Deborah Borden Genealogy
Record modified: 2025-03-10
This is my ancestor 8 generations back.
Born: about 1725-00-00 Monmouth Co, New Jersey USA
Died: 1799-00-00 Frederick Co, Virginia USA
1. about 1747-00-00 George Hendry
Children of Deborah Borden and George Hendry:
parents from this page
Frederick Co VA Deed Book 25
This indenture made the twenty sixth day of October one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight
between Deborah Hendry widow of George Hendry decd of the County of Frederick
in Virginia of the one part and Abraham Hendry & Isaac Hendry her
sons of the same place of the other part witnesseth that for... one Dollar...
the said Deborah Hendry... hath sold... parcel of land situate in the said county...
containing three hundred and sixty acres which was granted
to the aforesaid George Hendry by deed...
Deborah Hendry (seal)
John Timmons
James Turner
William Hendry
This indenture made the thirteenth day of October one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight
between Deborah Hendry widow of George Hendry decd of the County of Frederick in Virginia of the one part
and Abraham Hendry her son of the County of Frederick in Virginia of the other part
witnesseth that for... two hundred pounds... doth... sell... the said Abraham Hendry...
parcel of land situate in the said county...
being part of a tract of land conveyed from Benjamin Borden to George Hendry and
Deborah Hendry his wife by deed... to contain one hundred acres...
Deborah Hendry (seal)
Joseph Clemonds
John Farmer
James Turner
William Hendry
from an old RootsWeb page:
Will of Deborah Borden Hendry
Frederick Co.,VA. , will book #6, pgs. 469-472
I Deborah Hendry of this county of Frederick, and state of Virginia, being aged and weak in body but of
perfect mind and mimory do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner following,
Itum it is my will and deseir that the tract of land containing two hundred acres whereon I
now live should be sold at the highest price that can be got for it and when the
executors is paid for their trouble of selling the two hundred acres the remainder of the
money is to be equally divid as followeth Viz. three parts of the money equally divided
between my three sons Viz. William Hendry Abraham Hendry and Isaac Hendry and
the fourth part that should have been my deceased sons George Hendrys right to be
equally divided between my four daughters Viz. Betty Borden, Rebecah Duncan,
Nancy Worley and Mary Umfries agreeable to the last will and testament made by my
husband George Hendry decast
Itum it is my will and desire that my burying ground or grave yard should not be sold but to
be cept for a burying place for me and my heirs forever and that the same quantity of land
contained in my grae yeard be taken off of my one hundred acre tract ajoining to before
mentioned two hundred acres~
Itum it is my will and desier that the remainder of my one hundred acres after the bigness of
my grave yard is taken of should be sold that is to say the well well the buildings and
plantations thereunto belonging for the highest price that can be got for it in silver money.
Itum, it is my will and desier that my son William Hendry shouold have five pounds
starling out of the money that the remainder of myone hundred acre doth foth and the
remainder of the money excepting what pays the executors for the selling of the remainder
of my one hunddred acres I give and bequeath to my two sons Viz. Abraham Hendry and
Isaac Hendry and my two grand daughters Elizabeth Worley and Mary Worley to be
equally divided between them.
Whereas a certain Thomas Campbell jaler in Winchester Frederick County when my
husband was in jail took the advantage of his necessity and he not being in his proper
sences he signed a deed for the conveyance of three hundred and sixty acres of land which
land I give and bequeath all my right titled and claim that my husband gave me unto my two
daughters Viz. Nancy Worley and Mary Umfres and my grand daughters Mary An
Hendry to be equally divided between them and their heirs and assigns forever,
Itum it is my will and desier that my two duaghters Viz. Betty Burden Rebeccah Dunkin
should have but five shilling a piece and of my estate they both being very disobedient
Itum it is my will and desir that Nancy Worley should have my saddle, Item it is my will
and desier that Mary Umfries should have my best gound, and all the rest of my waring
aperrel is to be divided between Nancy Worley and her two daughters Elizabeth Worley
and Mary Worley, whereas I impowered my brother Joseph Borden to sue for a part of
my fathers moveable estate which I had not received, for which he the said Joseph
Borden is to have one half for his cost and trouble and the other half I give and bequeath to
my two sons Viz: Abraham Hendry and Isaac Hendry.
Itum it is my will desier that all my just debts and funral charges except selling the land be
paid out of my moveable estate and the remainder of my moveable estate I give and
bequeath to my two sons Viz. Abraham Hendry and Isaac Hendry. I do hereby
nominate constitute and appoint William Davis and Thomas Berey executors of this my
last will and testament revoking all others by me heretofore made in testimony whereof I
have (unreadable word) to set my hand and seal this 24th day of September 1796.
Deborah Hendry (her seal)
John Elkins (his mark)
John Hathaway
Charles Forguson
[proved 1799-07-02]
Frederick County, Virginia, Wills & Administrations, 1795-1816
Will Book 7, 1802-1804
pp 133-134
Hendry/Henry, Deborah (executrix of George Hendry)
Account current. 1799 / 5 Sep 1803
Admr with will annexed: William Hendry
Legatees: Isaac Hendry - sold right to James Baker; to Isaac
Hendry for Jeremiah Dunkin and Rebecca his wife, late Rebecca
Hendry, who sold right to Gen Daniel Morgan, sold by Morgan to
Isaac Hendry, then sold to James Baker. To Elizabeth Bourdon
(Borden?); to John Worley and Ann his wife, late Ann Hendry; to
Jesse Humphries and Mary his wife, late Mary Hendry; to Deborah
Hendry (dec'd), legacy.
No accounting of personal estate filed, being willed to Abraham
and Isaac Hendry, who disposed of property before issuance of
letters of administration.
Examiners: Samuel Kercheval, John Brownley, Francis Gilchrist
Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds -- page 1725
I strive for accuracy, but I cannot guarantee this information
is correct or complete. Hard references are given where I have them,
but otherwise you should verify this information.
Please email me if you have any corrections, comments, or questions.
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