Simeon Hinds Genealogy

Record modified: 2021-09-19

 / Joseph Hinds|
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Simeon Hinds |
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 \ Rutha Baldwin |

Born: 1740-03-15 Mendham, Morris Co, New Jersey USA
Died: 1778-10-03 Guilford Co, North Carolina USA
1. 1769-00-00 Sarah (unknown)

Children of Simeon Hinds and Sarah (unknown):
Simeon II Hinds
Stephen Hinds d. 1800-01-00
Joseph John Hinds b. 1770-09-14
Nancy Hinds b. 1775-00-00
Sarah "Sally" Hinds b. about 1777-00-00


If you are descended from this Simeon, and are a male with the Hinds surname, we need you for the Hinds DNA project. See this page for information, and to submit an email to the project administrator.

A lot of trees say he was killed at the Battle of Guilford Court House, NC during the Revolutionary War, while serving under his brother, Captain John Hinds. That can't be right, though, because the battle was in 1781. (Actually there were several battles there.)
The Simeon who served under John Henry may have been this Simeon's son, or may have been Joseph Jr's son. Joseph's son clearly didn't die in the war. I don't know about Simeon Jr.

For information about his service, see NC Archives Record ID: 13.30.26919 and 13.30.26920 .

The Kay Lamb book shows additional children W D and John. It also shows Joseph's middle name as Rolland. It also has this Simeon's marriage date as 1760.

Did he have a son William c1789 who married Barbara Baugh?
William's descendants are a DNA match to descendants of Joseph Jr. Many trees say he was son of Joseph II, but Joseph II's son William died in 1788 in an Indian raid.
Descendants of William and Barbara are not DNA matches to any descendants of Joseph II, or of John Henry, so it's likely William is from a different Hinds family.

One tree at says he had a son Samuel c1770 who had sons Joseph and Samuel II who lived in Knox Co TN. I have several Hindses in Knox Co, but no Samuel who matches. This Simeon's son Simeon may also have ended up in Knox Co.

Did he have a daughter Charity c1773 who married Israel Harris?
They were married in Randolph Co NC, then moved to Knox Co TN and Putnam Co IN. Some of their children moved to Dade Co MO. There were Hinds descendants living in all those counties, some of them nearby.
Their first son was Simeon, and their second was Joseph.
Their son Alfred married Sarah Newport, gd/o John Henry Hinds.

Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds -- page 1039
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