William Baker Genealogy

Record modified: 2018-11-01
This is my ancestor 6 generations back.

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William Baker |
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Born: (unknown) Tennessee USA
Died: (unknown)
1. 1805-04-22 Nancy Duncan

Children of William Baker and Nancy Duncan:
George W Baker
James M Baker
Louisa Baker
Eltigard J Baker b. about 1805-00-00
*Matilda Baker b. 1807-00-00
Lucinda Baker b. about 1810-00-00
Mary A Baker b. 1820-02-14
Malinda Baker b. about 1822-00-00


married in Greene Co TN

children from the will of Nancy's brother David

It appears that some or all of his children were born in TN. A couple of them married in IL, though. Did William Baker and his other children move to IL after Matilda married William Hinds?

There was a James Baker who married Elizabeth Montgomery and lived on the Wolf River, near the Hindses.
However, his son William was born in 1806, so can't be this William.

There was a James Baker in Frederick Co VA who about 1800 bought land that Nancy's mother Rebecca inherited from Rebecca's mother. Was he the James Baker on the Wolf River? Was he this William's brother?
That James seems to be son of a Samuel Baker. Samuel's will names only three children: James, Samuel, and Elizabeth. If the James on the Wolf River is this William's brother, he isn't Samuel's son. Maybe James and William are cousins?

possible parents (from genforum):
Isaac Baker, b. 1757 in VA or NC and Hannah Houston (they m. 1780) After Isaac and Hannah married they eventually settled in the Greene Co., TN area.

[Hannah was d/o my ancestor James Houston. They apparently had a son William 1785 who married 1808 Christina Girdner.]

possible relatives (also from genforum):
Elizabeth Baker married 1817 Isaac Pate, Overton Co, TN.
Abraham Baker lived in the same area of Overton Co, TN.

LDS site has a William Baker born 1789-01-31 Hawkins TN, son of Robert Baker

try this page

One tree at Ancestry gives his parents as Samuel Baker c1744 VA d 1836-03-01 AL + Elizabeth Beach c1755 Fauquier Co VA.
Samuel s/o John Baker d c1764 Westmoreland Co VA + Katherine (unknown).
Elizabeth d/o Peter Beach c1730 VA. Peter s/o Alexander Beach c 1700 VA d Fauquier Co VA + Margaret (unknown). Alexander s/o Peter Beach c1680 Staffordshire ENG + Mary (unknown).

Beach info supported by Fauquier Co records.
Baker info from "Fauquier County in the Revolution" by T Triplett Russell and John K Gott, p80.
The tree also cites "The Beach Family of Kentucky" by T J Beach, p6.

Samuel + Elizabeth's other children shown living in Greene Co TN and Caldwell Co KY.

Note the Hindses interacted with the Beaches.

Is this him?

Overton Co TN Deed Book E, p476
William Baker & Sons of Baltimore MD, to Landon Armstrong of Monroe Co in TN, 160 acres land in
Overton Co TN.

On the 1850 census, the only William Baker born in TN between 1770 and 1790 is this one:
1850 census Camden Co MO p328b, district #13
William Baker 78 TN
Elizabeth 73 TN
Mary 12 MO

Is this him?
1840 census Sangamon Co IL p57
Wm Baker 1 M 15-20, 1 M 20-30, 1 M 40-50, 1 F 5-10, 1 F 10-15, 1 F 40-50

On p58 is Samuel Drennan, who married his daughter Mary.

Is this him?
1830 census Sangamon Co IL p176
William Baker 1 M 5-10, 1 M 10-15, 1 M 20-30, 1 M 30-40, 1 F <5, 1 F 5-10, 1 F 30-40

That is certainly the same William as 1840.
The entries don't quite match my William: He should have only 2 sons, and daughters Mary and Malinda should be 8 and 10 in 1830; Malinda should be 18 in 1840. They are mighty close, though.
This isn't really old enough to be my William, though. The William of these entries was born between 1790 and 1800, but my William married in 1805.

1820 census entries for William Baker in TN
Davidson Co p70: 2 M 0-10, 1 M 26-45, 3 F 0-10, 1 F 26-45
Giles Co p24: 3 M 0-10, 1 M 26-45, 1 F 0-10, 1 F 26-45
Montgomery Co p238: 1 M 0-10, 1 M 45+, 3 F 0-10
Sumner Co p272: 1 M 0-10, 1 M 16-26, 1 M 45+, 1 F 0-10, 1 F 26-45, 1 F 45+
White Co p346: 2 M 0-10, 1 M 16-26, 1 M 26-45, 1 F 0-10, 1 F 10-16, 2 F 26-45
White Co p360: 1 M 0-10, 1 M 10-16, 1 M 16-26, 1 M 45+, 1 F 0-10, 1 F 10-16, 1 F 16-26, 1 F 26-45

Overton Co has only Abraham.

Only the ones in White Co are close enough to Overton Co, where daughter Matilda married in 1821.
Either of those two could be my William. They both have daughters who could be Matilda 13 and Mary <1. They both have an extra son. Given that William had a lot of daughters, the second is slightly more likely.

Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds -- page 1687
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