William Rigsby Genealogy

Record modified: 2022-11-20

 / Placeholder (unknown)
 / William Rigsby|
|  \
William Rigsby |
|  /
 \ Susannah Adams |

Born: 1781-00-00 Goochland Co, Virginia USA
Died: (unknown)
1. 1801-12-23 Lucy Adams

Children of William Rigsby and Lucy Adams:
Robert Rigsby b. about 1800-00-00
John Rigsby b. about 1803-00-00
Martha Rigsby b. 1806-00-00
Lucy Rigsby b. 1807-00-00
Susan Rigsby b. 1810-00-00
Margaret Rigsby b. about 1815-00-00
Mary A Rigsby b. about 1819-00-00
William H Rigsby b. about 1823-00-00
David Rigsby b. about 1825-00-00



He probably died between 1860 and 1870 in Garrard Co KY.

married in Goochland Co VA

I am not positive that I have his children correct.

1860 census Garrard Co KY p154
William Rigsby 80 VA
Lucy 82 VA
Susan 48 KY
Patsy Adams 60

1850 census Garrard Co KY p270
Will Rigsby 67 VA
Lucy 71 VA
Susan 40 KY
Martha Adams 44 VA
Will Adams 16 KY

1850 agricultural census Garrard Co KY p649
Wm Rigsby 18 acres improved, 16 acres unimproved, value $280, implements $10; 1 milch cow, value $15; 500 bushels Indian corn, 100 bushels oats, 50 lbs butter, $15 animals slaughtered

1840 census Garrard Co KY p40
William Rigsby 1 M 5-10, 1 M 10-15, 1 M 15-20, 1 M 60-70, 1 F 15-20, 3 F 20-30, 1 F 30-40, 1 F 40-50, 1 F 50-60
[x, x (?William 15), x (?David 17), William 59, x, x, x, (Susan 30), (Lucy 33), x, Lucy Adams 62]

1830 census Garrard Co KY p224
William Rigsby 1 M 20-30, 1 M 40-50, 1 F 15-20, 1 F 20-30, 1 F 40-50
[x, William 49, Margaret 15, Susan c20, Lucy Adams 52]
[Where are William c5, David c7, and Mary c11? Are they really Robert's children?]

1820 census Garrard Co KY p99
William Rigsby 1 M 10-16, 1 M 16-18, 1 M 16-26, 1M 26-44, 1 M 45+, 6 F <10, 1 F 26-44
[I'm not positive that's a 6 for F <10]
[x, John c17, Robert 20, William 39, x. Mary 1, Margaret 5, Susan 10, ?Lucy 13, Lucy 42]

1810 census Garrard Co KY p214
William Rigsby 2 M <10, 1 M 16-26, 1 M 26-45, 2 F <10, 1 F 26-45
[John c7, Robert 10, x, William 29, Lucy 3, Martha 4, Lucy 32]

Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds -- page 18510
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