Levi Hinds Genealogy
Record modified: 2025-03-10
Born: 1762-00-00 Rowan Co, North Carolina USA
Died: 1842-09-11 New Hope, Madison Co, Alabama USA
1. 1787-00-00 Huldah Byram
Children of Levi Hinds and Huldah Byram:
born 1767? born 1765?
genforum message 458:
The estate of Levi Hinds is of record in Madison County, AL. in Case No. 413. The Order settling his estate is on line. Pauline Jones Gandrud included a copy of the newspaper's account of Huldah's death in her book on Marriage, Death and Legal Notices from Early Alabama Newspapers. Somewhere I read that both Huldah and Levi are buried in the Byram cemetary at or close to New Hope.
[note: the page referred to is now gone]
genforum message 471:
The Byram and Hinds families moved together from New Jersey to North Carolina, to Tennessee and then on to Alabama.
genforum message 513:
citing "Long Ago in Madison County":
In 1805 John Hunt came to what is now known as Madison County from his home in East Tennessee and settled with his family at the Big Spring. Within three years some three hundred families had joined him and were living in a settlement known as Hunt's Spring.
About the same time, many people came to live south of the Tennessee line in a triangular area which had been ceded by the Chickasaw and Cherokee Indians. Among this group was the Levi Hinds family who lived near Knoxville, Tennessee. The Hinds family reached Madison County by traveling down the rough trail from Winchester and crossing the southern boundary of Tennessee. For their homestead they
chose a beautiful valley west of Berry Mountain where they built a cabin, cleared fields, planted crops, and hoped that some day they would be able to buy the land they had cleared.
On December 13, 1808, Governor David Holmes of the Mississippi Territory created the County of Madison within the limits of the triangular area ceded by the Indians. The following year, a Federal land Office was opened in Nashville, Tennessee, and on August 7, 1809, all of the public land in Madison County was put on sale. There were so many people who wanted to buy farms that not all of the early settlers were able to get the land they had already cleared.
Levi Hinds, however, was fortunate. He became the first man to purchase land in Madison County, buying 320 acres in the beautiful valley where he had settled. This acreage consisted of two quarter sections, the Northeast Quarter of Section 7 and the Northwest Quarter of Section 8, in Township 3, Range 2 East. In 1787 Levi Hinds had married Hulda Byram, a direct descendant of John Alden and Priscilla Mullens who had come to America in the Mayflower, and about whom Longfellow wrote in his celebrated poem. Levi and Hulda Hinds had twelve children. It is about two of these children. Daniel and Milly, that the stories in this book are told.
These stories, based on the family of Levi Hinds were created in order to give children an understanding of life in pioneer days in Madison County.
from a tree that no longer exists:
Be it remembered that on this day September 12th 1844 before me JOHN C.
THOMPSON Judge of the Orphans Court of said County comes LEVI HINDS
administrator of LEVI HINDS, late of said county, deceased, prays that the
account and vouchers of his said administration as heretofore filed in the
office of Register of said Court and reported for allowances at the present term
of the court for allowance be allowed and in appearing to the satisfaction of
the court that notice of the intention of the said administration to his said
account presented to the court at the present term for allowance was given by
advertisement in the Democratic Herald a newspaper printed in the town of
Huntsville in said county for forty days previous to the present term of the
court and the court now in consideration of the said account and no objection
being made to the same or any part thereof and it appearing by the said
account that the said administrator has received and is chargeable with the
sum of two thousand two hundred & fifty four dollars & ninety eight cents
and is entitled to credit amounting to one hundred and eighty two dollars &
fifty eight cents leaving a balance due the said estate of two thousand &
seventy two dollars & forty cents it is therefore ordered & decreed that the
said account as above stated be allowed filed and recorded and the court
proceeding to distribute the said sum of two thousand & seventy two dollars
& forty cents it is ordered and decreed that the said administrator pay to the
heirs of BENJAMIN HINDS, deceased, son of the said LEVI HINDS, deceased,
the sum of two hundred & seven dollars & twenty four cents. To HANNAH
CARDWELL wife of ABASLOM CALDWELL & daughter of the said LEVI
HINDS, deceased, the sum of two hundred and seven dollars & twenty four
cents which is hereby assessed and decreed at her distributive share. To
BYRAM HINDS, son of the deceased the sum of two hundred and seven
dollars and twenty four cents which is herby assessed & decreed as his
distributive share. To LYDIA RIGSBY daughter of said deceased the sum of
two hundred & seven dollars and twenty four cents which is hereby assessed
and decreed as her distributive share. To CHLOE FRY wife of SOLOMAN
FRY & daughter of said deceased the sum of two hundred seven dollars &
twenty four cents which is hereby assessed and decreed as her distributive
share. To THURSEY MORRIS wife of ISAAC MORRIS & daughter of the
deceased the sum of two hundred and seven dollars & twenty four cents
which is hereby assesssed and decreed as her distributive share. To CALVIN
HINDS son of said deceased the sum of two hundred & seven dollars &
twenty four cents which is hereby assessed & decreed as his distributive
share. To JOSEPH HINDS son of the deceased the sum of two hundred and
seven dollars & twenty four cents which is hereby assessed & decreed as his
destributive share. To MILLY WEAVER wife of DANIEL WEAVER &
daughter of said deceased the sum of two hundred & seven dollars & twenty
four cents which is hereby assessed & decreed as her distributive share and in
further order & decreed that the said administrator LEVI HINDS who is a son
of said deceased retain in his hands the sum of two hundred & seven dollars
& twenty four cents which is hereby assessed and decreed as his destributive
September 10th 1844
Orphans Court of Madison County September 10, 1844, final settlement of
LEVI HINDS Administrator of the Estate of LEVI HINDS, deceased, having
been met with the court by said administrator is ordered to be recorded (See
Minute Book No. 10, page 18) Pursuant to said order said final settlement
duly recorded the 7th day of May 1846 in Orphans Record Book M, page 279.
Teste John M. Otey, Clerk
1840 census Madison Co AL p33
Levi Hinds 1 M 20-30, 1 M 30-40, 1 M 70-80, 1 F <5, 1 F 5-10, 1 F 15-20, 1 F 20-30, 1 F 60-70
[x, Levi 35, Levi 68?, Huldah 4, Eliza 6, x, Ann 26, Huldah 68]
I'm pretty sure Levi Jr is living with Levi Sr. Levi Jr doesn't otherwise appear on the census, and the ages match his children.
Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds -- page 3842
I strive for accuracy, but I cannot guarantee this information
is correct or complete. Hard references are given where I have them,
but otherwise you should verify this information.
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