of Mecklinburg joining William Yandell's land.[ By 1775, James was the sole owner of this land]
Mecklenberg Co NC Deeds 1767-1174
1771-04-17 John Drummond to James Yandall; 105 acres on Sugar Creek; L20
NC Archives
Record ID:
Mecklenburg Co NC Land Grants, James Yandle
Entry #802 1772-05-20; Grant #416 1775-02-29 (sic); 200 acres, On the waters of Sugar Creek
Record ID:
Mecklenburg Co NC Land Grants, James Yandle
Grant #416 1775-03-04; Book 25 p54; 200 acres, On the waters of Sugar Creek
[Sugar Creek starts just east of the intersection of Billy Graham Pkwy and W Tyvola Rd in Charlotte NC and runs south, eventually joining the Catawba River.]
He and two of his brothers served in the Revolutionary War.
In the DAR database he is number A204605.
See NC Archives Record ID: 13.30
They sold 100 acres of land on Sugar Creek to John Scott in 1788.
Farson genforum, message 12:
January Session, 1811. Robert Yandell and Samuel Yandell, minor heirs of James Yandell, deceased, came into Court and made choice of Martha Farson, their Mother, guardian. John Farson, her husband, came into Court and entered into bond with Philemon Morris, Security in the sum of 700 pounds. Mecklenburg County, NC Court Minutes, Book 5, page 129.
November Session, 1817. John Farson & Martha his wife, John McCall, James Yandell, Mary Yandell, Henry Hartis, Robert Yandell, William Yandell and Samuel Yandell to Thomas Kirkpatrick deeded 213 acres on 9/9/1811, proved by Hamilton Black. Mecklenburg County, NC Court Minutes, Book 6, page 149.
James Yandell’s will, dated 1/13/1797, proved January 1797.
Wife Martha. Sons: James, Henry, William, Robert, Samuel. Daughters: Abigail and Mary.
Mecklenburg County, NC, Unrecorded Wills in the North Carolina Archives, Raleigh, NC.
his will:
[The image I have is in pretty bad shape.]
...I James Yandell being weak in body...make and ordain this Last will & testament...
First I will and appoint that my body shall be buried ...
Next I will that all my lawfull debts shall be paid.
Next I will & bequeath unto my loving wife Martha her
dower of my land to be laid of to her according to law ___ her
lifetime & one of my best beds with its bedstead & all its furniture
as she shall choose also all her wearing apparell of every kind
& ____ my dresser furniture of every kind with pots[?] ovens[?] &
all ____ belonging. I also give to her my sorrel[?] mare[?] & her choice
of three of my milch cows for ___ benefit & ____ ____ of my children
& also all my hoges.
I[?] also will & appoint that my sons James Henry &
William shall each ____ of ___ lives with my wife ___ each ones ____
____ seventeen years of age & works the plantation[?] to help to raise[?]
& ____ ___ ___ ___ my wifes ____ not __ but _
[this next line illegible due to a fold in the paper]
she doth not marry that my son James at seventeen years of age be
bound out to the blacksmith trade till of age & my son Henry at
seventeen be bound to[?] the house[?] carpenter & ___ trade & my son
William at seventeen ___ to be bound to the ___ trade. Each
one till of age.
I also will & appoint that my daughter Abigal shall have
both her cows & calves she claimes without any charges[?] for her ___.
I also will that my wife shall have the use & benefit of all my farming
I also will & appoint that all my movable estate that I have
not willed away be put to publick sale. & all the money[?] arising from said
sales after my debt is paid to be equaly divided amongst all my children
viz Abigal, James, Henry, William, Mary, Robert, Samuel & I also will
that after my wifes dower of land be laid of to her that _ remainder of it
[be?] put to publick sale & the money therefrom arising be equaly divided a-
mongst all my above named children & that my wife gives[?] them ____
& common[?] _____.
