Susannah Rigsby Genealogy

Record modified: 2007-09-11

 / Placeholder (unknown)
 / James Rigsby|
|  \
Susannah Rigsby |
|  /
 \ Susannah Wright |

Born: about 1797-00-00 Wake Co, North Carolina USA
Died: 1830-00-00


She was born between 1794 and 1800, probably in Wake Co NC.

married in Allen Co KY 1815-12-04 John Sears c1750 King & Queen Co VA d 1827-11-xx MO s/o Thomas Sears + Elizabeth (unknown)
She was John's second wife. I'm pretty sure all John's children were by his first wife Mary Hopson c1760 VA d/o Richard Hopson + Elizabeth (unknown). Mary is probably related to my Hopson family.

Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds -- page 33181
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