Jacob Zentz Genealogy

Record modified: 2021-01-31

 / Johann Zentz
 / Jacob Zentz|
|  \ Maria Fritsch
Jacob II Zentz |
|  / George Myers
 \ Margaret Myers |
 \ Mary (unknown)

Born: about 1796-00-00
Died: (unknown) Blair Co, Pennsylvania USA
1. Elizabeth (unknown)

Children of Jacob Zentz and Elizabeth (unknown):
Israel Zentz b. 1816-04-08


He was born between 1790 and 1800, but wasn't the oldest son.

This Jacob is clearly not the one who married Christiana Munn.

In her will Margaret Myers leaves part of her estate to grandson Isreal Zentz. She does not mention her son Jacob.

"Portrait and Biographical Album of Wapello Co IA" gives a sketch of an Israel Zentz, who
"was born in Blair Co PA
1816-04-08, and is the son of Jacob and Elizabeth
Zentz, who both died in Blair Co before Israel was
old enough to have any recollection of them. On the
death of his parents he was taken and reared by his
Grandmother Zentz, with whom he lived until he was
about eighteen years old, when she died in Washington
Co PA."

[Blair was formed in 1846. Before that the area was the western part of Huntingdon and the northern tip of Bedford.]
The problem is the dates. Margaret died in 1846, when Israel would have been 30, not 18. Also, the 1830 census entry for Margaret and her second husband Jonathan Casebeer doesn't show anyone born in 1816 living with her.

I think it's actually Israel's mother who died before he could know her, and his father who died when he was 18, in 1834, at which point he lived with his grandmother. Jacob was alive in 1826 when his father died.

Jacob Zentz who married Christiana Munn was born in 1804, so can't be Israel's father, and also can't be Margaret's son.

Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds -- page 39952
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