I also will & appoint that my son Robert get my share[?]
as legatee[?] that is due to me of his uncle Robert Walker's estate & that
part[?] of it pay for his __ schooling.
I also appoint that all my corn & ___
& grain in the grounds shall be my wifes for ____ of my family
& my stock of creaturs.
I also will & bequeath unto my daughter Abigal
my young ___ ___ ___.
I also appoint & ordaine James A Fre-
man & Moses Walker exect of this my last will & testament. Signed
dated & published by me this 13th day of Jany 1797.
Samuel Yandel
A list of the Willed property of James Yandle's estate
as apprized by us freeholders David Flanniken John
Taylor & Wm Lewis upon oath --
a bed with furniture 8L/0s/0d
Dryson[?] potts ovens hooks &c 6/15/0
three cows 12/0/0
wearring apparel 1/10/0
corn fodder and the grain in the ground 11/0/0
the whole stock of hogges 5/10/0
farming tools of every kind 4/17/6
a side saddle 0/5/0
a sorrel mare 12/0/0
Total of the widows legacy -- 63/17/6
two cows & two calves 10/0/0
a sorrel mare 12/0/0
Total of Abigals Legacy 22/0/0
Sworn apprizers -- David Flenniken, John Taylor, Wm Leas
Executors -- James Jackman, Moses Walker
The Vandue[?] list of the Estate of James Yandle Decd
as sold at public sale on Feb 14, 1797
one horse colt 10L/12s/0d
one mare colt 8/2/0
two heafers 4/17/0
one cow 4/2/0
two cows 10/2/0
one calf 0/11/0
six geese 1/2/0
a bed and furniture 4/19/0
bed with furniture 1/2/0
one spinning wheel 0/19/0
one spinning wheel 1/1/6
one loom with tackling 3/11/0
one pial[?] 0/3/6
one chaise 0/14/0
one table 0/11/0
one chist 0/5/0
four barrels 0/14/8
sundry body cloathes 2/1/6
one mares saddle 2/11/0
one cotton wheel 0/13/0
Mecklenburg Co NC Court of Pleas and quarter-sessions
January 1811
The petition of John McColl & Abigail his
wife, James Yandle, Henry Yandle, William Yandle, Henry Hartes &
Mary his wife, Robert Yandle & Saml Yandle by their guardian
Martha Farson and John Farson and Martha his wife formerly
Martha Yandle the widow & relict of James Yandle decd.
Sheweth to your worships that James Yandle the father of your
Petitioners Abigail, James, Henry, William, Mary, Robert and Samuel
and formerly the husband of your petitioner Martha departed
this life sometime in the year [blank space] having in the first place
made his last will & testament in writing by which he appointed
James Esselman and Moses Walker executors thereof, but that
neither of them ever undertook the bother of the execution of said
but have removed from hence. Your petitioners further state
that the said James Yandle by his said will directed his said
executors to sell[?] all his lands & tenements first buying off the
Dower of his widow Martha Yandle now Martha Farson, which sale
has never been made. Now therefore your Petitioners John
McColl and Abigail his wife, James Yandle, Henry Yandle, William Yandle,
Henry Hartes and Mary his wife Robert Yandle & Saml Yandle by
Martha Farson their Guardian & John Farson & the said
Martha Farson formerly Martha Yandle Pray your worships
to order th esale of said land including the Dower of said Martha
on such terms as may be deemed proper by your worships & the
___ proceeds of such sale may be divided amenably[?] to the last
will & testament of the said Js Yandle among[?] the widows
page 1, page 2, page 3
1790 census Mecklenburg Co NC p385, twp not given
James Yandell 1 M 16+, 3 M 0-15, 4 F
[James 50, Robert <1, William 7, Henry 10, x, Mary 3, Abigail 16, Martha 48]
[Where is James II 25? He was not married until 1804. Or is this census entry him in a first marriage?]
Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds -- page 2028
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is correct or complete. Hard references are given where I have them,
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