Mary Tompkins Genealogy

Record modified: 2023-10-27

 / James Tompkins|
|  \
Mary Tompkins |
|  / Joseph Jackson
 \ Elizabeth Jackson |
 \ Annie Rogers

Born: about 1762-00-00
Died: (unknown)


married 1779-12-10 Joseph D Sewell

A lot of trees show her birth date as 1744. There's a 1744 Presbyterian christening record for Mary Tompkins d/o James in Morristown NJ. Besides being in the wrong place and wrong church, that James would be noticeably older than Elizabeth Jackson. This Mary had children from 1783 to 1804, which means she couldn't have been born in 1744.

Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds -- page 22725
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