David Rigsby Genealogy

Record modified: 2014-09-28

 / James Rigsby
 / James Rigsby|
|  \ Susannah Wright
David Thomas Rigsby |
|  /
 \ Sarah Thompson |

Born: 1834-04-07 Glasgow, Howard Co, Missouri USA
Died: 1914-01-27 Nyssa, Malheur Co, Oregon USA
1. 1855-02-21 Charity Brown
2. 1873-01-04 Mary Elvira January

Children of David Rigsby and Charity Brown:
Mahala Jane Rigsby b. 1855-11-13

Children of David Rigsby and Mary January:
Alice Elizabeth Rigsby b. 1877-10-00
James Howard Rigsby b. 1879-04-12
Amy Rigsby b. 1882-05-15
Charles Wyckleff Rigsby b. 1884-10-19



married Charity in Davis Co IA; they divorced between 1856 and 1865
married Mary in Bedford, Taylor Co IA
He and Mary are buried in Owyhee cemetery, Malheur Co OR.

With Mary he also had a daughter Laura who died young.

He was a miner.

He served in the Civil War (Union), 1st CO cavalry Co L; 2 CO infantry Co C.
He filed for a pension on 1890-09-06.

BLM General Land Office records

Jefferson Co CO, serial no COCOAA 062379
1866-09-01 David T Rigsby 160 acres
S 1/2 of SW 1/4 of section 12
and N 1/2 of NW 1/4 of section 13
Township 3 S Range 70 W of the 6th principal meridian in CO

Clear Creek Co CO, serial no COCOAA 019585
1877-10-17 David L Rigsby and George Sites 1.59 acres
Township 4 S Range 74 W of the 6th principal meridian in CO
[mineral patent, Providence lode]

Clear Creek Co CO, serial no COCOAA019347
1881-04-15 David T Rigsby and Henry M Arney 5.16 acres
Township 4 S Range 74 W of the 6th principal meridian in CO
[mineral patent, Algonquin lode]

Clear Creek Co CO, serial no COCOAA 019633
1882-04-29 David T Rigsby, Isaiah Jackson, Ira W January, Taylor Stricklor 4.44 acres
Township 4 S Range 74 W of the 6th princiapal meridian in CO
[mineral patent, Siler Star lode]

The New North-west [Deer Lodge MT], July 28, 1876

The North-West Company

Dr Jas Fuller, a heavy stock owner in, and Mr
J K Pardee, late Superintendent of the
North-West Company at Tower, were in
town Wednesday en route to Philadelphia.
The gentlemen went to Butte Thursday
and will look at that camp and Trapper
before proceeding east. The North-West
Company is going along steadily, working
ten men in the mine and twenty in the
mill, and shipped from the 1st to the 20th
of July $13,000 in silver bullion. For some
time the company has had a serious obsta-
cle to contend with in the character of the
ores they having changed from free milling
to zinc blende, a very intractable base, re-
quiring much longer to roast. The Bruck-
ner cylinders, which put through a charge
of the free ores in seven to eight hours,
required eighteen or twenty hours to roast
the zinc blende, so that the capacity of the
mill for handling was much reduced and
the cost of reduction per ton correspond-
ingly increased. For some time recently,
awaiting the arrival of a roaster familiar
with that character or ore, the mill has
been run parially on custom rock. A
week ago Mr D T Rigsby, who for
several years has had charge of the roasting
department -- five Bruckner cylinders -- of
the Pelican mill, Georgetown, Colorado,
arrived and took charge of the roasting
department of the North-West mill. The
Pelican ores have been the same as the
Trout has run into, and Mr Rigsby
is a specialist in their treatment. He
anticipates no trouble with them although
some additonal facilities will be required
to do as rapid work as with free millling
ores, and Mr Pardee is confident that Mr
Rigsby will make a succesful treatment
in every particular.

The New North-west [Deer Lodge MT], June 13, 1879

Hope Company

Mr Rigsby, who for the past two years
has occupied the responsible position of
chloridizer at the Northwestern Company's
mill, leaves on the 10th inst for Colorado.
His loss will be severely felt, as he was not
only an attentive and careful man, but also
thoroughly competent and versed in his
business. His many friends here sincerely
regret to part with him and his estimable
wife. A more lucrative position elsewhere
coupled with a desire for a change on the
part of his lady precludes the possibility of
a longer sojourn with us. May their lines
be cast in pleasant places wherever they go
is the fervent wish of all who know them

1910 census Malheur Co OR p119a
James H Rigsby household
father David T 76 MO/SCO/KY

1900 census Malheur Co OR p244a
Robert L Harris household
wife Alice? A 21 1878-10 MO/MO/OH
f-l David T Rigsby 66 1834-04 MO/SCO/KY
b-l James Rigsby 21 1879-04 IL?/MO/OH
b-l Charles Rigsby 15 1884-10 OR/MO/OH

[Either Alice's or James' birth date is wrong.]

1880 census Clear Creek Co CO p85c
David T Rigsbey 45 MO/KY/KY
wife Mary E 28 OH/OH/VT
dau Alice 2 MT Terr
son James 1 MT Terr

1870 census Jefferson Co CO p370
John Higgins household
David Rigsby 33 MO

[His daughter Mahala is in San Joaquin Co CA with her mother and her mother's second husband.]

1856 state census Davis Co IA p822
David Riggsby 34 MO
Charity 31 OH
Mahala 1 IA

Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds -- page 31524
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