James Barker Genealogy

Record modified: 2016-05-17

 / James Barker|
|  \
James Perry Barker |
|  / Jacob Molen
 \ Docia Molen |
 \ Melinda Bond

Born: 1868-11-10 Delmar, Pulaski Co, Kentucky USA
Died: 1929-01-20 Pulaski Co, Kentucky USA
1. 1895-02-14 Caldonia Halcomb

Children of James Barker and Caldonia Halcomb:
Emma Ola Barker
Minnie Pearl Barker
William Earl Barker
Hugh Freeland Barker
Jesse Brack Barker
Mabel Marie Barker
Ruth Anna Barker
John Lafayette Barker


1900 census Pulaski Co KY p97a
Docia A Barker household
son James P 31 1868-11 KY/KY/KY
dau-in-law Caldonia 23 1876-09 KY/KY/KY
gdau Ola 4 1895-10 KY
gdau Minnie P 3 1896-10 KY
gson Earl 1 1898-11 KY
gson Hugh 4/12 1900-02 KY

Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds -- page 31428
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