Amos Zentz Genealogy

Record modified: 2016-08-09

 / Abraham Zentz
 / Daniel Zentz|
|  \ Elizabeth Snyder
Amos Urias Zentz |
|  /
 \ Louisa Yeagaling |

Born: 1846-12-17 Carroll Co, Maryland USA
Died: (unknown)
1. 1873-05-31 Elizabeth Fuss

Children of Amos Zentz and Elizabeth Fuss:
Florence E Zentz


Some genealogies say this is the Amos Zentz who married Mary E Barnes, but that is not correct.
Amos who married Mary was born about 1835. He is on the 1870 census in Carroll Co MD with his wife,
but this Amos is still with his parents on the 1870 census.
Both households appear in Carroll Co on the 1880 census.
Surely the other Amos is related to this one, but right now I'm not sure how.
I don't see the other Amos anywhere in MD on the 1850 census.

1910 census Carroll Co MD p5a (irregularly faded)
? H Erb household
wife Florence E 32 MD/MD/MD
father-in-law Amos U ? 63 MD/MD/MD
mother-in-law Elizabeth N? ? MD/MD/MD

1900 census Carroll Co MD p15a
Amos U Zentz 53 1846-12 MD/MD/MD
wife Elizabeth 46 1854-01 MD/MD/MD
dau Florence I Erb 23 1876-04 MD
son-in-law William Erb 28 1871-08 MD/MD/MD

1880 census Carroll Co MD p270a
Amos Zentz 35 MD/MD/MD
wife Elizabeth 30 MD/MD/MD
dau Florence E 4 MD
bro William H 22 MD

Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds -- page 50319
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